Age of Heroes

Chapter 403: Linchpin (2)

With all his clear-sightedness, it seems he has a flaw as Arial hardly understand how differently things looked in the Vanguan eyes. 

Some indeed, especially churchmen, especially foreign churchmen, now began to doubt whether to fight against Arial is not to fight against God, and to be damned into Seven Hells. 

But to the nation at large, Arial is simply just another Alexander Montblanc the First, in past times. 

Vanguan had before now been conquered, but never in a single fight. 

Past Kings had fought battle after battle with the Caelum Emperors, and men had no mind to submit to the Arrandians just because Arial once victorious. 

But the past Kings, great and valiant king of the past that protected the Anglais Raxons community in Vangua against the tyranny of Alexander the Divider, in alternate defeat and victory, lived to fight again; their people had not to choose a new king; the King had merely to gather a new army. 

This is where the scenario is in Arial favour.

Harald was slain, and the first question was how to fill his place. 

The Council of lords, so many as could be got together, met to choose a king, whose first duty would be to meet Arial the Conqueror in arms. 

The choice is not easy. Harald's son is just a baby. 

His cousin, great warrior and lords, of whom Girth at least must have been fit to reign, had fallen with him. 

So the council of lord degenerated into shouting matches with the great houses of the south and west.

The church on the other hand did not agree; they hold that God has declared in favour of Arial the Dragon. 

The local resistance which Arial had met shows that, with any combined action, the case is not hopeless. 

Vanguans is eager to fight; so doubtless are others; but there is no leader that they could rally behind. 

Meanwhile the Conqueror is advancing, by his own road and after his own fashion. 

He did not leave Eden until he had received reinforcement from Aetherland, no doubt the work of the Empress Dowager, who have persuaded the Aetherland King to cease the cold war between them and even Zettel send some of their armies no doubt to gain some favour with the new Emperor.

A large part of Vangua is left helpless. 

A legal claimant of the crown, it is his interest as soon as possible to become a crowned Emperor now that Freya and Cori are under his dominion.

It is not his interest to march straight onto the council of Lords in Ordon and demand the crown, sword in hand. 

Arial saw that, submission to himself is only a question of time. This is the trend of the times and no one could stop it

After a few weeks of skirmishes with several bishops and chief men, lords of west and east, and even from the south all came to make their submission. 

They offered the crown to Arial as King and acknowledged Arial claim to the territory of Vangua and acknowledging in length of Arial claim to be the Emperor, and, after some debate they agreed to it with consternation

Why Arial turns the matter of acceptance which he seeks into a debate? From the beginning he claims the crown as his right; the crown is offered to him; and yet he doubts about taking it. 

Ought he, he asks, to take the crown of a kingdom of which he has not as yet gain full possession? 

At that time the territory of which Arial had even military possession could not have stretched much to the south of a line drawn from Alsencon to Arleans. 

Outside that line, men are, as Arial is made to say, still in rebellion. 

His scruples were overcome by an orator that he summons personally from Arrandy, the one that once saved their king, Silas Perigord. 

His reputation is well known, a brilliant politician and a great orator.

Arial had try to bid his case in front of the Council of Lords but it was not got up without a motive. 

Arial try to seek outward legality, seeking to do things peaceably when they could be done peaceably, seeking for means to put every possible enemy in the wrong, wished to make his acceptance of the Vanguan crown as formally regular as might be. 

Strong as he held his claim to be by the gift of King Edward, it would be better to be, if not strictly chosen, at least peacefully accepted, by the chief men of Vangua. 

And Silas understand his lord thoughts.

It might someday serve the Emperor purpose to say that the crown had been offered to him, and that he had accepted it only after a debate 

Listening to the debate and the convincing argument the council of lords who already had decided to give the crown had to watch the farce for half an hour before they give the crown to Arial.

And then Arial is coronated after all parts of the kingdom has submitted to him once again reviving the Caelum Imperial line in Vangua.

Nothing that is needed for a lawful crowning is lacking. 

The consent of the people, the oath of the Emperor, the anointing by the hands of a lawful metropolitan, all is there. 

He promised them peace, blessed by God, that people will live prosperous life, a thousand year of peace and that he declared that Vangua name will be changed when he has found the occasion to change it. 

He is now known to the continent as Emperor Arial Vermont, Emperor of Eden Empire while the martial art world gives him the nickname Celestial Emperor. 

Everyone now know of his air manipulating technique, killing hundreds thousand by his own power, completely changing the course of a war. 

Never before other than Levitia that one man could change the tide of battle alone. 

Even now the news spread to other nation and they agree that Arial is a threat. Plots bubbled under the guise of diplomatic trades. 

But now everyone knows that Arial is a Conquering king, a conquering ruler. 

Of course there is some small rebellion but in the might of the military machine of Arial army who could stand in a long war against them, now that they have the approval of the church and most of the northern lords?

In other words, Arial seat as Emperor is secure.

If the men of Vangua should refuse to receive him as their ruler, he could tell them that he is their lawful sovereign, anointed by their own Prince Articon. 

It is sound policy to act as king of the whole land, to exercise a semblance of authority where he had none in fact. 

And in truth he is king of the whole land, so far as there is no other king. 

The unconquered parts of the land are in no mood to submit; but they could not agree on any common plan of resistance under any common leader. 

All the great lords of Vangua perished in the battle. If Harald did not bring all his great host during the battle maybe even Arial had a hard time stabilizing his newly conquered region.

If one common leader could have been found, the throne of the foreign sovereign would have been in no small danger. 

To rid out the Caelum is not easy but at least if they have one leader they could instigated revolt in the province and continually driving the foreign ruler to fatigue.

Even if he is undefeated in battle how could he administer his empire if he is always pressed for battle? 

He could kill all of them but then he will be standing among graves.

But no such leader came: men stood still, or resisted piecemeal, so the land is conquered piecemeal, and that under cover of being brought under the obedience of its lawful king.

So Arial returned to Eden after the great deed is completed, that finally the Vanguan Kingdom truly fell unto his hand, Eden the capital he makes for himself and sit on his grand and majestic throne, with a dragon carved design on his throne.

Silas and many of his inner council has already arrived to the capital after the coronation. He is only waiting for her daughter and wife.

They all are waiting for the King to order them for the next move. Silas has merited many contribution, during Robert insistence, and during the church matter, so Arial has promised him the title of Duke in one of the regions.

Arial had to say that the coronation really helps him.

The coronation has its effect in a moment after the news travelled all around the kingdom. 

It made him really king over part of Vangua; it put him into a new position with regard to the rest. 

As soon as there is a king, men flocked to swear oaths to him and become his men, knights and talented men, scholars and ambitious men. 

They even came from region where he has no real authority. 

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