Age of Heroes

Chapter 379: Sound the horns! (1)


Today the troops have assembled after vigorous preparation. Since last year they are were all ready to march.

The speech has been spoken, the goodbyes have been conveyed and now the men with valiant heart are marching to the onset of the battle.

The assembling of the troops on the outside of the city along the city formed a very grand and imposing if not frightening spectacle. 

The fleets of people covering the surface of the territory—the long lines of tents under the cliffs on the land—the horsemen, splendidly mounted with the dragon banner behind their back, blown by the wind, in their right flank, the papnoticon banner of approval held by the most illustrious personage of the Church, and glittering with steel—the groups of soldiers, all busily engaged in transporting provisions and stores to and fro, or making the preliminary arrangements for the marching.

There is also the thousands of spectators who came and went incessantly, and the duke himself, gorgeously dressed with his armor, a crested dragon blazingly emblazoned on his chest plate, mounted on his war-horse, that fiery horse that invites fear in the heart of men, his long flowing white hair gives him the air of a majestic King immense in power and authority, with the guards and officers that attended him—these, and the various other elements of martial parade and display usually witnessed on such occasions, conspired to produce a very brilliant, as well as magnificent scene.

'Mother, look! Look! There is the Duke' some kids watched the parade with awe and admiration and even the adults look with envy at the vigor that the duke possesses.

'That is our lord' they will say.

'May the Light protect these men blessed by the Church' some would pray.

'Lord Kyle, look here. We wish you victory' Some girls look and shouted encouragement at the famous single young lord of the House of Lethe. 

Noble ladies would line up for a chance to be look by one of the most prominent lord of Arrandy. 

Not to mention Kyle himself is handsome and has a way with words and very gentlemanly. And still unmarried

Lord Kyle just smiles his most pleasant smile and wave to the ladies and people could see them swooning over the lord.

Lord West on the other hand can be seen talking with his wife, but one could surmise their conversation just by looking at their expression.

Lord West is worried about his wife pregnancy and his wife is worried about his safety.

Arial had even suggested for West to sit this war out considering his pregnant wife and it is better for him to be with his family but his duty towards the dream of his liege lord comes before his family. 

He insisted telling the Duke that his vassal would guard his area and surely they would guard her wife the same way they would guard his area. 

With great care.

It is well known the unbending principle of West, his belief in truth and honor, and the Knight code. 

Such qualities might make him a bit of a boor in the court but as an ally, there is no one you would rather trust.

It is for these reasons Arial very much fond of Lord West.

Of course, the assembling of so large a force of men and of vassals, and the various preparations for the march, consumed some time. 

It was during this time as Arial waited for all his vassal to come that he received the most joyous news.

He has received the letter a few days ago, and he has already sent the men moons ago and finally his effort bore fruit.

'They have begun their move' he said when he received the letter.

Suddenly this unmoving great army of the duke sends a detachment to Vangua as spy and trackers. 

Why? Lord Diego Botticelli, one of the Princes of the Four Families, one of the rulers of Freya has reply to the letter that Arial has sent him.

So, finally after month of persuading, he has received words of acceptance from the Botticelli that Diego would sail from Ranoa Republic and will attack the southernmost point of Vangua.

He told Arial that he himself had more influence in former Freya, and that if Arial would supply him with a small fleet and a moderate number of men, he would make a descent upon the coast and show what he could do.

Arial on receiving the letter consulted Silas and Lord Oliver and has decided to help Diego not only for Botticelli benefit but also because of Arial own purpose.

Arial acceded to his proposal, and furnished him with the force which he required, and Diego set sail with that confirmation that has been confirmed since two months ago. (the army is send beforehand by sailing to Ranoa)

Arial had not, apparently, have much confidence in the power of Diego to produce any great effect, but his efforts, he thought, might cause some alarm in Vangua, and occasion sudden and fatiguing marches to the troops of King Harald, and thus distract and weaken King Harald's forces. 

Most of the people he sends is mercenary companies, as Arial would not waste his people on what he deemed a fool errand.

Arial would not, therefore, accompany Lord Diego himself, but, dismissing him with such force as he could readily raise on so sudden a call, he remained himself in Arrandy, and commenced in earnest his own grand preparations, waiting for the auspicious occasion to march unhindered on Vanguan soil.

In Arial mind, if Lord Diego could turn Harald gaze from his northern border then Arial could come without much complication.

It is a waiting game between Harald and him. It's not like he couldn't anticipate Harald move. He must have set some measures in Arleans and Borveaux.

On the other hand, Diego did not think it is prudent to attempt a landing on Freyan shores until he had obtained some accession to the force which Arial had given him. 

He accordingly passed through the Anjou Channel, and then turning he sailed along the shores of the Anjou in search of allies. 

He came, at length, to Anjou Isle near the Anjou horde. He entered into negotiations there with the Anjouian king, whose name, is Baeral Son of Sareal. 

This Anjouian King is a wild and adventurous soldier and sailor, a sort of sea king, who had spent a considerable portion of his life in marauding excursions upon the seas. 

In a way, he is a pirate king that terrorizes people around the Anjou channels and the Dark Sea.

He readily entered into Diego views. An arrangement was soon concluded, and Diego set sail to Freya. 

All this took place moons before Arial begin marching as Diego got the letter and already accepted it but made the Duke waited on him.

Of course Arial did not sit tight during that time and called many lords to help him. (It is referenced in the previous chapter when Arial talk about the "letter")

At the same time that Arial threatened invasion is gathering strength and menacing Harald's northern frontier, a cloud equally dark and gloomy, and quite as threatening in its aspect, was rising and swelling in the south; while the new king, King Harald himself, though full of vague uneasiness and alarm, could gain no certain information in respect to either of these dangers.

However, all this preparation has consumed a lot of time in Diego part. The equinoctial gales came on, and it was found impossible to leave the port to fulfill his promise to Arial. 

There is, in fact, a continuance of heavy winds and seas, and stormy skies, for several weeks. 

Short intervals, from time to time, occurred, when the clouds would break away, and the sun appear; and for a while the army cheered in happiness but these intervals did not liberate the fleet from its confinement, for they were not long enough in duration to allow the sea to go down. 

The surf continued to come rolling and thundering in upon the shore, and over the sand-bars at the mouth of the river, making destruction the almost inevitable destiny of any ship which should undertake to brave its fury. 

The vessels furled their sails, and drew in their banners, and rode at anchor, presenting their heads doggedly to the storm. 

The men on the shore sought shelter in their tents. 

The days wore on as Diego and his officers watched the scudding clouds in the sky, day after day, with great and increasing anxiety.

The duke on the other hand will not move from the border of Aetherland until he hears word of Diego attack. 

He intended this to be a two pronged attack.

And as the time wore on there is stories of dreams in Diego army that wore on the morale of the army.

But then one day like the Maiden Princess herself blessed their journey, the clouds clears, the wind became calm and Diego smiling with joy, set sail with his army.

Diego armament crossed the Dark Sea in safety, and is joined by Baeral on the coast of southern Freya


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