Age of Heroes

Chapter 339: Central celestial (2)


Then suddenly the automated door opens. 

'Mr President! An emergency missive has arrived from the eastern Border.' As he ran to the President and quickly handed the missive.

'Victor! Aero sense something is wrong. 

'What is happening?' He asks instead of opening the missive.

'We found them.' Aero knew what he meant. He did not have to open the missive to know what Viktor is talking about.

'Where are they?'

'East of our position. Their position is being monitored by Admiral Vasco. He has reported their position. Should we lend help?' 

'This is all under my calculation. We need to reach Arianna at that city immediately. Begin Operation Firestorm. We will vanquish the Fay from the face of this world. The last attack, at that city still did not break their resistance so today we will show them our power.' Then he sighed. 

'The war is started by a few men and today it will end…. but...what will the later generation remember, feel, when they judge what we have done? Will they brand us as an unfeeling race, or a race that is only trying to defend themselves from the persecution of the Demon Lords? What will history tell about us? This is no difference than genocide, a destruction of a race but my war is the Senate War, my win is humanity win, my losses is the humanity losses. When all this is put at stake when our own freedom and livelihood is threatened…. could I do nothing?'

Viktor just look at his president with conflicted feeling. He remembers what happens. He was there with him during the first conflict with the Fay began. 

It all started when the Fay try to enslave Aero wife, Viktor sister and a few of the other human in the community that Aero and his mother built. 

One act of defiance turns into a spark that ignited a war with the Fay….and the only way to douse the fire is the destruction of the other. 

The prideful Fay could not accept that they lost against humans and they kept fighting leaving the President with no choice but to keep warring and winning. 

Losing is forbidden. 

If he lost, humanity will pay the price. The Fay sees humans as not even worth of dignity and as such the idea of negotiating with human is foreign and insulting to them. 

It is for this reason there is no other choice but the destruction of either this two races the Fay or humans. 

But even so, Aero still feel that this war could have been prevented, stopped if the Fay could swallow their pride and meet them at the discussion table. 

But now it is too late. The Fay is but a little force by now.

And victory is all but a guarantee.

Julia just looks at her son and even she could feel the burden entrusted onto her son shoulders. 

'Mom, we will have to resume our conversation at another time. 

'Go and be safe. Don't make me or Amanda worried about you. The man nodded and burning determination can be seen in his eyes.

'Call my ministers. We are going to wa- '



And suddenly Arial is on the starry skies again, looking at endless darkness that is all around him

'Is that-?' 

'What is that?' he asked himself. It was like something played out in front of him, of something of a distant past, that it felt so real. 

On his eyes, all he could see is stars. He finally realized…. he is unconscious. Gaveror take over his body, and Arial is unwilling. 

But if he was stronger…if he was more alert…. then Gaveror would not have this opportunity. 

And Arial knows that Gaveror is not acting out of ill intent. He is just trying to make sure his heart isn't destroyed by humans. 

But they are my enemies. And as such it is his duty to see it to the end not Gaveror. It is my problem, my mess….it is only right I fixed it. He thought

'I must return'

He prayed and wish with all his heart and then suddenly a light shine down on him, a comforting and healing light from one of the stars

The star is a shining purplish star, and it is positioned just beside a dimming star and for another time, he felt a shock all over his nerve, his consciousness comes and fades, like something attacked him but at the same time cuddling him, like he is travelling somewhere, anywhere, everywhere, like he is with One with everything, the heaven, the earth, the planes of existence, breaking the barrier of time and space, seeing something in a fast motion. 

He could see in some places, or maybe some other time, there is statue of him, a very large statue of him, a scene of blood bath, a scene of inconsolable sorrow….and he could not help but wonder whether this is the past or the future. 

And he also sees two person wearing an evil smile, with an army of monsters with someone in front of the two men yelling attack.

All thoughts for that moments melded into his mind, all the anger, the pain, the regrets, the hatred, despair, the compassion, love, hope, for that one brief second that felt like an eternity, he feels it all, like an amalgamation of the collective human emotions.

And then the light disappeared.

And he opens his eyes.



In front of him is the Western Serpent looking at him with fear, her eyes wavering and from the distance he could see the immortals laying on the ground incapacitated. 

All around him is blood. 

The hills were destroyed, the lakes nearby are boiling, smokes coming out of the blue water with some corpses seen floating above the surface of the lakes, their skins blistered, their faces unrecognizable.

What have Gaveror done? He mused. 

The smell of death pervades Arial nose, the smell of blood, the smell of roasted human meat, the sound of despair and praying enter Arial ears.

The peak around him appeared like Oblivion Hell. 

The grass is non-existent, showing the bare ground, there is thus painful silence of the deceased and the fear directed to him. 

He could see the martial artist corpses, their body is scattered all around the peak, swords, spears, sticks, sticking out of their body. 

Some were smashed into a puddle of blood on the sharp rock and jagged edges of the hills and boulder rocks.

The moment that Arial regain consciousness all the flying weapons fall to the ground, like stars or some comet, falling like rain while the people under it all run to the other side, dodging and deflecting the rain of swords and sharp and heavy objects from the sky.

There is the groaning of pain from many of the surviving martial artist, some stabbed in the thighs, some in the chest but they survived, though not for long. 

If not from the loss of blood, it is from the internal injuries. Arial realize Gaveror imbued internal energy in his strike, even for the disciples.

Gaveror leave no mercy to his enemy. A trait he admittedly shares with Gaveror. Like Gaveror he leaves no mercy for his enemies.

Some are quivering in fear, hoping to escape this nightmare that they have seen. Hundreds of martial artist from every sect has fallen. 

And the most unbelievable thing is the perpetrator of such mass massacre. It only took one person to do this kind of damage.

Arial did not see when the martial artist pleads for mercy, praying to every god, that their life will be spared. 

Yet, the falling weapon strikes them all the same, drowning them from their prayers and curses, like Arial is mocking them. 

But how could he explain it was not him that perpetrates this action but…. his unwilling companion

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