Age of Heroes

Chapter 325: Old story (1)

She looks at the lake in front of her and she wondered why it is so clear. 

It is amazing that even if the lake is clear, there is fishes inside it. Probably the fishes inside the lake is also not just normal fishes.

She sighed.

The lake she is looking at is one of the many small lakes all over this peak

Fish could be seen jumping out of the water every once in a while, catching some flying bugs that is unfortunate enough to become lunch for the fishes

All around her is trees with green leaves and as the wind blows the smell of the forest would blow by

And the beauty of this place, the fact that is was small and serene, it gives this place a sacred place of healing which contrasted with the appearance of the gloomy forest on the other side of the hill.

The hill is a patchwork of dark and gloomy feeling. That is what Xiyun felt. She stands there as she wait for Xiao De. She is thinking while she is waiting

Then from the vicinity Xiyun could hear the sound of footsteps. 

She turns around and see a dashing young man looking at her. 

Xiao De had that elegance of Sun Moon Sect disciple but also that rugged look of a person that is accustomed to hardship in the martial arts world

'Xiao De you are finally here.' She said casually. Xiao De only smiles and then he said

'Yes, I promise I would come didn't I?' Xiyun quickly dive straight to the topic and ask him

'So what is the important thing you need to talk about? Surely it is not about my teacher.' She said grinning, knowing fully that is Xiao De intention of asking her here. 

No matter how Xiyun rack her brain she could not find any other reason than this. Xiao De redden in embarrassment as Xiyun guessed the reason correctly

'Ah, Sister Xiyun is insightful indeed. Then permit me asking this favor from you. We want to ask you, to ask your teacher whether he would permit the other schools to visit him.' 

'Visit my teacher. Why?' she asks in puzzlement 

The wind blows a bit, caressing Xiyun long flowing hair and her expression. Xiao De even though he just meets the girl had already formed a certain opinion of her.

Xiao De could see a little bit of haughtiness, a prideful disposition…. almost like her older sister.

Xiao De then respectfully said

'Hmmm...the other schools especially Yilin Temple want to reconcile their difference with your teacher.' 

She snorted and then say

'Why not come and ask my teacher personally?' Xiao De scratch his head and then said

'Well, considering what happen before- '

And Xiyun understand. Who know if her teacher is still angry? Then she asks Xiao De

'So, you want me to ask my teacher? What if my teacher gets angry at me? I don't want to bear the brunt of my teacher wrath.' She said but before Xiao De could interject she then added 

'And why is that Yilin monk won't ask me themselves? Too proud? Too prideful? Why is it you?' she said as she attacks Xiao De with questions after question.

Xiao De could only sigh and then said

'Sister Xiyun, don't be like this. You know why they didn't come. They fear offending your teacher if they are spotted.' 

Xiyun then look again at Xiao De and there is a smile on her face. It is a mocking smile.

'And you… are not afraid. So, you do not fear offending my teacher. You must think my teacher is not worth all the attention' she said grinning maliciously. Xiao De face turns pale.

'Sister Xiyun. Why twist my noble intention? Why twist my words? I am confident that the noble lord is not that petty.' 

'Hmph!' Xiyun snorted again. It is like Arial arrogance is rubbing off on her.

'Who are you to say things about my teacher character? And if my teacher is petty? What will you do? What could you do?' 

'HAHAHAHA' Xiao De laughs. Then he replies

'What can I do? It means reconciliation is not possible at all' Then he added and said

'Then I guess the schools and Arial Vermont the Divine Dragon will clash and many lives will be lost. The martial art world will probably in a great upheaval in the worst case scenario. The school can also only endure so much before full out conflict breakout. Even if your teacher is strong and powerful, even if martial art fraternity have to die, the pride of their school need also to be maintained.'

Xiyun listen top Xiao De scenario and then she replies

'Pride goeth before the fall, as most Caelum always say' Xiyun said. Xiao De just remains silent.

Xiyun look at Xiao De. She also understands what Xiao De is worrying about. It is not like she is blind and tactless. 

The schools and sects can only endure so much humiliation before they have to make a stance.

Xiyun sighed and then she asked

'Are the other schools sincere in their intention of reconciling with my teacher?' 

She needs to confirm the intention of the schools if they are really committed to resolving the enmity between them and her teacher or if this is a ploy. 

Xiao De nodded sincerely

'They are. I could vouch for them' Sighing he then added 

'Why shed blood in the martial art world when we can live in peace with each other.' 

Peace, huh? When has the world of the martial art fraternity spend time in peace? There are secret wars that fight behind the scene every day.

Most of those high and might sects are all two face she thought to herself. 

But Xiyun did not say this to Xiao De. Even though this Xiao De is her senior in the martial art world, Xiyun could not believe how naïve he is.

'Will Ermeishan appear too?' Xiao De shakes his head 

' seems they don't share the same sentiments as the other schools.' Xiao De said dropping his head, a look of regret washed over his face.

'I would be surprised if they did show their face after what happened' said Xiyun while she is smiling with a disdainful smile

Xiao De had another opinion of the girl in front of her. She is very mischievous. He thought. Why would they come after all the mess that happened? 

And the mess happened because of her

'Abbess of Ermeishan is always prideful and her pride has been trampled on. I am not shocked by her decision not to come. But you? The other schools and sects? Have they no pride?' Xiyun said, her eyes glare at Xiao De. 

She is curious of how Xiao De will response to her provocation.

Xiao De is different than his other senior disciple of his sect. He is not too cultured like his elder and he is easygoing but he is also very smart in the inner working of the affairs of the martial art world. 

Even his show of naivety is meant to disarm his opponents. 

This is Xiao De strength. 

While appearing to be the epitome of innocence, he negotiates with people to reach a win-win situation. 

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