Age of Heroes

Chapter 316: Change of attitude


Arial and his disciple Xiyun have arrived at the Peak and they could see the reason why this place is called Dark Peak.

In just first glance Arial could not see anybody from the other sect but Arial sense that they have already settled around the Peak. 

This Peak gives Xiyun the shivers. Not the cold shivers but shivers that enervate the nerves and tugging at the heartstring, giving a sense of dread and fear.

The place has forest, but not the kind of forest like the Waterfall Peak or the Wind Peak with their green leaves and soothing properties, but dark forest with strange sound coming from the woods, a frightening aura that seem to emanate directly from the gloomy forest. 

The forest itself is black, with black leaves and thick brown bark. 

There is no doubt in anybody mind, that in that forest lies many dangerous beast, like wolf, bears and many other.

And Arial could see immediately the caverns around the Peak, the large caves and some holes on the ground. 

There are huge caverns with a tower like design pillars. The pillars of the huge cavern have large hole. 

Then one of The Maidens of the Western Serpent come without a word to Arial and Xiyun and handed a parchment to Xiyun and bow slightly to Arial showing that they recognized and acknowledged the Sect Leader of All Conquering Sect. 

Xiyun receive the parchment and the Maiden fly away from the scene. 

'Teacher, let me read the parchment' Arial nodded. Xiyun open the parchment and read it before relaying it to her teacher.

After reading Xiyun informed her teacher that the other fortress in the Peak has been taken by the other sect leaving Arial the East fortress. 

'Fine, then that will be our place' Arial said. Xiyun just nodded. Arial began determining where the East is and started to move.

Arial nodded again and urge Xiyun to follow. 

The crowd of the martial artist on the other hand makes their tent near fortress-like building around the Peak.

the other took martial arts sects and school took the South, North and West while Arial chose the East. 

Settling down, Xiyun clean around the place they are going to sleep. It is only around that area Xiyun clean and sweep.

After all, even Xiyun could not clean the fortress-like accommodation. It is different if All Conquering Sect has many disciples like Ermeishan or Linzi or Nanshan.

While the other sect disciple camp near the South, West, North and South no one dare to approach the East side of the Peak. 

After all, considering what happens during that night, the memory is still fresh in the mind of the other sect and they do not know the reaction of the dragon if they camp near the East fortress.

In a way this make Arial more relaxed. 

Since the parchment also stated that the battle will start in a week, Arial has planned to train himself and he also thinks this one week would be a good idea for Xiyun to gain experience and train her to the fullest. 

Arial have great expectation for Xiyun future progress. It is clear to him, Xiyun is not dim witted and understand the principles of his school in a fast and efficient way. 

The only worry that Arial has, is that if Xiyun will be too rash and impatient, thus will harm her future potential. 

After all, he knows her motivation for learning under him and it is because of that reason Arial is worried that she might push herself when it is not necessary.

For the first day, both of them train in that fortress-like accommodation. 

Arial did not order Xiyun to hunt anything in that forest yet but only told her to train in her room, understanding the principles of his internal energy cultivation, and meditate in a calm manner, without rushing. 

In her large room, a wave of wind is slowly forming around Xiyun legs and she is also sweating on her forehead, her heart beat increased and her strength is increasing by leaps and bound since she learned the cultivation technique of Levitia.

For some reason she did not understand why her internal energy reach into such height. 

Of course the Levitia technique is remarkable but Xiyun training and progress is terrifying. 

She thought it was the Cultivation technique but she has a nagging suspicion that it is not the real reason for her quick rise in internal energy

Before she also trains in the cultivation technique but never had she reached these heights. 

She is not considered a genius like her sister but that doesn't mean she is an idiot. 

Her intelligence is top notch, only her understanding in martial arts is not as enlightened as her sister. 

But that is only in external skill and not to mention Xiyun did not receive one on one training with the Abbess like her older sister did. 

She is also suspicious of her improvement in inner energy skills. 

Of course she deflected this suspicion after all her teacher technique is a miraculous technique and even Xiyun had to admit this.

She notices something different, something profoundly different between Arial internal energy cultivation and the Ermeishan cultivation technique. 

And that is, there is no disciplined method in Arial cultivation technique. 

The Ermeishan always have some methods, some trials, and some bottleneck before they can reach the next level of understanding and when that bottleneck is broken, only then someone can continue to cultivate. 

But that is not the case with All Conquering sect cultivation technique. It kept flowing endlessly…like a sea, giving boundless energy. 

Arial on the other hand of course do not know this fact about bottleneck or limits. Why? Because he never heard of such thing and he never experience such things. 

He has no teacher; of knowledge of the martial art world. How could he know that there is bottleneck, trials, obstacle to reach the mastery of internal energy like him? 

In a way, Arial learn from a book, and in his view, all martial artist train in cultivation technique and all of their inner energy depends on how long they have been training. 

He went to the Linzi temple but he did not learn the internal energy technique of the temple thus he did not know of such thing. 

And the monk inside the Linzi Temple itself while they are known to house many martial artist, they always stressed the importance of refining the hearts, to become a good person that do not harm the people and the world.

As such, they did not spoke much about internal energy technique.

All martial artist train in cultivation technique and all of their inner energy depends on how long they have been training. 

That is what Arial thought and believe.

There is some truth in that but that is not always the case. If not how could the younger Eastern Devil or Western Serpent reach their status today?

Everyone have their own way of practicing and cultivating internal energy and each of them have their own trial, some obstacle, some bottleneck, some frustrating moments but Arial never learn any of this fact. 

Levitia Cultivation Technique is free, and as such there is no such thing as bottleneck. It is this fact that made Arial unbelievably strong. 

It could be said if Arial try to find a challenge for himself, there could only a handful of people in the world that could rival him. 

But Arial don't know this. 

This is why he is desperate to determine his power by challenging the Four Immortals. 

Of course, Xiyun don't know this either or she might tell this to her teacher that his technique has no bottleneck, no trials that need to be surpassed.

Xiyun knows her teacher is powerful and there is no doubt in everyone eyes that Arial is without a doubt is the champion of this meet. 

When he faces Sigrid in a week time, then all will be well. That is Xiyun thoughts. After all her teacher have already defeated Sigrid. 

Not to mention he was also fighting Liyun and Abbess Lin simultaneously at the time. His prowess is undeniable. 

No one will ever bully her if she roams the martial art world. The only problem Xiyun have is her lack of technique. 

She thought by entering All Conquering Sect she will learn many techniques but who would have thought that she is only allowed to learn technique after her internal energy reaches a certain level. 

But Xiyun is not angry at her teacher. After all this internal energy technique is very powerful. 

Sooner or later, she will learn the external skill technique and when that time comes, Xiyun will carve her name as one of the famous figures of the martial art world.

But the driving force of her desire is none other than her desire to take revenge for her parents.

She could not kill the bandits since they are already dead. 

But the bandits are not the true cause of her parent's death. 

It is the Abbess of Ermeishan that had ripped her apart from her loving family. Love breeds hate. That is one of the tenets of Ermeishan. 

She did not understand it until she found out that the Abbess was the one that is the true cause of all her sadness.

She found out that love truly breeds hate. It is because she loves her parents that she hated the Abbess

If she did not love, why would she hate? She loves and by loving she cares. And because she cares, she wanted to kill the Abbess and avenge her parents. 

A few years is nothing. She had already waited many years. But Xiyun have a wish she could reach that level faster. But she will not rush.

Her teacher, Arial has warned her of this. People think by practicing everyday their body will undoubtedly become stronger faster. 

Well, it is not entirely wrong but for Arial school this method is wrong. His technique is free and therefore, rushing is forbidden. 

Hesitating is also forbidden. Train. Rest. Train. Rest. That is the way of Arial school. A routine of training and resting. 

The effect of the resting will help the cultivation process and healing of nervous system and also have the benefit of resting the mind. 

But Xiyun is also not to be underestimated. Her profound knowledge of the intricacies of inner skill is on par with her genius older sister. 

And as such she understands some of the complex cultivation technique of Arial. For the first day, they did not do much other than just training in their room. 

It is quite a peaceful day for the teacher and disciple. 

The wind of the Dark Peak blows and these two people keep training ignoring the worldly affairs like pair of immortals.


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