Age of Heroes

Chapter 303: The banquet at sun moon sect (1)

It was just as noon passed, as Arial open his eyes. Rubbing his eyes, he went outside. His cottage is near a flowing creek. 

The green forest greets him and he take a breath as he marvels the beauty of this Peak.

He went there and washes his face and sees his reflection on the water. Another day in the Heaven Mountain, Arial mused.

Checking his surroundings, and making sure no one is there, he removes his clothes and trousers and takes a bath in that creek. 

Refreshed and clean he began preparing to go to the banquet. In his knapsack there is some perfume and some clothes. 

As this is a banquet Arial try to wear his best. Manners make a man. 

Even he is astonished at the change of mindset. He used to be a farmer son that could not care less what he wears. 

Different choices and different ability had led him to a different kind of life.

Arial wears one of his best clothes. In the morning he looks ragged but that noble aura is still felt. 

But now wearing the new clothes, anyone that see him would feel that he is a noble person that is descended from the greatest of nobility.

The clothing is noble, powerful, and perhaps even a bit dark and intimidating. It is clothing made for kings and great men. 

The clothes possess in equal measure of a warrior touch and a regal grandeur befitting a king. 

In this handsome clothing Arial look like a conquering king, ready to lead his large vassal host and march to battle. 

A high quality tunic and a fluttering cape with dragon symbol on the cape and the tunic owing to his family crest, with various little accessories enhancing Arial overall look. 

The tunic is of shiny black material, reminiscent of leather, while also featuring attached chainmail accents at the neck, hem and sleeves. 

The beautiful cape features dual straps to hold it in Arial shoulders, as well as grey fur trim along his shoulder, while the rest of the cape is all black excluding the dragon design which is blaring red. 

Arial wear a black gloves and grey boot, as well an ornate sculpted belt that depicts a roaring red dragon. 

In every way, anyone look this man he will look like he is born from kingly stock. 

Of course Arial doesn't know what martial artist means by banquet is just eating with their fellow martial brothers. 

Arial after all work hard in perfecting the manner of a noble lord so when he hears banquet he instantly reminded of the banquet back home in Arrandy. 

He walked and then he found the cottage of Sun Moon Sect with high tent occupying the high tree, to protect the guest if rain comes. 

There is a huge bonfire outside the cottage where many crowds seem to be focused at. The elders and the participant are seated on along the long table. 

Arial don't know how they got this table but maybe someone carve it. It is not surprising since Arial even spotted some bench on his journey here. 

Arial could see all the school is here except the people from Shadow Skulker sect, Two Bladed Sect and House of Knives. 

When Arial enter every pair of eyes is focused on him. All their eyes are focused on Arial attire. 

'Wha-' some of the martial artist spurted their wine as they look at Arial appearance. Once again they look in awe and jealousy. 

Noble. Powerful. Handsome and domineering.

Some of the disciple in the Ermeishan blushed. The envious look is because most of the accessories that Arial wear would fetch a fortune for any of them. 

The clothes itself could buy a comfortable home. 

Arial on the hand feel embarrassed. Seeing the clothes of the other schools and the rest of the people joining the banquet he realized he has make a mistake. 

They must have a different standard here, he realizes. Arial who could no longer stand the embarrassment quickly take his seat in one of the long table. 

Xiao De who is eating beside him, a strike a conversation with him

'Your clothes are …. great' he said slightly embarrassed. Xiao De looks at his clothes and felt a sense of shame. 

Arial notices this. He did not want to humiliate his host. It is not the reason he wears such clothes.

It is because in his experience, not wearing one's best wardrobe in a banquet is considered to be rude to the host. 

Of course this is the noble ways. 

Not the martial art world way. In a banquet they have no strict code in clothing so rarely anyone ever come with such luxurious clothing. 

It was like a King is sitting among paupers. Everyone looks at their clothes and then looks back at Arial and they began comparing themselves with Arial. 

It is human nature to want to compare something. Strong or weak? Rich or poor? It is one of human nature.

Arial get up from his own seat and cupped his hand and his voice reverberated around the area. 

'I, Arial am ashamed. I mistake this occasion. Please rest assured that I have no intention of offending the host of this banquet. I am young and ignorant of the ways of the martial art world. Since I heard there is a banquet I have presume that the banquet is similar to that of my home. Indeed, the saying is true. Every place has their own rule. Forgive this discourteous behavior of mine, Elders of Sun Moon Sect' 

Arial bowed slightly, his cupped hand is in one of the direction of the Elders of Sun Moon Sect. 

Elder Xi Yue then smiling gently said. 

'It is fine. We forget that young hero Arial come from a noble family. Of course, the word banquet will breed such misunderstanding.' Elder Xi Yue said, his tone shows that he is not offended.

Arial then said,

'If you could wait, I will return to my cottage and change my clothes.' 

'No, No. Please don't do that' one of the Elder said. 

He is touched by the sincerity of this young man. 

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