Age of Heroes

Chapter 293: Declaration (2)

Then Batrisya began explaining about the peak 

'There is the Stone Peak, the Water Fall Peak, the Dark Peak, the Wind Peak and the Heaven Peak. Each round will be according to these orders. The first round of the battle will be fought at Stone Peak. The second round in the Waterfall peak and so on and so forth. So now that the explanation has been given, now the name and school of your competitor will be announced. My teacher has chosen these schools with great care.' 

Batrisya then bring out something from her sleeve, a parchment of paper. Then she began announcing.

'Sun Moon Sect, Xiao De'

'Present' Xiao De reply and he grins at his fellow disciples. His junior disciples cheer on him while his Senior all give word of encouragement. 

'Your competitor is the Blinding Sword Sect Louis.' 

Blinding Sword sect cheer with greater voice to drown out the cheers of Sun Moon Sect. Louis cupped his hand 

'Please give me guidance, Senior Xiao.' He said. 

It is not strange. After all Xiao De have been roaming the martial art world longer than Louis so it is only natural Louis show a deferent attitude to Xiao De. 

But Xiao De did not lower his guard. 

'Do not be modest, Louis. After all who doesn't know True Blade Louis? Your blade technique is reputed to be very exquisite.' The Elder of Louise nodded in satisfaction, clearly approving and have quite a good opinion of Xiao De.

Batrisya then continued her announcement.

'Yilin Temple Sigrid and Taojing Zhu Wu will battle each other.' 

Yilin and Taojing both exchange their greeting. Arial is still leaning his body on one of the tree just looking at their behavior. 

Smile that hide blades, Arial mused. 

All this sect all have bloody history with each other. Arial knows that the world of martial art is always bloody and almost as bloody as his wars. 

And he fought in a lot of war and battle.

'Two Bladed Aeri and House of Knives Eain' she announces and this elicits great response from the crowd of the martial artist. 

'Two of the assassination school battling it out' one of them said.

'This will be interesting.' One chimed in, laughing no doubt anticipating the battle.

'Both are proficient in stealth technique and One Draw Kill.'

It seems this battle is anticipated by the crowd. Arial knows that not all here to participate in the Martial Art meet competition. 

Some are from neutral school, neither evil, nor righteous. Just wandering the martial art world, enjoying the battles and the pleasures of fighting and relishing the occasional friends and enemies they make in such a world. 

Of course hearing this two mysterious schools from the hotter region of the human continent, and both of them are assassination school, of course, such battle is anticipated.

But Arial could not care less. After all, what he cares about is his battle. Why bother with someone else battle?

Then Batrisya announces again 

'Shadow Skulker, Shadow' and this make Batrisya trying to stop her laugh. 

'It seems the Shadow Skulker sect has a very terrible naming sense' she said. 

The crowd roared with laughter but the people of Shadow Skulker did not even utter a single sound and because of this everyone began quieted down.

Many of the people who laughed, cupped their hand to the elders of the Shadow Skulker sect and said

'We mean no offense to the Shadow Skulker Sect.' 

The man called Shadow just nodded. 

'Shadow will fight limitless Blade Sect Hue Xing.' Batrisya continued

'Good luck Hue Xing' one of their disciples said to Hue Xing. 

'Do not worry, I'll win this.'

'Ermeishan, Mu Liyun will be competing with Five Fingers Peak, Shun Liang.'

And some whistles when they see Mu Liyun.

'Who would you think will win between these two righteous sects?' one asks. 

'I bet on Mu Liyun the White Rose'

'Then I bet on Shun Liang. Hahaha' they roared with laughter.

'Sister Mu, do take it easy.'

'No, Senior Shun. It is I that need to say those words.'

They look courteous enough. Arial grin. The way they talk to each other it is almost like Arial at his court. 

All lying to each other, wearing a mask of civility. Arial know that the Five Finger Peak need to win this to once again make their sect as powerful as before. 

For Ermei they may not really care about the prize but to lose? Unlikely! Because Ermeishan have their own reputation to protect.

'Wuhao, Fang Ling will be competing with Lishan, Bai Daliang.' 

Bai Daliang is a well-known figure in the martial art world if the rumor is to be believed. But Wuhao is also famous in their own rights. 

Their skills are clean, neat and efficient, but to compare it with the school that focuses on internal energy like Nanshan and Linzi of course they could not win. 

But underestimating them would surely be a mistake. 

Their Bone Shattering Palm is reputed to be powerful enough to make the Abbess retreat when she attacks Wuhao headquarters at Wu Peak in Southern Tai.

'The last one is me right? Do I get an exception?' The voice said, reverberating around the hills. 

The man is Shu Ren Gui of Nanshan Sect. Exception mean when there is an insufficient competitor one will be chosen to be qualified for the next round. 

Usually it will be chosen according to the host of the event. 

Shu Ren Gui must think he is exempt since all the school names have already been called out but Batrisya shakes her head. 

'No' she said. 

'No?' the rest of the crowd who were there is shocked. 

'Is there any other school here?' 

'Did the Dark Night Sect send one of their representatives?' some said. Everybody is speculating

Then she announces it 'Shu Ren Gui of Nanshan sect will be competing against' and she stopped like enjoying the tension while the crowd waits with bated breath.

'He will be competing with All Conquering Sect, Arial Vermont, more famously known as the Dragon' and with that there was silence for a few second before an explosive atmosphere suddenly erupted among the crowd and the school. 

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