Age of Heroes

Chapter 291: A piece of paper

Around the wooden box, many martial artist has begun gathering themselves near the box

Most of the school representative took turn to put their name. 

The martial school representatives all cheered on by their Junior Disciples as they put their name on the box. 

'That is the way Brother Bai' said some disciples from the Lishan Sect. 

'You can win this Brother Bai. Those other expert is no match for us.'

From the Five Finger Peak Sect its Shun Liang. From the Limitless Blade Sect, it's Hue Xing. From Taojing sect, Zhu Wu. 

Then someone came with considerable force that everyone moved from their spot, fearing impeding his walk to the box. 

'Nanshan' some of them exclaimed. 

'The first disciple of Northern badger.' Another chimed in

'Why is he not on the top?' Someone whisper, looking suspiciously toward that person

Arial also understand this. 

After all, every disciple of the Four Immortals is all gathering on the top peak, The Heaven Peak but here is one that is at the bottom of the peak which is strange. 

Then Arial heard the reason from the nearby chattering disciple of another school.

'I heard he had an altercation with his Junior Disciple. 


'Something involving his Junior Disciple mother.' 

'Oh, Thunder Step Liao Bao. So why is he here?'

'He lost his battle against Thunder Step Liao Bao and as punishment his teacher told him to be worthy of his discipleship and reach the top with his own effort.' 

'Oh is that so?' some other martial artist nodded, finally knowing the backstory.

Nanshan Sect is one of the largest sects in the martial arts world rivaling that of Linzi and Ermei. Their Grand Teacher Northern Badger inspires awe and respect

Their leader or Head Sect which is the Northern Badger is rarely at their headquarters in Nan Mountain as he is fonder of travelling the world and his reputation of punishing evildoers is resounding all over the martial art world

Their technique could be described as hard and unyielding. Their most notable technique of their sect is Mountain Shaking Punch and Raining Fist like Wine. 

Anyone can join their sect regardless of their birth which is why it is popular among the common people. 

But Arial also know that Nanshan sect is a huge supporter of the Blood Brotherhood, training the people in the Blood Brotherhood. 

'No wonder most of the Blood Brotherhood member technique is almost the same as people of the Nanshan Sect' Arial thought to himself. 

He once watches a few of the Chu residence Guard employed their martial arts. It was unyielding and determined.

The Chu Residence supported the Blood Brotherhood and their guards also learns from the Blood Brotherhood. And the Blood Brotherhood on the other hand had many members who used to be in Nanshan Sect

The man put his name in the box, and walks away, while the rest of the martial artist make a path allowing him to quickly disappear from the crowd.

Then a group of beautiful lady can be seen moving in group to the box. 

They are all beautiful and graceful in their attitude and even the way they walk have a hint of grace and easeness in their movement.

'Ermeishan' one martial artist said looking at the Sect with loving eyes. More like lecherous eye, Arial mused.

They are all beautiful. 

Turtle Back Dimorph then said 'but their technique is not to be underestimated. Ice Soft Finger can turn jade to bones, ice to flesh.' 

'What's that supposed to mean?' 

'Don't know but I hear the Abbes once said during her fight with Wuhao Sect in the past. There is enmity between those two sects.' 

The other nodded. A beautiful woman name Mu Liyun put her name on the box.

'People say she is an expert in playing the qin, a formidable warrior and her moves are elegant and beautiful.' One man gives his opinion. 

'Mu Liyun the White Rose will join. Hohoho. This certainly would be interesting.' one martial artist says. 

'Who would have thought?' Another chimed in. 

'I thought the Abbess would not let her participate. Everyone knows the Abbess dotes on her.'

'White Rose is not an easy opponent. The name White Rose aptly describes her.' one man said. 

'I nearly lost my life fighting her once. Her Ice Needle Palm is terrifying. Such a beautiful face but such vicious attack. To think they are one of the Righteous Sect' 

'That is one of the Abbess technique isn't it?' Another exclaimed in shock. 

The man nodded. 

'Yes. That is why I say that she is dangerous. That is a secret technique of Ermei. Another one of their secret technique that is famous in the martial arts world is what Senior Dimorph said. Ice Soft Finger' 

The rest nodded in understanding

'Pity the Abbess does not enter the battle. Surely the Abbess could give the Four Immortals a little bit of a challenge' another martial artist said. 

'Junior Zhen, of course the Sect leader does not enter. Will they stoop to such behavior? No one here is thinking to challenge the Four Immortals. Most of them want to win the prize. In Ermei case, the Abbes want her disciple to experience battle.' 

'What is the point telling us that we can challenge the Four Immortals if no one will?' the junior protested. Arial felt an urge to laugh listening to the young man complains.

'That is not fair Junior Zhen. The Four Immortals are the top expert of martial arts in the world. If not, why would every sect leader in the Human Continent have to give them face? They reached the pinnacle of martial arts. Only a stupid and arrogant person would be crazy enough to throw their life away, fighting those monsters.' 

Arial could hear the man talk to each other. Arial is still listening. Information after all is the most important. 

The registering of name proceeded without problem.

From Two Bladed Sect it's Aeri. 

'Two Bladed Sect' Arial mutters. It is the most famous assassination school in all of the Human continent. 

From what Arial heard of their reputation, they are a ruthless group that garners fear from all the other school.

Even the evil sect is afraid of them.

Their most famous technique is Shadow Blade. Most of their technique is a single blade technique. Which is strange considering their sect name. 

Not to mention they put the name of their representatives as a disguise. But Arial of course understand the reason why the participant from an evil sect such as Two Bladed Sect need to conceal their identity. 

After all, their job is an assassin. Maybe even they, have someone they have to protect.

House of Knives and Shadow Skulker Sect also disguise their representatives both named Eain another name for the Death God that fought the Sun Emperor in myths. 

Shadow Skulker just uses the name Shadow as their representative's name.

Sun Moon Sect sent Xiao De as their champion also known as Sun Tiger for his fierceness in battle and how he most shines in battle.

Sun Moon sect is filled with people who is intelligent and most of them are high level practitioner of internal energy. 

Xiao De is sent not because he is the strongest but he is the most bloodthirsty of all the members of the Sun Moon Sect. 

The Sun Moon Sect that is mostly intelligent people usually tries to solve thing with their mouth but Xiao De is always using his fist. 

To be honest Arial thought Xiao De would better thrive in Yilin or even Nanshan Sect. 

Blinding Sword Sect send Louis also known as True Blade Louis. Yilin Temple sent one of its most seasoned monks. 

Monk Sigrid. 

Many believe that either Shu Ren Gui from Nanshan or Monk Sigrid will win. Monk Sigrid come from Yilin Temple one of the Five Righteous School. 

The Five largest righteous schools in the martial arts world is Yilin, Nanshan, Linzi, Ermei, and Five Finger Peak. 

Of this five only four of them have strong influence in the martial art world. 

This four is Yilin, Nanshan, Linzi, and Ermei. After the massacre of the Elder in Five Finger Peak headquarters, their position in the martial art world becomes rather weak. 

This competition might be a chance for Five Finger Peak to show their determination and power, to rise again, tempered by blood.

They are all in festive mood, talking with each other, while some are trying to identify their possible foe ignoring completely Arial that is leaning on one of the tree that gives him the shade. 

Arial just looks at the box, hearing people talk, taking it all in.

Finally, in the middle of the night, when the cheers and the festivities atmosphere quieten down, that man leaning on the tree began to move, with a plan.

That night Arial went to the box and with a piece of paper he wrote his name and the name of his school, put it in the box and with a smile he returned to his sleeping tent.


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