Age of Heroes

Chapter 289: Heaven mountain (1)

The mountain path ahead was scattered with loose rock, each one washed smooth by the river that once ran freely over them. 

Thickly dark green boughs arched over the path from each side, competing for the light. 

Under their dappled shade the harshness of the midday sun was muted but it did little to make the steep incline any easier. 

But Arial felt no fatigue unlike his companion. He looks forward to the journey with excitement

They have finally arrived at Heaven Mountain.

Trees and frost can be seen to rise, shielding them from the hot sun. The sound of rivers and water fall excite Arial heart. 

The Heaven Mountain where rivers flow, and where there are greens and people, all congregating in this one spot.

There is a sacredness here that transcends everyday concerns, worries, and worldly thoughts casting them into the timelessness of forests, of mountains.

'Such place is a haven for practicing martial arts, like an abodes of immortals and deities' Arial mused. 

Arial can already hear with his ear, as his sense is heightened, hearing the chattering of people, sound of horses neighing, people laughing and screaming in anger. 

The martial arts sect must have reached this place earlier.

Arial jump toward another hill and began sliding down. 

As he is sliding down, his eyes could see the great expanse of green in front of him. And green leaves and large trees isn't the only thing he could see.

He saw people with colorful clothes all talking to each other, exchanging greeting.

Seeing this scenery in front of him, Arial could not believe himself that he just traverses a desert. 

The Heaven Mountain is beautiful. There is Green all around. He could hear the birds chirping, feel the cool breeze of wind, the air of calmness envelope him. He could even hear the sound of water fall near the area.

Truly the name is apt for the mountain. The Heaven Mountain. 

Arial notice the tents around the feet of the mountain but Arial have no time to stop and as he continues walking forward he could see in one for the wide expanse of area here, they are many people, gathering, talking to each other, with swords, knives, blade spear, and variety of weapon in their hand, on their back

And all of them wearing a uniform of their martial arts sects or their martial arts school clothes. 

Martial art schools. All of the famous martial art school is here, some representing their Kingdom some representing their sect. 

After all, even Kings and nobles wanted such divine treasure. 

For example, House of Knives. Their people can be hired. Some of the martial artist is here to gain recognition, and some to gain power and influence for their sect and schools.

Wang Liao Ming and Chen Yanghua spotted their friends in the distance and they quickly informed Arial.

'Lord Arial it seems here is where we will part' Arial could see that Liao Ming is eager to greet his member of the same sect so Arial nodded

'Ah, yes. Of course' 

'Thank you for your guidance, Liao Ming, Yanghua.' 

'No, no. It should be us thanking you.' 

They hugged him and then they disappear among the crowd. Arial look around him. First he needs to know how many school and martial art sect that participated in the meet. 

From Vangua Arial could see the Sun Moon Sect, the Blinding Sword Sect and Yilin Temple.

From Northern Chu and Southern Tai, there is the Five Fingers Shan Sect, Lishan sect, Limitless Blade Sect, Ermeishan Sect, Taojing Sect and The Northern Badger Sect, Nanshan.

From Renasia, there is Two Bladed Sect, House of Knives Sect and Shadow Skulker Sect. 

From Zettel, only one of the sect had manages to come. The Wuhao Sect. It is thanks to Chen Yanghua and Wang Liao Ming that Arial could recognize this school with one glance.

Arial strain his ear to hear the conversation around him. 

From what he could hear among the chattering of the martial artist the tournament will begin this evening. 

That is cutting it close. If only Arial is late a day, he might not have the opportunity to join the tournament.

Then suddenly someone leap to one of the hills, though, it looks like that person is flying.

'No doubt this person is coming from the top of the Heaven Peak' Arial thought to himself

The wind rolls away as this person landed and standing majestically on top of the flat thin stone pillar at the peak of the Hill. 

The person that leapt down is a woman.

She is beautiful in that her eyes are green and her skin is white like the sandy beaches in Seren.

Her skin is not just white but has that tint of red, like red rose mixed in snow. Her blonde hair circles her head, her eyes is lively, her white neck like milk, lilies and ivory. 

While the way she carries her movement is like the fluttering of the first snow of the month.

'Beautiful' Arial admired for second. The woman then speak as the woman voice suddenly resonates and echoes around the area

Arial eyes narrowed.

'Possess deep internal energy' he thought as he listens to the words of the woman

'Greeting, heroes and heroine, great figures of the martial art world.' The voice said, a feminine voice but also had that trace of valiant air, as the sound reverberating around the vast expanse. 

Tremendous internal energy Arial corrected.

'As you all know my teacher has call all of you to participate in the Martial Art meet.' 

'YEAH' many of the martial art shouted. Other follows the shout. Arial just listen.

The others cupped their hand to the woman but not all of them look toward that woman with kind looks.

Those who cupped their hand, in unison they greeted the woman

'We pay respect to Batrisya the Green Serpent' 

'Batrisya!' Arial thought and now he understands why those people cupped their hands and show such respect toward her.

She is one of the disciples of Western Serpent. No wonder some martial artist seems to respect and fear her all at the same time

Her name, if Liao Ming story is to be trusted, is quite famous in the martial art world.

Batrisya continue speaking

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