Age of Heroes

Chapter 279: Unexpected guest (1)



The letter arrived in the evening.

He is in his war tent, reading the letters and his face turned worse. He sighed and then he gave the letter to his wife. Quickly Emilia read it.

'This is getting worse' Harald say, pinching his forehead, as headache once again struck his temple.

his forehead creased, as he ponders this crisis that has befallen him and his family. 

A crisis that could mark the end of his family.

'What would you do, dear? Would you heed the summon? Or do we march on?' Emilia said, her tone is noticeably full with alarm and nervousness.

Harald remains silent, thinking hard, while rubbing his chin, nervous.

Harald is in an undesirable position. 

Failure to heed the summons to Caen would mean that he placed himself unquestionably in the wrong at the bar of élite opinion and would therefore have to undergo the perils of being dubbed rebel and traitor; a title he does not want.

King Edward might even use that as a way to confiscate all the lands and titles that Orleans and Harald have. 

And with that the diminishing power that Harald will face would make him an easy prey for his enemies.

Harald has been trying to calm himself, enduring this humiliation to his family, enduring to his utmost, denying himself of unreasonable and idiotic strategy, has been suggested by his ministers, which all point to openly rebel toward the King

That would be the stupidest thing he would do and he is trying not to consider it. If he truly rebels, Edward might make a drastic and desperate moves and call upon the Dragon in Aetherland.

But Edward while Harald is trying to save his face, Edward on the other hand, seemed more uncompromising than ever, insisting that he must give sureties to King Edward, while Edward was not obliged to give anything to them. 

Orleans family and Harald forces that he had built is in a bind now.

'What if we use hostages to change King Edward mind?' his minister suggested

'Yes, you have caught some of Edward family, why not use it as leverage, dear?'

Harald seem to be thinking about it.

On the past few weeks, Harald have procured hostages of importance in the North, cousins and nephew of the King and he can use negotiation to get in the good graces of the King but then Harald shakes his head.

'That won't work'

Harald realized that, as the king is childless, the giving of hostages presented no such emotional wrench as it did to him or Emilia. 

While it is true, Harald has taken a hostage, Edward also have that same advantage. 

Orleans has nephews, cousins, uncles and aunts in the southern region and what charges would Harald and his wife face if he keeps insisting like this? 

There is much loose talk about rebellion, but it is possible that the long-brooding Edward intended to raise the question of the Orleans complicity in his father death. 

Harald this time rubbed his head again and take a seat. He felt a bit dizzy. Orleans has enemies that Harald had to fend off. 

Lord Jean Orleans has left him with a thousand enemies. 

But at least Lord Jean gives him Emilia. And no matter how manipulating Emilia is, Harald adore her.

But Harald know time is of the essence right now. Harald know Edward is planning to stall for time, as Lord Leorid strengthen the King position. 

Even when Harald and his army, and his noble lord commenced the weary trek of the north, a number of his troops deserted, at the very moment when the news from Caen suggested Edward forces is being daily augmented with troops sent by the southron lords.

Emilia said she suspect this is Silas doing, spreading rumors and misinformation.

Tomorrow he will reach Caen and he hope that he will have a chance to present his case now more important than the case of the Weover, a case that might exile him from this country.


By the time Harald sides reached Caen, they both take their position.

the king on the north bank of the Vanguan Drops, a long river that separated the two forces, Harald is on the south bank

And it is apparent to everyone that Edward held a clear numerical superiority in military force.

And this is how it begins.



'HAHAHA' the King laughed. 

The King seems to be in a vengeful and vindictive mood, having the upper hand so clearly. 

He quickly orders his men to summon Duke Harald and more importantly his wife to attend the trial.

And they wait the reply from the South bank.

'Your majesty, this is their replies.'

Edward quickly open and read Harald counter offer. The duke countered by asking for safe-conduct guaranteed by hostages. 

Edward made no direct reply to this but added the further demand that Orleans surrender all his vassals. 

And once again the messenger sent another letter.

Harald trying to appease the vindictive King, and worrying about the safety of his wife, Harald finally decided to comply with Edward demand.

By now, this is the battle of mind between Harald and Edward since Silas had returned home to Arrandy and even Lord Leander has return home, summoned by Lord Arial, promising Leander he will not be furious at the recent fiasco.

When the letter came bearing the news that Harald has complied with his demands, he brusquely informed Harald he should attend his trial with a retinue of no more than ten men. 

And with that he smiles and laugh again.

'I got you now!' He said in his war tent



'TEN MEN! TRULY EDWARD HAS GONE MAD WITH POWER! HAH! EDWARD, YOU ARE FORCING MY HAND' he screamed in anger and frustration, with the King unreasonable demand.

Emilia is trembling. It seems that the King really is determined to exterminate the Orleans.

'Dear, please don't tell me you will comply with this. Surely if you comply with this, we will all be killed by Edward the moment we step our foot in there.'

Harald nodded.

Only a fool would have walked into such an obvious trap. 

'Write the King another letter.' Harald order his messenger, while he calm himself down. 

Harald again made the rational request for a safe-conduct and an exchange of hostages. And a few hours later, the reply came.

Edward refused bluntly: his position was that he neither would nor could give any assurances to men accused of heinous crimes. 

Harald sighed, stumbling to his seat, rubbing his forehead. The result is a stand-off. 

Harald is never going to cross the river, on the mere say-so of the king, to attend a trial where the counts in the indictment had not even been specified. 

It was clear that his rebuttal of the charges by an unsupported oath is not going to be enough; perhaps Edward intended to assassinate him as soon as he appeared before the council, or perhaps he favored judicial murder by forcing Harald, to submit to one of the notorious punishment ordeals. 

At all events, Harald absolutely refused to cross the river on the king's terms. Only death will wait if he crosses the river. 

Death for him. Death for his wife. Death for his vassals and loyal men. He is thinking of how to resolve this. 

Then suddenly a commotion attracts his attention in the outside tent.

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