Age of Heroes

Chapter 277: The beginning of the conflict (2)


Edward open the letter and hear the messenger heartfelt pleading that Lord Harald could not punish the Weoverians and plead the King to grant mercy to the people of Weover. 

This elicit great response of anger from Lord Leander who had lost hundreds of his men on the night of the question.

At the same time, Lord Silas is at the King's court

He just arrived a few week ago, on the order of his lord, Prince Arial Vermont to inquire on why is the entourage that he had sent to Vangua is not yet home. 

When Lord Silas arrived in the court, he is informed of the situation and quickly he insinuates himself with the people in the court of Edward to now more information and to know the stance of the court, the King and the nobles. 

He stands in silence, looking at King Edward red faces inside the throne room, his face looks like he is smiling, like he knows something other does not.

'My lords' the king began addressing Leander and Silas.

'It seems Duke Harald is refusing to cooperate, to follow my order.' 

Lord Leander who is already enraged yells out

'Your Highness! Will you then break your promise to me? To seek retribution for the grave wrong committed to my troops? My friends? My brothers?'

The King sighed and then he said

'I will decide in a couple of days' the King said. 

On the preceding days Lord Leander egged on King Edward, telling him treacherous thoughts of Lord Harald, believing without a doubt that Lord Harald, who is already famous in the Continent to have an ongoing rivalry and probably even enmity with Lord Arial orchestrated this matter

It might be also because Lord Harald, who many have known by now, as Arial vassal, owing to that night where King Edward had forces him to make an oath of fealty.

though such claim of vassalage is refuted by the Orleans and Lord Harald himself, on the account that he offers his fealty when his judgment isn't sound.

He might have attacked the entourage to show his displeasure. The King did not say anything.

But that did not deter Lord Leander

Lord Leander continue his campaign of slander against Lord Harald and his family, knowing full well, if he returns without any benefit to Arrandy, his family name will be tarnished, and his family might lose favor in Arrandian court.

Lord Silas on the other hand do no action, neither blaming Harald, nor did he egged King Edward, like he knows something.

Though, it might be his usual tactics. 

He always acted like he knows something other does not and his antics is well known in the political circle. Nobody really knows whether Silas really knows something or he is just bluffing.

But no one would ever try to call his bluff because so many times, those who tries to calls his bluff, get burned.

A night before the decision is taken by the King, Lord Silas is granted an audience with the King, as he wanted to speak to the King in private.

'Silas, you have come' the King said as the King waited on him on the courtyard.

'You must have a gut of stone to let a King waits on you.' Edward said with a constrained smile. Silas shakes his head

'Your Highness, forgive me. I am preoccupied with some matter of importance'

'Do I need to remind you that it is you that ask for this meeting? You might be Lord Arial favorite courtiers and I value your wisdom but it is hardly manners to let a man so beyond your station to wait on a courtier as yourself' The King said

'For that may you pardon me?' Silas said as he sits himself on one of the chairs in the yard, relaxed and calm with an air of superiority.

'So, what it is you meant to talk with me about?' Said Edward slightly miffed at Silas behavior

Then Silas smile and said

'I have ears and eyes everywhere Your majesty.'


Then Silas stands up, his face contorted into a terrifying face and he said 

'You have been very devious in your conduct Your Highness. It is not Lord Harald that order the provocation of Lord Leander unit but it is you, isn't it? Do not mistake me to be gullible as Lord Leander or your ministers and the Vanguan noble lords. Lord Harald know that picking a fight with Lord Arial right now is a stupid decision, and while Lord Harald at times show the same temper of Lord Alderam, he is not stupid. I know what you are trying to do, your Highness. You are trying to expel Lord Harald from Vangua, aren't you?'

Edward seated himself down and his hand is trembling. To think his plan is seen by…. but then again…. Silas is a talented politician. 

Plots and intrigues is nothing new for him. 

If Lord Arial knew what he had done, knew what harm he had inflicted on his precious vassal, he shudders to think the might that will bear down on him. 

Arrandy is a large force and Arial is a formidable general of war. And with Lady Helia as his wife, he could summon noble lords of Vanguan descent to side with him on the name of familial ties.

'Wi…..ll, wi…ll,will you tell Arial this?' He said stuttering, his hand has a hard time steadying itself. 

He is ready to bribe Silas with gold and titles and even then his head thinks on how to persuade Silas. 

But he knows while Silas likes money and title, even this politician had some lines he will not cross. 

His loyalty to Arial and the Vermont family is as famous as his cunningness in politics.

Then suddenly a smile is formed on Silas lips, a mischievous smile, one that he always shown before he gobbles up his enemies.

'No, but I do have a proposition for you, Your Highness.'

And that night Silas shared his plan, and by the time the moon shines the brightest, both of these men, smile to each other with meaning, their whispers drowned by the wind as they agreed on common ground, and a plan is concocted by the genius politician of Arial.


In the morning the King reveals his verdict. He summoned the Noble Circle much to the chagrin of the Orleans and much to the joy of Leander. 

The King summoned the noble lords to consider charges of treason against the Orleans, all the while a snake can be seen smiling in the background.



'My lord there is no doubt of King Edward intention' one of Harald minister began to say.

'And what do you reckon his true intention?'

'A war to the knife' Emilia said, her face gaunt and pale. This is not what she wants. She wants power, yes, but not instability. 

She loves Vangua. She loves it people. But this? This would only serve as an opportunity for any other power to reassert influence in Vangua. 

While her husband paranoia of Arrandian influence running rampant in the court of Edward is false, she is not sure that, that would be the case moving forward. 

Lord Silas is known to have orchestrated many intrigues and this event smells eerily like his scent. 

While Lord Harald always assert that the young lord of Arrandy as his rival, she on the other hand considered Lord Silas of House Perigord as her rival.

Silas is cunning, and have an unassuming air around him, his smile looks innocent enough, only revealing the poison when he already bites his victim. 

Compared to his lord charismatic presence and tactical brilliance in battle, of course he is seen to be harmless. 

But Emilia knows. 

While it is no denying of Arial power and strength, it is no exaggeration to say, that Silas smoothed the way for his liege lord and to compensate for Silas lack of prowess in battle, he combats his foes with words, wit and an acumen in the inner workings of politic.

He is a snake that slither around the tall grass.

'What do you think we should do Emilia?' Harald ask her.

'I don't know dear. I truly don't know. We are in a desperate position now.'

'I don't want to hear that.'

'I know. But it is the truth. I don't know. He got us good.' 

Harald look at his vassal and minister in his court, looking at the ceiling, sighed and begin with a heavy heart, and with implication that he knows would forever change the political scene of Vangua, he ordered

"Mobilize our forces. We will garrison the Northern border from Southern invasion and as the King is undoubtedly stubborn, one that I can only attribute as his apparent love for Arrandian, we will demand the surrender and expulsion of any Arrandian garrison in the North" 

And with that order, event escalated.


That month from the moment Edward summoned the Noble Circle, events escalated with the speed of a bushfire. 


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