Age of Heroes

Chapter 273: Till we meet again (2)

Arial took a depo breath and he close his eyes and think for a moment

If Edward's promise was genuine, then Arial is enough of a pragmatist to realize that he is unlikely to gain much support within Vangua should he ever have the opportunity to claim this inheritance.

And this would also put him in the pathway of Orleans and Harald ambition. The political situation remains volatile but in the surface Arrandy and Vangua is at peace.

'Hmm' he said as he opens his eyes. His eyes are shining with wisdom.

However, enticing, the Vanguan throne, it is therefore a distant prospect than a distinct possibility to him. 

Nevertheless, it symbolized the remarkable transformation of his own position.

It is astonishing that within the space of just seven years, Arial had progressed from being Knight and then Duke with a reputation as a greenhorn leader to one of the most feared leaders in the continent and the nominated successor of the king of Vangua.

'Change one thing, change everything' he muttered. He nodded to himself as he looks to the other side of the table and nodded toward Silas

Then he orders Silas contact the other nobles of Aetherland and offer them his alliance. 

'And sent gold and the sword Shadowslasher back to the king and tell the King of my utmost gratitude for lending his family heirloom. Handle it with care.' Silas nodded.

Then Arial turns to one of his men and asks Massey. 

'Any word of rebellion? Plots brewing, perhaps?' Lord Massey shakes his head

'No, my lord. The people and the lords are satisfied with their current position and the peace and prosperity of the region.' Arial nodded. 


'But what?' 

'There is some words, that King Adrian court had tried to supply Arrandy enemies. If this get bigger- '

Arial contemplated. He sighed and then he said

'Then we will crush it. By now I am used to being on the offensive.' Arial said. Lord Massey nodded.

'Others?' he asks again

Lord Oliver approaches him and gives him another parchment. Arial unfurled the parchment and read it. His expression is unreadable and then he put the parchment down

It details the movement in the North. The rebellion of the vassal Kings. Finally, like he had expected, it had erupted

'It is like we expected' Arial said, a smile on his face and Oliver nodded.

'Yes, my lord. Like you predicted the uneasy peace is about to break.'

'Who do you think will emerge victorious, Lord Oliver?' Arial ask

'Hmm. I believe it would be either Northern Chu or probably Southern Tai. These two factions seem to have the most advantage my lord.'

'Hmmm….'Arial contemplating. Oliver look at the face of the young lord and he seizes the initiative

'Should we send reinforcement to Northern Chu?' Oliver ask.

To send reinforcement to Northern Chu this early in the battle is unwise, Arial thought to himself. 

After all, House of Austen who rules the Southern Tai might even win. 

The matter of Vern is not really his concern but he knows that in politics to know more is better than to know only half the story.

It will be the ideal situation if Southern Tai and Northern Chu could coexist. It means safety will be guaranteed for Arrandy. 

If Southern Tai try to attack the North border of Aetherland, then Northern Chu will pounce. 

If Southern Tai try to attack the Northern Chu, then Aetherland can attack from the back and annex Southern Tai. 

Anyway if that happens they will create a deadlock among them. 

And if, somehow Aetherland is about to attack Arrandy then, Southern Tai can attack swiftly and take the Northern border. 

The separation of the Three Kingdoms, each one restraining each other while Arrandy safety is maintained.

But it is still too early in the conflict to decide if it will happen like that.

'We will wait' Arial answer. Oliver and the other council member nodded their head. Then he issued another order

'Summon Zhang Liao Bao to return to Arrandy.' 

'Yes, my lord 'Oliver nodded, already preparing the letter.

'What should the orders be, my lord?'

'Just summon him home.' 

'Noted, my lord.'

Arial then read other documents; one that attracts his attention is the report of the Western Serpent battle with Northern Badger and is now injured. 

It seems her Martial Art Meet will have to wait. 

'Maybe I'll join. Hah' he said to himself. 

'I will be too preoccupied to go' he said to himself. But it is clear he has thought about it.

But if this is the only problem that he has to solve, it seems Helia did a good job in managing the Council.

Her obvious aptitude for the role of duchess quickly won Arial admiration and respect. And she has given him a daughter.

What more could he ask of her? 

Now, there would only be happy days for him and her. 

Peace had already dawned and he no longer had to worry about the Demon Invasion so he could slowly put his feet in the ground and take his time slowly to enjoy life with the people he loves

Then after listening to the opinion of his courtiers and settle some dispute, he gives his orders for some of the problems, deliberated on some others, postponed some problems that has no solution and then he dismissed the council for the day

Walking outside the council he then began walking to his secret library.



He is inside the library, looking at hundreds of books in his own personal sanctuary. That is what libraries felt to him.

His personal sanctuary.

All the cleaners, the bookkeeper has return to their quarters for the day. 

He walks admiring, while his mouth is reciting, reading again the letter from memory.

In the library he took a seat and then he opens her letter again and a few tears escape his eyes and then he chooses one book.

Then he began to spoke in a reminiscence tone.

'I could not stop thinking about your face. You who came to me like thunder in a stormy plain. My heart hurts and if there is any sign that I love you then it is the pain that I endure since you have left me. Every day I look into the stars above, praying that you kept your word and look me in the starry skies. My heart pounded every night you came into my tent, my Elvenan. Starlight follows you and dances around you. Your scent that rides the breezy wind and when my eyes look at yours I get nervous. I will remember you and I will believe you. If your words are true, one day we will meet again. And until that day…. I will be waiting.'

And with those words he put the letter into one of the books; his private book, the Study of Dragons and he walk away and seal the library.



Arial is throwing the little baby up and down, cheering at the little baby, with a look of pure happiness. 

'So have you thought of her name?' Helia said as Arial is showing faces to her daughter. The baby chuckled.

'Hmm…. I have to think a great name for our princess' he said and he blow to the baby stomach.

'Ah, look at her, Helia. She loves it. Don't you?' Arial smiles as he laughed and keep kissing his daughter

'Stop that, dear.' Helia said shaking her head, looking at her husband. He really dotes on his daughter it seems.

'What is the name you have been thinking about?' she asks

'Ariadne. Ariadne Vermont. Isn't that a regal name?'


'Yes, Ariadne'

The moment Helia said that, the baby cried again. 

'Shuu, don't cry, don't cry, father is here' Arial sing and hold his daughter in his arm, lovingly and kiss her forehead with a loud sound and his daughter giggled. 

'My precious, loveliest, beautiful daughter.' Arial heap compliments on his daughter. Helia just shakes her head. 

'A fool for his daughter' Helia muttered under her breath but there is a smile on her face. A blissful smile.

'Give her your wishes.' She said

'Wishes. Oh…wishes' 

It is a custom for the Sky people, a custom then taken upon by Caelum people. In the birth of a child, the father will have to give them wishes, hope and prayers.

'Hmm, then I will wish you to …hmm, to be mother of Kings. I wish you to have strength of will, a pious nature, and be bestowed by the Light Above, as a unifying character.'

'Don't you think that is kind of a burden, dear?' Helia said, feeling uncomfortable at the wishes of her husband

'Ah, ignore it. It is just a wish. An old custom.' 

'Then why wish for such things?'

'Because who knows? Maybe the Light Above hears and decide to fulfill my request? If not, it is no worse for me. For I have been given a beautiful daughter.'

And he laughs and Helia just shakes her head

Then after the crying of Ariadne is comforted she is placed in a crib beside their room and Knights are all at attention, guarding the baby daughter of Arial in the next room.

Then come the maids and servants to take care of Ariadne.

Arial and Helia is preparing to go to sleep.

As they are about to go to sleep Helia ask her husband. 

'Do you know about the proposal King Adrian have sent to your parents?'

'The King proposal? Yes, I've heard.'

'And, did your father and mother agree?'

'They did.'

'And you?'

'My feeling is complicated in that matter.'

'Surely after this, dear, the King will not doubt our family loyalty.' Helia said. Arial was silent for a few moments before saying

'I have always felt a little aversive on the matter of political marriage.' 

'But her match is of great stature.' 

'Even so. Nonetheless, the promise has been made. Hopefully the young son of King Adrian and Lady Marilyn grow up to be a respectable human being.' 

'If not?'

'If not, I would not let the engagement stand. My sister deserves the best of man.' 

'Is not the son of a King a great man?' 

'Son of a King….is he now? Whether he will be King is still in question. Hopefully he grows to be worthy of my sister'

'Your will is sometime your undoing, dear.' Helia said cautiously. Arial just scoffed at that

'Maybe, maybe so. But it is also my greatest qualities.'

'I do not deny it.' She admitted. Arial then sighed and he said

'But since my parents have already decided, I will respect their wishes and adhere to the promises. When they reach the age of seventeen they will be married, if they are no objection on each side.'

'And Vermont and Alan house will be united. Which will also ally us with the Zettelian royalty and most of the northern houses in Aetherland.' Helia offer.

Arial snickered

'I fear not his noble house; neither have I sought their approval, Helia. It is they, that want our approval. It is them that fear our house which is what I believe prompted Adrian to suggest this match to my mother.'

'Will we argue this till we are too tired and exhausted, sleeping in such foul mood dear?'

'You have started this debate.' Arial said

'And so I will end it' and she kissed her husband cheek and forehead and her eyes inviting.

'Is that an invitation?'

'Yes, my dear lord.' She said blushing. 

'I have been missing you in your absence. Now you have returned and I wish to smell your scent and hold your body, pressed against mine' she whispered into the ear of her husband. 

'Then I will oblige the lady.' 

And they make love, the same way they make love before Arial departed on his journey to the dark lands the last time, with fervent love and a hint of great longing in both of these young man and woman. 

And so ended their night and Arial worries are unknotted and Helia love is affirmed by the touch of her husband.


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