Age of Heroes

Chapter 267: Celebration

The forces of Vor clan has conquered easily Bor stronghold and South forces have dispersed into the Plains.

A celebration is held as they emerge victorious. Arial is not affected with the festive mood in the fortress.

The Orcs can be seen swinging their glaives, hitting each other shields in celebration, throwing axes and playing with their spears, while the Legion of Leaf is composed in their behavior.

Every way Arial step, they offer him praises and worship

'HAIL OUR COMMANDER!' they will yell joyously

The Legion of Leaf sent Velamina to her tent and then the Legion asks permission from Koer to return to their post in the Capital.

Koer agrees while also ordering them to relay the joyous news to the Capital that the internal struggles of the Orcs has ended, and they will begin again to find stability in the Orc Lands.

That night the Legion departed in silence. All of the Orcs is in a festive mood and jubilant with this victory.

Peace has come again on the Plains

The smell of horsemeat and other games invited many of the soldiers to join the festivities. Koer took all Bor horses and slaughters them for food.

And Arial could not complain.

The vegetables and seasoning is just enough with a hint of horsemeat. To compare it with the castle cooking, of course it is a far cry from perfection but it is appetizing.

'Dawarai Arial, join me in the fortress to feast with all the other commanders.' Koer asks when he sees Arial is eating with his soldier.

'It is fine Orothon Koer. This place is fine for me. The food is good, the scene is wonderful, and the breezy winds help calm me down after such battle.'

Koer nodded and he did hear and see how domineering Arial is in the last battle. Even when the spotlight is taken from him, he is not offended.

Secretly Koer admires Arial strength. Like all Orcs, he respected strength

Koer looks around and he realizes none of the Orc soldier is uncomfortable with Arial. And once again his opinion towards Arial rose.

To create camaraderie and unity in an army is not easy! He truly is a great commander he thought to himself.

'It is fine then Dawarai Arial. Though I must say, that the other commander would really love to hear your battle stories' Koer laughed

'But you will join us tomorrow right, hunting the remnant of the Orcs, the rebels?'

Arial sip the last sip of the horse soup and reply.

'I'm afraid I can't. As you know Koer it has been about a year since I went back home. Now this is settled and I have fulfilled my promise and duty towards King Azrael and his administration, there is no reason to stay here anymore.'

'Ah, such cold words. Surely you could extend such courtesy to me?'

'HAHAHA' Arial laugh.

'If I could I would, Orothon. But I have a wife back home and I doubt she will be pleased if she heard me enjoying her absence.'

'Ah, wife. Of course. These, I understand. I have seven wives myself and they are a headache. How much do you have, Dawarai?'

He nearly choked hearing Orothon Koer words. Arial don't know how to answer the Orc King question.

'Just the one, Orothon.'

'One? You are a remarkable man. How you endure the urges, I wonder?' he asks. Clearly, the question is innocent

'I guess; you have just to endure…. I guess?' he answers

'Is that so? Human culture baffles me.' Koer said and shakes his head and then he just laughs

The open air fire burn as there is a large gigantic pot with all the ingredient for the horse meat, vegetables, some herbs and spices and many meats as the orc keep eating.

Orcs seem to like meaty diet. All around him the sound of chewing meat and slurping can be heard with laugher and some Orc dancing all over.

'It is fine Orothon. I will pack myself tomorrow and handed my title to Ratarai Fera'

'It is unfortunate that we can't hold a proper award ceremony for a warrior of such renown as you, Dawarai.'

'It is fine, Orothon. It really is. It is not my intention to get reward when I help the Orcs.'

'Then why?' he asks. Arial then knows this is an opportunity for him

'For the Orcs to understand.'

'Understand? Understand what?'

'That not all humans mean harm. And neither we are weak.'

'HAHAHAHA' Koer laughed as he understands what Arial is trying to say to him

'That is true. I could not deny it now that I have met a human like you. However, to let you leave without any rewards would be disgraceful of me as you are my benefactor. The Horned God would sneer at me to treat my benefactor like this.'

Then he looked at Arial glaive beside the chair.

'I have heard that the Glaive you use in battle has become your favorite weapon. I will give that to you as a gift.'

Arial was shocked

'Orothon! I could not accept such gift. This has been passed down from how many generations of your family! How could I covet such items?'

Koer shakes his head and then he said

'It is fine. This will show my sincerity towards you and surely the Horned God will smile if such weapon is in the hand of one that could use the glaive to its full potential. Even if I kept it, what good will it does to me? I couldn't even lift it. So just accept it Dawarai.'

Arial hesitated and then Koer persuade Arial again

'For me, Dawarai Arial.' He said. Arial look at the weapon and then looking at the sincere face of Koer and he nodded.

'Then I must extend my gratitude for trusting me.'

Koer pat Arial in the back and then he said

'I will be in the Fort Main Hall with my Orurs. If you change your mind, please join us.'

Arial nodded. But Arial doubt he will join Koer, as he watched Koer and his officers walking towards the fortress main hall.

It is not because Arial hates Koer or anything like that but because Arial like this feeling looking at the Orc soldiers of his.

There is singing, dancing their traditional dance, the Dance of the Horned God, sharing their joy of victory and hope of peace with each other.

There is a fire in the middle of the celebration and Arial see many people dancing and singing around the fire, some throwing meat and food onto the fire as sacrifice for the Horned God.

Some Orc beats on the drums while others are singing. The voice is hoarse but not unpleasant and arouses fighting spirit.

It is not flowery like the songs of love, or smooth song to consoling a heartbroken heart, but hard and fierce, and the Orcs danced to the beat of the drums and gongs like they are in battle.

The dance is like fighting, each of the dances must be dance in pairs. One is attacking and one is dodging.

The dance of the Horned God. The Orc male has already loosened their armor and dancing half naked near the fire.

Arial like this kind of feeling. Tomorrow he will begin departing to Arrandy. Some farewell is needed.

He gripped his glaive and walk to Velamina tent.


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