Age of Heroes

Chapter 260: War! (1)

The troops arrived at dawn as the sun is slowly rising from the horizon.

Arial could see the fortress from a mile away. The Fortress is magnificent and almost looks like a human castle.

The fortress before this in the Orchish lands does not compare.

Most of the Fortress in the Orchish Land is made from mud brick while this fortress is different

This fortress resembles the furthers of human continent. Sturdy and intimidating. So much so that Arial believe that a human constructed this structure

Could it be some forces in Human Continent is helping these Orcs? He thought to himself before He shakes his head. That is just impossible.

'But is it?' he thought again. It has been almost a year since the trade routes are open between the Human Continent and Anvali.

Who is he to say that no other human Kingdom is envious of Arrandy position as the sole trading partner of Anvali?

Maybe, they too want a cut of this big pie.

One problem at a time he reminded himself. There is no need to make assumption without all the facts.

He then looks in front of him and he frowned

This is the decisive battle to decide whether they have to retreat back north or they can proceed to the south and strike Bor stronghold.

If they retreat, such chance will only present itself in years to come.

All the forces of Bor clan is in the fortress while Vor clan entire forces will arrive a bit late to reinforce his army

A decision has to be made

They as the font line force can either wait for Vor clan to come or decided to attack the fortress. All orders are under him right now.

Right now he has seventeen thousand troops including the support division. He looks at the Fortress again and one could see that he is thinking of something.

Velamina rides beside him. Looking at him, frowning she knows he is thinking a lot of things. She then asks, knowing exactly what he is thinking about

'We will enter battle, Arial? Or wait?' she asks

On the distance the yellow sun is rising even higher. Arial close his eyes and then slowly opens it, like he is taking the moment in.

He takes a deep breath and then he said to her

'Feel the wind roaring on the plains, Velamina. Look at the clear blue sky. Look at the green pasture in front of you. Today, I'm going to color the green pasture red, fill the roaring wind with screams of pain and shouting of battle. Today, I will once again be victorious'

The cold dawn is now replaced with the heat of the sun rising.

'TODAY IS A GOOD DAY FOR ANOTHER ORC TO DIE!' He roared and the Orc troops behind him roared in unison with him creating a roars of solidarity and invites fear on their enemies looking at their cooperation and unity.

Their roars reverberated across the area.

Arial then once again look at the fortress in front of him, his eyes sharp and the desire to do battle ignite inside his heart

A hundred-meter-high wall, which looked impregnable at first glance. But Arial has truly seen a Wall higher than this.

The Bleeding Wall is what Arial would describe as impregnable. On the slit around the wall of the fortress is Orc holding a spear no doubt wanting to spear them the moment they come close.

There is also some of those Orcs holding a big bow and waiting for them to charge the fortress.

Barrage of arrows will greet them, and thousands of Orcs will die the moment they step into the range of fire Arial mused.

It's not like he is afraid of the arrows but he could not attack without knowing how many Orcs is waiting on them on the other side.

At least with his number now he couldn't hope a full victory. But that does not mean that he wants a pyrrhic victory.

He has seventeen thousand troops but if rumor is to be believed the enemies have about one hundred and fifty thousand orcs behind that Fortress.

Not to mention, that the enemy could always supply their army with the soldiers waiting on the settlement passes the fortress.

Velamina who was beside Arial knows that Arial has made his decision. She then asks

'This is not going to be easy. That Wall is tall. How will we break it?' Velamina ask. Then she reminded him

'It is good to be confident and all that, but in the end, result is the only thing that matters Arial. You know that. These Orcs believe in you. They put their lives on you. Charge blindly and it's like throwing fodder for the Bor Orc to eat.'

Then as she spoke there is sound of cheering from the back. Both of them were startled.

'What is happening?' Arial ask.

'I don't know' Velamina answer. A messenger suddenly come forward from the rear and then he quickly gives Arial a missive

He took it and unfurls it. He then reads it and a smile is forming on the edge of his lips.

'Good news' Arial turned to Velamina smiling, clearly delighted after reading the missive.

'What? What happen?' she asks. Arial smiles and answer her

'In a couple of hours the main forces of Vor clan will join us.' Velamina suddenly understand why Arial is so happy. She then asks

'So, will you wait for them?' Arial shakes his head. He had other plans.

'No, we will attack' Arial declared, looking once again at that fortress in the distance

In a couple of hours this place will be a battlefield filled with Orcs corpse. It would be a tragic sight. But Arial is confident that his side would be victorious.

'BRING ME MY GLAIVE!' he shouted and quickly from the back the ten men, whose sole responsibility is to bring the glaive to him, come forward, bringing the glaive with apparent difficulty.

When it reaches Arial, he grabbed the large glaive, and he stomped the glaive end on the ground and the ground shakes around him.

He puffs out his chest and look again at the fortress this time, sure of his win. He raised his glaive and roar.

Roar of the dragons comes out from his mouth and some of the enemies Orc Archers shrinked in fear.

The plains reverberated with his roar like a dragon was descending down from the sky and was about to burn them all down

Even Koer Vor from such distance could hear the roar even asking his advisors whether there is a dragon in the vicinity.

Velamina noticed as days are passing, Arial exhibit certain characteristic that resembles that of a dragon.

He is strong before this, Velamina did not deny such assessment, but nowadays it is almost like he is entering a new level of power that even Velamina could not understand.

Velamina noticed that no matter how many hours of fighting, Arial rarely could be seen sweating or panting in exhaustion.

It was almost like his stamina is unlimited.

And his Dragon Roar technique which is loud and disrupts enemies become eerily similar like the roar of a real dragon, that reminds Velamina of Gaveror roars in that dragon lair.

Arial roar is then echoed by his troop fearing that their leader would roar at them for not following him and the plains is filled with their shouts.

The ground started to shake under their feet, a feverous roar that infect everyone and instill fear in the heart of their enemies.

Then Arial swing his glaive and pointed it at the Fortress.

'I will enter that fortress and I swear it by all the Gods, not one of Bor clan members will ever leave the plains alive!!!'

And then with one yell, the Orc troops stormed the fortress.

With discipline march they all reached around the wall simultaneously.

The Bor clan Orc archers responded at this attack by releasing thousands of arrows that one might say that it covers the sun.

'TORTOISE!' Arial yelled and they all employ the defensive formation with their shields, covering the gaps of where they could be snipe upon, as the arrow is deflected by the shield.

The ground is littered by thousands of arrows, its tips pierce the ground and embedded itself deeply into the ground. From the top Arial could hear.

'Fire Arrows.'

They're switching tactics now that they saw the volley of arrows did not do much damage to his army

Arial look at his Orc army. Hundreds died in the first volley ad this time many more would die.

But they succeeded in their defense. They have to press on.

'KEEP MOVING' Arial yelled and the Orc charges again. Velamina on the other hand, recognized that the Bor clan Orcs have prepared trap as they are nearing the fortress.

'Watch for the traps!' She yelled.

Combined with the traps and the fire arrows, thousands more die, some from the fire attack, some from the barrage of arrows that did not relent.

There is one Orc Velamina saw during the marching with one hundred and more arrows lodged in his body, lying on the battlefield burning.

It was like that man was a porcupine. If one looks at it from far enough distance, he would probably look like a porcupine.

A burning porcupine.

Arial on the other hand jump instinctively when he encounters the traps and deflect every arrow with his glaive and Velamina could see that Arial is enjoying this fight.

And even if some arrow managed to strike him, the dragon scale armor is too strong for the arrow to do any real damage on him

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