Age of Heroes

Chapter 249: Dragon heart (1)

The dragon tells them the story. Arial look at the dragon; his hand is still holding the sword near the gash around the dragon neck.

And the dragon began to speak telepathically to all the people on the cavern.

'This story begins a long time ago in the Age of the Gods, for this is where we Old and Ancient things roam the world, unhindered.'

He said and Arial is paying attention.

'Where the Sun Emperor is still young, when Dragons and Giants were feared and revered, where magic is in abundance, where Gods and mortals intertwine with each other, Lich and Ancient creature forgotten by time still exist. I was young at the time, merely thirty years at that time. We, dragons reign supreme.'

He said a little hint of pride in his voice.

'Mortals are our playthings for Gods are a fickle thing. I still remember it. Lady of the Lake quarrel with the Water Princess, the Night Mother disagreement with the Dawn Father, stories of old Gods, ancient gods that roam the world were told in Temples and house of worship. Then came a light from above, a light of such merciless fury that no magic in our knowledge even resembles such light, and coming out from that Light, is humans'

'But they are a different kind of humans then the humans in this world. All mortals have their fate decided for them. They could not disobey our words or our whispers. But these mortals that came from the Light…. they are different'

'They are not bound by our words nor do they fear us. If we kill one of them, they kill a thousand of us. They are scourge of Gods and demons alike. The Demon Lords and Xenosian Empire learn that the hard way'

'They kill one of their families. We know their power so we advise the Demon Lords not to provoke them but even we do not truly fathom their protectiveness of their own kind. For the first time, our eyes were opened. They were furious with us. Anger unseen before in human history. We are accustomed to human subservient attitude and their fear for us. And so a tragedy is borne from that preconception. We believe ourselves to be of superior race of human. We were wrong. We were terribly wrong.'

There is a hint of regret in his voice, and a trembling fear.

'Their King unleash a weapon that destroys an Empire of such great power, that in one day of red blaze, melting everything, a burst of fire so high that it even consumes dragons, destroying hundreds of races making them extinct. An Empire of great power and influence was swallowed by a rain of fire, buildings toppled, lives lost, consuming everything, burning everything'

The dragon said and its red eyes look at Arial.

'I was there. I was young at the time. I look it from the skies of Davarus and the light, the fire that burst from the spear could be seen from such distance, that it made me tremble with fear. Some young dragons try to look closer and they were blinded. I have known then, that Age of Man is dawning'

'But they are not, the original inhabitants of this world. That much we dragons know. They are not Gods but they might have as well been. We play with human life; this is true but even we could not or will send down such punishment'

'We couldn't understand their logic. They would burn the world if their families are even hurt. The Fay tried to enslave them and instead they hunt the Fay until their extinction. Their love and affection towards each other were so strong that if we threaten it, instead of cowering they will fight back'

'Their King once said to the demon lords "Hurt one of my people, I hurt a thousand of yours. Kill one of my people; I would kill ten thousand of yours. Kill ten thousand of my people, I will kill a hundred thousand of yours. Such is our vengeance. We will always pay back with more. So bring your worst, call your allies for we will fight them with everything we had" he said and that opens the eyes of the demon lords'

'They were used to the human slavery. Humans are weak. And for the first time, they saw a bunch of humans defying all expectation, overcoming all odds, to stand equal with Gods. The demon lords were cowering in fear, praying, despairing. The human King is ruthless on his enemies. If he wanted to destroy something, he will not destroy it halfheartedly. He will root out the thorns and destroy them all, never again to rise.'

Arial then said

'This is fascinating and all, but I want to know about the cure.'

'Do not worry. I will tell you.'

The group still holds the mithril chain even though there is nothing that the dragon could do now.

'One day, the King of the First Generation venture to the Land of the Dragons after the Treaty. He brought his companion. 'I still remember. Zeus, a godly warrior and a human named Kyle who is as cunning as the King himself.' The dragon said his eye wander to the distance like he is remembering an old memory

'The Human King then persuades the King of Dragons to tell him how to cure his wife. So the Dragon King Garawelian, tell the Human King. He needs to share his heart with the human King wife. And so, his companion brought the Human King wife and share their hearts. And she is cured. For that kindness, the Human King never attacks the dragons and the dragons did not attack the humans.'

Finally, it dawns in Arial mind. A look of realization struck him as he looks at the dragon. The dragon smirks as he said

'You must have thought that by killing me you would get my heart. You are mistaken. You must have read the account of the First Generation. You must have made a mistake in translating. It is not taking. It is sharing. Sharing a heart, beat as one. Kill me and the heart means nothing to you'

And with that Arial lowered his sword. Could it be?

'How will I know if you are speaking the truth?'

'You don't. Have faith. That is all that I could ask you.'

'What if you just take the opportunity to kill me?' Arial said, his eyes narrowing. One look of betrayal and Arial will swing the Enochian sword.

'I could. But I won't. You have defeated me.'

'You could lie.'

'I could. But I'm not.' Arial sighed with this spar of words

'So your suggestion to me is to have faith? To trust you without basis? Isn't that too big of a risk?' Arial asked suspiciously

"I know you want to question everything, but sometimes it pays to just have a little faith. Because to one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible." 

'Hmph' Arial grin.

'Fine. But you will stay chained up until I'm sure.' Then it is decided. Arial quickly send one of the elves to fetch for Mikael.

'Are you sure about this Arial?' Velamina said as Arial removes his armour and clothes.

Velamina could see the toned physique of Arial, his muscly arms and all the scars and the black veins around his heart.

It almost looks like the vein is strangling him Velamina thought to herself.

The dragon wings seem to recover slightly trying to stitch itself because of the regeneration power of a dragon but because of Arial powerful strike before, it takes time for the dragon to heals it

'Wha…'the sound of gasping can be heard. Arial turns to look behind him and see Mikael amazed look.

'A dragon!' Mikael exclaimed almost jumping of joy.

'Oh God. A dragon. Who would have thought? You really did it then?' he said jumping around hugging Arial. His eyes look at the dragon curiously

'You defeated it?' Mikael ask. Arial nodded.

'This is-' Arial is about to introduce the dragon to Mikael.

'Who is this demon?'

The dragon speaks and Mikael is startled

'It talk?'

'He' Arial corrected.

Then Arial relay to Mikael the stories he heard from the Dragon and Mikael nodded.

'So, it is a mistake in translation.' Still his eyes didn't leave the dragon.

'Yes' Arial nodded.

Mikael himself thinks again and the story is probably true.

Dragons might trick people, but they never lie. They are a noble creature after all and such noble creature have their own pride

'But can you trust him?' Mikael said glancing at the subdued dragon.

'Faith' replied Arial shortly.

'Yes, well…. here's to faith' Mikael said chuckling in excitement. Then after all the preparation is completed Mikael came in front of the dragon and said

'We can begin.'

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