Age of Heroes

Chapter 226: The marriage (1)


Flower arrangement covered every inch of the church, from lilac to jasmine, emanating a very calmly smell.

Daintily drooping lily bouquets adorned each pew.

The guest is whispering in the church, chattering about current event and the couple and what it means for the continent politics.

The nobles that is attending is seated behind the royalty and the Kings. King Adrian is seen with his wife, holding their baby son, a two-year-old, the Zettel King is fixing his long robe

There is also some royalty from the House of Chu who have brought a lot of gift for the couple.

There is also the King of Qin, King of Qi, some representatives from the Austen family and some spice prince from Ariundus, and Radiant Rulers of Seren also came to show their respect to their allied partners.

The Four families of the Principality of Freya also send their princes to attend.

The Priest that were tasked for this wedding is waiting for the bride and groom, the duke and the lady.

Corian King is beside the King of Zettel and anyone could smell that the perfume of the Corian King is very strong with its musky scent and making everyone uncomfortable.

In the large church, Kyle is seen with some girl, though just another girl in the many girls of the Knight Kyle has seduced for his attitude of flamboyant and as a lover is renowned in Arrandy as Arial renowned in the battlefield.

Lisa is with West, their relationship vague as usual.

Some of those that knew the story believed them to be lovers, some believed them to be close friends but the truth is only those two knows.

Even so, there is talk that the House of Lethe might soon unite with House Palais, owing to their son and daughter close relationship.

The long table outside the church is filed with gifts from all over the continents. The candles in the church illuminate the design of the beautiful church of St Afael.

The large church is a timber beamed ceiling instead of vaults supported by a colonnaded nave and with a broad lateral transept.

It has a large courtyard in front of a large fountain decorated with carving of Zhu Ar Zur wife and her statue in the open courtyard.

The wheel like colonnade of double columns create an impression of light and air while the mosaic shows depiction of the Great Hero and their companion mostly Zhu Ar Zur and his wife.

There is a reason why Zhu Ar Zur is prominently featured in churches. Sometime, at a certain church, he is prominently featured even more than Levitia.

While Levitia is mostly depicted in noble houses, and Kings throne room, owing to the Great Hero reputation as a leader and great warrior, Zhu Ar Zur is always depicted in Church because of his story, the fidelity of both spouses which is fitting with church that always held weddings.

The smell of the burning candles smells good as it gives a certain light that add beauty to this whole events.

The rose petals will be dropped from the top when the couple exits the Church as the custom of the Sky People of Old.

The minstrel and bard play their instrument and sang their love song, singing of fidelity of Zhu Ar Zur wife and the love story of Hippolia, happy songs, happy tunes.

For today is a happy day for the region as peace is secured internally and externally.

And with this wedding Arrandy position in the Continent is undoubtedly is as strong as any Kingdom.

Not to mention the elevation of status that Arial the Dragon will enjoy considering that Zephyr family comes from a kingly line which is why even Lord Henry the High Lord during his time of power tried to set a betrothal between his son and Helve daughter.

Then the door opens and the chatter stopped.

A hush that falls when the ceremony is beginning marking the union of two influential families of Aetherland.

The bride is accompanied by her father while the groom is already waiting for his bride in front of the priest.

The father gives his daughter hand to her would be husband. They say their vows. Prayers are chanted by the Priest, song being sung by bards and minstrel.

And applause came from the nobles and Kings. And then the couple kiss to seal their marriage.

Sunlight shone through the stained glass and bathed the couple with color, and again another thunderous applause fills the church

Lord Arial Vermont had married Lady Helia Althea. It was a happy day for Arrandy and the two couple.




Today the palace is visited by an envoy of Arrandy. She has returned to the palace waiting for her coronation.

She had hope the Prince of Arrandy has remembered her. In the last letter he said that she is mistaken.

Maybe in this letter will explain about his last letter. That is what she had hoped.

And then she receives the letter. She had high hopes

But then she opens the letter and her hope is dashed. Suddenly after reading the letter. she is out of breath. She shakes and tremble like she never did before

She thought, she believed that person…that person is hers. But now she understands something

He is a person that she shouldn't love. Now she understands.

The hurt, the pain she is feeling now is indescribable. She almost rip the letter apart but she did not. She takes a long deep breath

Then she returns to her bed chamber after reading the letter and said to the envoy that she couldn't attend.

She quickly retreats to her bed chamber while Isabelle follows her seeing the expression on her face

She slammed the door and started throwing everything in the room. Some flower vase was thrown out from her windows, the pillows were thrown to the side, the books were thrown to the walls, the candles were broken, all of it.

The noise will certainly alarm the people in the palace but at that moment she just couldn't care. All she feels is the pain in her heart.

That feeling of...surreal pain. And she did not know it was this painful. It was like someone is searing a hot knife into her heart and leaving a permanent mark

'Princess!' Isabelle screamed from outside.

'What happened?' She then barges in.

'WHAT?' She said raising her voice unintentionally as she looks at Isabelle. She thought she looked sad, but in Isabelle eyes she look like she had been hurt

'Why are you sad?'

'I'M NOT!' She yelled, a tear does not fall from her eyes. She holds it. She can hold it. She is the Goddess of War. She can hold the tears.

That is what she keeps telling herself. Isabelle sighed and said

'You are sad, Princess. They may call you the Goddess of War but I knew you. I knew you in ways that even you yourselves don't know. Tell me.'

Isabelle pleaded and she sat herself on the bed, looking at the mess the chamber is in. And then she tells her, and she just listen as she always does.

Rhysa tell Isabelle of how she met that person and her impression of him.

She told Isabelle of her estimation of her opinion of the boy, the gradual feeling of admiration she had felt for him when she knows who that white haired young lord really is.

She told Isabelle about the budding feeling in her heart that continues to grow since the day that she first met him

She tells Isabelle of the sordid and dreadful thing called love, sordid because she is grieving and dreadful for she has been hurt.

She explained to Isabelle that the affection did not come immediately but gradually, and even with the hurt, she could not help but spoke of the prince good qualities.

Her cheek reddened recollecting those memories, remembering private memories and thoughts, delusion of a young girl, she knows now.

Isabelle was incredulous to hear the story

She could not have think that Rhysa, the strong and powerful future Queen of Renasia have set her heart to another man

But Isabelle when she looks at her face, she could finally understand why Rhyssa so detest people asking her hand and she now understand all of that question about love she kept asking her

Isabelle at first look at her doubtingly but then as she listens to the story that look turned into amazement. She again assured Isabelle of the truth of the story.

She told Isabelle the motives of her secrecy.

She had been unwilling to let people interfere, but her main concern was that she was shy and she don't know how to handle the feeling that so suddenly enters her mind and her heart.

All was acknowledged as she told Isabelle all of her story and all of her feelings

'I revere him. The dragon, the people called him' she said, with a bitter smile on her face.

'The stories about him…. you will think it is a fairytale. So noble and powerful. I've met him like the encounter stories of old. I've met him and he defeated me. Like how Levitia defeated Leliana. And I thought he will remember me as most stories always do, as Levitia remembered Leliana. I don't know why but for some weird reason, I felt that he was my destiny. When I think about him, it was like I could my future with him together. And that future seems so clear'

She said, this time looking at Isabelle, her gaze looking at her as she nods.

'What I felt for him…. the passion I felt for him, though I acted most shyly, and occupied I am with the matter of the military, I did try to make my heart desire to be known.

'I send a letter to him, to make my heart known. For this is the first time I have ever fell in love. And that passion, the fiery passion I felt for him, hearing his accomplishment and exploits, feeling this feeling of tender emotions…..I'm incapable of anything less, for no other man. It is weird and baffling. But as the poets once said, you sometimes couldn't choose the person you will love'

Isabelle nodded, determine to listen and Rhyssa began pouring her hearts out.

'So you could understand the shock I received when I read the letter from the envoy of Arrandy and it told me that the man I love is marrying some girl.'

She took another vase and throw it to the wall and it broke. The glasses broke into countless tiny sharp pieces.

Isabelle flinched for a second before she sighed.

'Arturo must have hidden this matter from me. He will pay' She said while Isabelle just sit at the edge of the bed and just look at me.

'Is that all you feel right now? Anger?' she asks

'YES!' she yelled

'Anger! How could I not. I've never been born with magic but I know this. The moment I fell in love with him I felt magic. And when I read the letter I felt stricken, gasping for air. The magic lost, the mysteries unraveled. And it is the worst feeling I have ever felt'

Isabelle nodded and then she said

'Find another man. A better gentleman. Some spice King or some young King in the continent. I know that will please your father. And will surely endear you to the other noble families who have been incessant in their words and unreserved in their opinion about the matter of your marriage for there is no immediate heir to the throne should you fall in battle.'

Isabelle suggested. Rhyssa chuckles bitterly and then said

'If only it was that easy. If only I could fall in love with another man, throw my affection to someone else, if it was that easy, that might help me and surely make this matter less hurtful'

And then she paused for a moment and then she continues

'But I can't find a man who interests me like he did. I don't think I could love anyone like I love that man. I don't know why but I think the poets were not lying when they told stories about love at first sight. If I knew I would felt this pain…. I would have never loved at all.'

Isabelle snorted and that anger her.

'WHAT!' She yelled  

'You are a Princess yet you complain of your life as a common folk does. So you fell in love? What? Do you think it will be easy? Do you think it is all sunsets and rainbows? Kisses and Love song? Love. Horrible isn't it?'

She asks calmly. And then with a sad smile she said

'Love. O love. It makes you vulnerable. It forces you to open your heart and let someone in. Princess, I've seen you since you were babe. We grow up together.'

She said as she picks up the vase, the broken pieces and took some clothes and store it there. Then she continued without looking at her.

'You build defenses, wall around you, so impenetrable, that only your mother could see beyond that wall. You shut yourselves, immersing yourself in the study of warfare, of strategist and of killing and fighting'

Then she smiled.

'But one day, one day, you met this boy like it was fate and like any tale of a young boy and a young girl, you fell in love. Maybe he smiles at you. Maybe it is his laugh. I don't know. Or maybe it is something dumb he did. Or maybe something heroic he's done for you and unconsciously and inevitable you give a piece of your heart to him, unknowingly to him as unaware you are when you give it and he carried that piece away. He didn't ask for it did he?'

Isabelle asked. Rhyssa don't know how to answer it but she felt choked, tears are pooling in her eyes.

'And suddenly you found out that your heart and your life aren't yours anymore. Love takes you prisoner. The beating of love, it courses through you, in your veins, in very beat of your heart. In dreams and in your waking moment you feel it. You see him even when you close your eyes. And your heart misses him at every beating moment. I know Princess because I have been in love. Many times.'

Isabelle said as she looks at the ceiling like she is reminiscing.

"But not all love is requited, especially those that are silent. It leaves you in the darkness. Love. It hurts doesn't it?"

Her voice is full of concern. Rhyssa look at Isabelle face and she is sincerely trying to console her and she nodded weakly.

"It is more painful than your scars Princess, the many scars you received during your battle, if I have to assume. It rips you apart. Your very own core shakes. It stands to reason people should hate love if love brings them such pain."

Rhyssa nodded again and the tears flowed as her throats become parched, the pain so visceral that only now it manifests.

Isabelle got up and come closer to her. And then she brought her closer and hugs her.

She slowly rubs her back with her hand. Then she said

'Princess, love does hurt. But love is one reason life is worth living. If there is one thing worth doing in our limited lifespan as mortals, then love is probably the noblest endeavors.'

And Isabelle words are drowned by Rhyssa sobs and Isabelle waited for her until she had calmed herself down.

She then hesitates before she continues her words

"To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. This is the truth"

She then continued

'If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one. Wrap it carefully and avoid all entanglements. Can you do that?"

She asked and then she continue

"Then you must hide it up in iron box of your selfishness. But in that iron box, dark, motionless, cold, airless, your heart will surely change. It is not matter of whether it will happen or not, it is a matter of when'

'Your heart, by doing that, it will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, and irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable. And such to be vulnerable would allow you to feel pain when it doesn't go the way you wanted it to happen. And with pain comes the tears'

'Life will always find a way to break you, Princess. Nobody can protect you from that, not me, not your Knights and surely not your parents. There is no force in heaven and Earth that will help you with that'

'The Gods is after all, playful and sometimes mean, playing with Fates and Destiny. But living alone, isolating yourself won't help either. Solitude will break you with its yearning. You have to love. You have to feel. It is the reason you are here on earth, at least that is what I believed. You are here to risk your heart. You are here to be swallowed up. And when it happens that you are broken, or betrayed, or left, or hurt, or death brushes near, tell yourself you at least tried." She said and there was silence for a while before Rhyssa ask Isabelle.

'How about you?'

Rhyssa asked, remembering that Isabelle said she has many times fell in love. How did she deal with the pain?


She contemplated and then she smiles. It looks like a smile full of hurt but also that of acceptance

'I no longer believed that there is only one man for me, if that is what you are asking, Princess. Or if there is only one destiny for me. But, I am beginning to believe Princess, that a very few times in your life, very few, if you are lucky, you might someday meet someone who is exactly perfect for you. Not because he is perfect, or because you are, but somehow, your flaws and his flaws complement each other. And maybe someday I'll meet that man. And maybe someday you will. And maybe at that time we will get our happy endings. So, cried your hearts out today Princess. Tomorrow is a new day. Hopefully this pain will pass.'

Isabelle said, while patting her back and Rhyssa is determined to forget him. She will not be the woman who break a marriage.

She knows this is a hard task. She doesn't know if she could even forget him. But she will try.

Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. But someday. Someday she probably can forget him.

But for today, she will indulge in this pain of hers and cry.


"The power of a glance has been so much abused in love stories that it has come to be disbelieved in. Few people dare now to say that two beings have fallen in love because they have looked at each other. Yet it is in this way that love begins, and in this way only."


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