Age of Heroes

Chapter 214: The rats shows themselves (1)


A few weeks after his discussion with Silas, he gives Lord Aleister ten thousand soldiers with ceremony and feast to congratulate him.

The feast was filled with Lord Aleister supporters, Lord Zorgos among them. There is even Lord Daimon, drunk on the third cup, but a capable general.

At this point of time, it seems Lord Aleister still suspects nothing. Of course he must not suspect.

This plan is the plan that he and Silas had concocted. Mostly Silas plans but his point stand

Elkar was at the feast and he could not believe what he has done. Elkar eyes glare at him the entire time.

That night Elkar came to his tent determined to ask him of such idiotic decision making on his part.

Elkar enters his tent, furious and confused at the turn of event. Honestly, he is more furious than confused. Of course Azrael had expected such reaction.

'Are you jesting, Your Grace!' Elkar yelled.

'To give an army to Lord Aleister. And that big. What are you thinking? NO! You must not be thinking? Or else why would you give him that?' Elkar has been by his side since he was ten.

Their bond is like that of a brother.

Azrael had already rehearsed what he is about to say. Silas even though he knows that he hates lying to Elkar he still asks this of him.

'I wish to rid of him' Azrael answer Elkar question. Elkar was puzzled.

'And how do you do that when you just give him wings to fly with ten thousand soldiers?' Elkar asked his eyes return to vitality, curios.

Azrael answered

'I will ask him to attack the wall, and when he is weakened I will return from Arakath bringing reinforcement.'

This time Elkar truly look at him and then he nodded

He is not at all suspecting that this is not the true objective. The true objective is far more complicated and would only work if Lord Aleister bit the bait. The bait is gold and riches. The prize is the throne.

'You mean you want to trick Lord Aleister?' Elkar ask again

'Yes.' Azrael answer confidently, his face expression did not betray his lie. Then he added

'For today he will rejoice but a month later he will weep. I will go next week. He believed that I have entrusted him to attack the Wall but I know better. The Wall will not crumble, nor would its soldier run.'

Elkar nodded in understanding. With the Vermont's holding the fort there, it would not be an easy task to break through the walls. Not to mention it is manned. It is hard enough even if it is not manned

'I understand.' Elkar nodding

'Please keep this a secret' Azrael said.

Then after talking about other things, Elkar excuse himself. A few moments later, from behind Silas enter.

'You did what I ask Your Grace.' Azrael turn to him and nodded. Like he have a choice in this matter. He already had agreed of this plan so he have no choice but to do it good

Azrael must admit Silas plan could potentially rid him of his enemies in the Court and strengthen his authority

'I don't like lying to Elkar.' Silas just smirks and reply with

'It had to be done. To deceive your enemy, you first have to deceive your friends.'

He said his hand on his back, basking under the moonlight shine like some ancient sage, if a sage means a very mischievous person running around in the shadows, looking behind your back and snickers all the time because that is the kind of feeling he get when he sees Silas.

Silas is a combination of a wise and playful persona.

He knows what Silas is planning and it's not for them to return tomorrow morning to Arakath but something more brilliant.

Something more sinister, one that can only be cooked up on Silas mind.

After that they went through the plan again and after they are perfectly remembering the plan they nodded to each other and wait for the opportune moment.

In the time of waiting, they drink together.

that night Silas get drunk from drinking too many wine and complain about his wife to him. It seems he has quite the vibrant marriage.

Hearing him talk about his wife, Azrael is filled with strong longing over Arianna.

He walks outside his tent, leaving the unconscious Silas on the ground of his tent as he looks at the moon up in the sky.

He raises his wine cup and then said

'Be patient my moon. I will come for you'





They are camped near the Bergeit hill, resting. Silas has warned him, that tonight some rats will go out of their hole and he can shine some light on these nameless and faceless traitors.

That night suddenly there is a commotion outside his tent, the sound of horns blown and gong hits. The war drums are being beaten

The screams and the yelling begin, a warning sound ringing in his ears. Azrael opens his eyes.

'Hah, the playful Sage is right' he mutters. He called Silas the playful sage. This time he is right again, just like always

Azrael sighed. He didn't want to admit it but Silas was right and by being right Azrael heart become a bit sadder.

This is the truth he did not want to become a reality. Nonetheless, he got up and wear his armor.

He then cleans his sword and sharpened it against the whetstone, donned the helmet and then he steps outside, ready to slay some enemies.

The moment he comes out from his tent, he could see it from the distance.

He sees the march, an enormous force of forty-five thousand troops led by Lord Aleister in the front, Lord Daimon beside him, King of the Orc on his left side leading these armies against him.

He is confident of his victory' Azrael thought to himself.

Let see how long that confidence will last.

Lord Aleister has openly led a war to depose him. He smiles and he almost laughed. Lord Aleister and his followers do not even realize the trap that is laid upon them,

'A rat trap' Silas exclaimed. The voice came from behind and Azrael instinctively turn his head. And there he is.

Silas appeared behind him, his eyes looking at the march.

'What did I say Your Grace?' he said smug expression on his face. He is calm and collected; the sight of the large army did not even unnerve him.

He is always like this. Smiling all the time.

It is like he is playing his own game of his own devising, and likened to playing cha'tur in a dark room with unrecognizable cha'tur piece, for infinite stakes, with a player who won't tell you the rules, and who smiles all the time.

It gets annoying at times.

'Your words are true.' Azrael confesses, gritting his teeth.

'As it is always does.' He replies smirking.

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