Age of Heroes

Chapter 210: Encounter at the temple (3)

Arial frowned as he understands the Abbot dilemma.

The Abbot may not want to fight her, but he could not let a glorious thousand years of the temple reputation crumble because of him.

That is being unfair to all the monks inside here and his predecessor. Arial feel the utmost respect for the Abbot.

Not only in the way he conducts himself but also because of his contribution to humanity.

During the Great Invasion, the Temple of Linzi are some of the forces that volunteered to fight off the horde.

Them and the Knight Academy.

Thinking about it, the history is changing more rapidly than ever. There are many things that have happen, some key points in history changes from the one in his memory.

The Knight Academy is no more in Aetherland, after Knight Master Orval and the other teachers were hunted down by the Inquisitor.

The reason for their kill order by the church is puzzling. Arial think that his meddling might have created some effect.

Even though his illness and the cure is important, the Abbot is important too. Probably more important than him if his plan fails.

The Abbot is important to him and the Human Continent. Arial then look towards the Western Serpent.

And he clenches his fist. Even though he might not be a match for the Western Serpent Arial is determined to help the Abbot if the situation calls for it.

And he is actually curios what is truly his level of internal energy. He trained every day and he never stopped training his internal energy that he got from the secret library.

And he is curios what kind of power he already reached and how he would fare against a true expert

He did fight off a few rogue criminals of the martial arts world but they were too easy and their internal energy is low.

The Abbot then sighs and pose a question to the Western Serpent

'Do you really intend to fight me, Sharazade?'

'That is my intention.' She replied. He nodded as he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

Then opening his eyes, he releases his breath and answer the Western Serpent challenges.

'Then let us spar a little' he said reluctantly.

And the energy swirls around the yard. Suffocating and heaviness could be felt in the body with their internal energy swirling around the place, finding a delicate balance.

The leaves rustle, the wind strengthens

Arial use his own internal energy to resist being weak in the knees like some of the disciple from the Sun Moon Sect.

Then they began their battle.

'YAHH' With that battle cry the Serpent begin her attacks. He looks at them began engaging each other in battle.

Then they fly to each other and employ their palm moves. The Abbot uses Calming Palm, a technique used to counter strength with softness.

His Palm was glowing in golden color and a pressure that could eliminate all evils emanated from him, the wind around his body make way and the land blessed him

He looked sacred and holy, Devils runs and Gods smiles.

The Serpent uses a weird palm technique, her hands look like mirage, appearing to appear everywhere, on the left, on the right, on the top, forward, trying undoubtedly to confuse the Abbot and attack his vital points.

It was like a thousand myriad illusions, confusing the audience and those with a weak mind could feel their head becomes dizzy and becomes nauseated.

Their palm hit each other, and a shockwave ripples as the wall behind the Serpent blow up with a terrifying sound while the trees behind the Abbot were cut to countless pieces.

They both were pushed back as their feet glides on the stone tiles, leaving the stone tiles on their retreating path to crack and breaking apart just by being near them

The land beneath their feet crumpled up like paper and heat circles envelops both of their bodies.

The Abbot does not underestimate the Serpent that is for sure. To make that wall blow up like that requires a strong internal energy.

Arial look at this battle with open eyes. He has studied Levitia technique and from there all technique arises. So he could understand the logic of the Abbot attack.

The Abbot looks like a sacred Gods of Old, kind and generous while the Serpent looks like a Demon escaped from Hell, vicious and bloodthirsty

They only use their palm but it looks like they were using swords to fight each other.

'Again!' Western Serpent yell out and then they once again fought against each other. They exchange blows with deafening sound produced with each strikes.

Wind around them exploded and wind gales went wild. Their attack is fast and powerful. Hand to hand, feet to feet, palm to palm.

It is extremely fast movement and normal people surely could not follow their moves, they were like lightning, agile and fast.

The wind howled and screamed, the scent of heat could be smelled as their exchanges produces heat energy around them

Every step they take, the tile beneath their feet cracked around them, every palm strike the wind blows a torrent of gust, every blows missed destroy any object around their vicinity.

Western Serpent technique is like the rumors states. Vicious, cruel and deceiving. And confusing full of trickery, lulling her opponent to attack her and that is when she attacks.

She tried in the beginning attack to gouge the Abbot eyes, employing her fingers in a scooping motion but thankfully the Abbot avoided that.

The viciousness of her style truly lived up to its reputation

The Abbot is also capable, in not falling for her traps and feints. Calm like a still lake, unmoving like a mountain.

It must be hard to try to see beyond the surface of the intended intention of the Serpent. But the Abbot could see through it like he possesses some kind of eye of wisdom

'Be careful, Abbot!' Some of members of the righteous sect yelled out.

'Keep pushing on!' A member of the evil sect shouted. As the battle progress both sides cheer for either the Abbot or the Western Serpent

The Serpent tried to target the Abbot throat this time but the Abbot counter with Fire Finger technique, a technique involving shooting an invisible, piercing internal energy attack to one body.

The Serpent had to forget his attack, pulling out her slicing motion. Her feet pushed forward as the Serpent had to retreat a few step and employs a defensive stance as the Abbot finally press his attack.

From this Arial could see that the Abbot is just trying to incapacitate Western Serpent instead of going for her vitals.

This is not a wise move but one considered to be honorable. After all, rarely monks take a life unless they had to. If the Abbot did target her vitals Arial doubt the Serpent can last.

'But I've been proven wrong before' Arial thought to himself


The thrid chapter of the triple release

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