Age of Heroes

Chapter 197: Agreement



The Holy Land at night is a peaceful oasis. Waves after waves, the wind blows the sand to the tent.

The night sky is black, dotted with white stars lining the sky. The moon is partially covered by the clouds.

The breeze smell of sand and dust. He remembered this morning when he takes a stroll around the Holy City.

In the morning, he visited the Church of St Salivari. One of the beautiful churches erected in the Holy City. It was built to represent the Church of Light here in the Blessed Land.

It is a simple building, a rectangular shaped building, with a flat timber-beamed ceiling supported by colonnaded naves.

Azrael almost chuckle at himself.

He has deep extensive knowledge in architecture, because he has always liked it. Well, he like how the angles complimented each other's and marvel at the creation.

The Church has a transept placed between the apse and the nave to allow the circulation of the faithful who came to the Church.

Outside, a central fountain is provided for the faithful to clean themselves before entering the church.

he also took the time to visit the Church of St John which is built during the Divisive War between the Church of Light Papnoticon which splits them into Liberate and Orthodox.

It is built of brick made in Seren, with one gold altar and six normal altars, hundreds of chandeliers and seventy gold candlestick to illuminate its mosaic.

Many of these beautiful churches were built during the lifetime of the Pious Emperor and George the Wise.

There are also the Temples which are to represent the Gods and goddesses of the Continents. He sees the Temple of the Water Princess built at the time of Queen Rayniss.

It was of Renasian design. Their design is slightly different and unique unto itself.

It stood on a podium made of Ariundus block about thirteen feet high and measured 203 ft. long by 174 ft., making it probably the biggest temple of the Water Princess the world has ever seen.

It had seven inner chambers with the water Princess in the Central holding a golden Jug, and the other chambers feature her maidens.

Its overhanging roof is decorated with bright painted ornaments and statues, some of them are full size, mostly of monster that the Water Princess fights during her early years.

Then there are the Temples for Three Teachings, Fire Temple and every single belief in the Continent is represented in the Holy Land.

Then from the stillness of life the curtain cloth that guard the entrance of his tent ruffle. He was a little startled but the arrival of this person is expected.

It took his mind of his strolling during the day as he focusses to the entrance of his tent.

'I will come in Your Grace' he said, his words sound like a whisper.

From it appeared a man with black garb. There is also his knapsack, fill with documents. He has a little sweat on his forehead.

'Any news?' Azrael asked

The person covers back the entrance and the quickly sit down. He opens his knapsack and brings out a flask of water and began uncorking it and started drinking from it.

'My informant has got valuable information Your Grace' Silas said his mouth is trickling with water.

'As you know my lord I have employed many people, and bought many slave woman, an act if ever reveal to my lord Arial will amount a very harsh punishment from him, but without these means I would not have found out all these. Terrible, terrible news'

'Tell me' Azrael ordered

'I put my slave woman to work in the pleasure House, the young boy I purchase, I set them up as thieves and spy, reading letter, stealing important information, while the slave girl worm "their" secret out by sleeping with them."

"Their" refers to the nobles of the demon lords as we have uncovered. It seems Crow is in the heart of this alliance.

"And finally this few weeks after Your Grace halted the army movement, impatient and thirsting for glory, exhausted and frustrated, many of the nobles spend their time in the pleasure house, drinking till morning, and my pleasure girl found it so easy to worm information out of them in their drunken state. And finally we have got credible information."

Azrael nodded and gesture him to continue.

" After comparing the information I got from the pleasure girl and the spy I came into a conclusion. There is an alliance Your Grace and it is headed by Aleister Crow, like we suspected and joined by many nobles "

'Alliance? Of what? For what?' Azrael asked, his eyebrows is furrowing

'That I don't know but there is a sinister force in your court Your Grace that is determined to bring a great war between humans and demon race. Their objectives still remain obscured from my knowledge. Many of the letter detail that they are pleased that their plan is working exactly as they wanted to. Their letter also mentions Ba'yang which seems to be their mastermind and someone unexpected. Even they themselves don't know who this person is Your Grace.'

'Shadow' Azrael said.

'What Your Grace?'

'Ba'yang means Shadow. It is one of the old languages of the Demon race.' He explained. Silas nodded in understanding.

'I believe this Ba'yang person is the one who orchestrates all this conspiracy. Whoever he is he is shrouded in mystery and very careful.' Silas said holding his chin as his expression turns serious. He is thinking of something.

Then Silas too took a gulp of water. The tense atmosphere in the tent and the dry environment is not good for Azrael.

Silas look at him and asked.

'Did you tell anyone about our arrangement?' he ask his eyes suspicious


'Good. Good' Silas said but somehow Azrael don't think Silas is convinced with his answer.

Then he heard footsteps.

'Someone is coming, Silas. Hide yourself.'

Silas also heard it and quickly he went out from the back wearing back his veil and disappeared into the dark of night.

'Your Grace' the voice shouted from outside. Azrael know that voice. Old friends. One of his trusted friend.

'Elkar, come on in.' Then he enters. He wears a white garb a little sand is ticking to his clothes. A few sweats on his forehead and he quickly swipe it with his sleeve

'Sit down' Azrael said as he pours water to the goblet and handed it to Elkar.

"You must be thirsty"

"Thank you Your Grace."

Elkar then seated himself upon the cushion. He looks around the tent. Then he hesitated to say something but Azrael noticed it.

'Anything you would like to say Elkar?' he asked

'I don't know how to bring this up to you, Your Grace, but I don't think the military is content to just lazing around here in the Blessed Land. I believe even the generals and the noble Houses is all raring to go to attack the wall. There are already been fight that broke out between the Elves and the Orcs, Dwarves and Faeries. They are…. unfortunately, too enthusiastic.'

'What about trying to contain them here like you suggest last time?' Azrael ask back

'I was short-sighted Your Grace. It seems even the chanting and prayers in the Holy Land could not calm their hearts Your Grace.'

Azrael look at Elkar exhausted face.

He knows this war means something for him but the fact he is always by his side supporting every single one of his decision is an act of loyalty.

'I know it is hard for you to persuade the other lord not to war against the human when you also once suffer under the hand of humans.' Azrael said, smiling bitterly

'Your Grace!' He said clearly surprised.

'I know what happen to your family Elkar.'

Azrael heard the story where there are stranded around the Principality of Freya and killed by the mob of angry humans.

'I know how you feel and I know you yourself want to release that anger but your decision to stand by my side is an act of loyalty that I appreciate and a gesture that I surely will not forget' Azrael expressed his gratitude

The fact that Elkar can remain calm and supportive of his decision only strengthened his belief that he have found a loyal subject he can talk to.

'Such words are wasted on me, Your Grace' he said.

'Dispense with the formalities Elkar. In this tent there is only you and me.'

After that they drink wine together while he tries to staunch his worries about this alliance he heard from Silas.

He will make it his priority tomorrow to find this alliance and crushed it and then after this is done, he would try to trust the young human lord promise on saving Arianna.

Here's to promises.


Second part of the mass release. Hope you like the chapter

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