Age of Heroes

Chapter 193: Not the same person (2)

'He then, in his anger, order that war be declared. He was furious. The one person that gives his life meaning is taken away from him. One can only imagine the pit of despair, the hours and hours, days and weeks of lamentations, the suffering that the noble have inflicted him, the burden of existence weighing on him. So with all his might, and anger, furious, furious anger, he came to the noble lands and burns and pillage, and wreaks vengeance upon his land. Then he pursues the noble's family, the noble's people, and anything the nobles have, he destroyed, he burns, he slaughters. Blood flowed like rivers; land scorched leaving only ashes, cities turns to desert as he plowed his way to satisfy his anger. Until one day, he stops. And then he looks back. He looks on the wreckage on his wake. It is now he who kills. It is he who gives suffering. And he looks himself in the mirror and he can no longer see the man he used to be. Vengeance changed him. The killings make a mark upon his soul. And whether he can admit it or not he knows he is not the same man that he used to be. He knows he have gone too far to turn back.'

'What are you trying to say?' Azrael ask him.

'Ah, Your Grace, but the story is not over'. He said.

'Finish it then' Silas continued

'He despair on his current condition but he justify himself now, using his vengeance. "For her" he said. "For her" he convinced himself. Years go by as he conquered every land in the area, killing and pillaging until one day one woman came to his castle. The wise King, the kind and lovable King, who is no longer wise, and no longer kind and lovable, looks and realizes the woman is his bride. He found her. But she has lost her husband for she looks at the King and all she sees is a monster. And so ends the story, when his bride sees the destruction that her lover has wrought under her name. And the girl died stricken of grief leaving the King alone and sad'

And then he said no more.

'What is that supposed to mean?' Azrael asked

'I don't know. This is the story my lord says to convey to you.' Then he gives Azrael a letter.

'Open it, Your Grace' he asks.

He opens it. Only a few words were written



There is someone lying to you. Your fiancé is alive. Ask Silas. He will tell you all you need to know.


Azrael looked at the letter and he look back at Silas. And then he remembered the story that Silas had just told him. Is that what he would be? What he could be? Or is that a reminder? He asked himself

Is the young lord Beyond the Seas conveying this to show him what path could he choose? Then Azrael quickly ask Silas to tell him what he knows.

"Gladly" Silas replies. He tells Azrael all that he knows; that his fiancé is being held in Vern by the Emperor of Vern and that she is still alive.

That the young lord beyond the sea is trying to mediate her return unharmed and avoid a great war between humans and demons. That the young lord would appreciate if Azrael could help him.

'A grave mistake is almost levied upon the innocent!' Azrael exclaimed to himself as he takes a deep breath

He holds his head as Azrael ponder the big news that is relayed unto him.

'Almost started a war' he said to himself shaking his head in regret. Then Silas tell him of the young lord warning and hope.

That the young lord wanted to create a peaceful relation with Arakath and hearing that the action of the Emperor in Vern, he is disgusted by such acts that the young lord would help him, and if need to, exact revenge to the Empire.

But he also informs Azrael that no armies of the Demon race will pass the wall without his permission.

That if they mount an attack at the wall, the young lord will see it as a declaration of war, and he would retaliate.

He would gather every single King, every single man in the continent he could employ, and devise devastating strategies and the young lord warned that he will rue the day that he ever came to Davarus.

Azrael sighed and then he said to Silas

'You can leave. Tell him I would accept the young lord help and I will persuade the other factions and the Kings in my court to return back. Tell him if he needs any help, financially or military I would be happy to assist.'

He said to Silas as he wanted to think about this. It is also safer if he accepts the help of the young lord.

He knows the region and he is respected and revered in Davarus. Maybe he could persuade the Emperor to release her.

Of course, Azrael is also furious at the Emperor but for now Arianna safety takes priority. Who knows if he marches to the Human Continent the Emperor would kill Arianna.

He couldn't risk that.

Knowing that her blood is on my hand.

He is clenching his fist tight right now. If not for some shred of rationality in his mind he would surely broke through the wall and march to Vern to take the head of that Emperor.

One day he vowed that he will give what the Emperor deserve but for now, he is happy knowing, certainly that she is still alive.

And he need to make sure she stays that way.  Silas shakes his head.

'No, your Grace.' He suddenly said.


'The Vermont's sent me here to help you.'

'Help me in what?'  This time it is Azrael turn to be puzzled.

Silas then come closer to Azrael and then in a whispering tone said to him

'Someone is trying to start a war in your administration. This much is clear to me after I spy on your nobles. There is something foul in your court'

Silas then look around and then he continued.

'As long as they exist, rift will be created and conflict will never end. Maybe not now. But someday. Years or month from now, even if we successfully save the Princess new issues will be created, issues that inevitably lead humans and demon race to the battlefield of war'

Silas then sighed and continued his word

'We must cut the root of the problem for peace to be everlasting. My lord, Arial, does not like to go to war, whatever his reputation might suggest. He would like to establish trade relations with the Dark Lands, a peaceful relation of non-aggression, but he doubts it will ever happen if they are obstacles in your administration actively pursuing the path of warfare and creating nonexistent conflict. The young lord did not want both continent to fall down the path of perpetual war.'

Azrael hearing this also agrees. Anvali and Davarus is both big and it is better to have peace than war.

Silas continued.

'This is a grave matter for it involves not only your people peace but our people peace. Someone is trying to start a great war between humanity and the Eight races. And they are highly influential and they may even have spies in your closest circle Your Grace. And this is a matter of concern for Vermont family who live along the wall. He offers me to help you. If you want to deny this help, then I will return and spoke of your intention. If you believe peace…. peace can be achieved between human and demons, then accept my help. Let me be your eyes and ear. And I guarantee this. I guarantee that I will catch this rat and I will swallow them like the rats they are'

Azrael stared at Silas, and he looks at him and he waited for Azrael decision, with a whisper, with many thoughts in my head Azrael utter yes.


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