Age of Heroes

Chapter 178: The battle at the rooftop (1)



They did not agree on it but they charge at the same time.

Liao Bao charged forward toward the one that have the halberd while that young man charged toward the one with the spear

With one glance, Liao Bao could tell that young man is very experienced in the martial art technique.

The other one with the halberd swing his weapon at him, but Liao Bao bets move have always bene about lightness technique. It is not so easy to touch him

He slithers around him, dodging his every attack making him confused and break his attacking rhythm easily

Stay in one place, you brat he yelled. Liao Bao could not help but want to tease that halberd wielding martial artist

He stuck out his tongue at him

'Don't get angry because of your low capability' he mocked and he laughed as he sidestepped another attack easily

The old man gets angrier and he swing around his halberd without a thought but it is not hard to avoid it especially in such messy style of attack.

He even has time to watch the young man, Helia dancing around the spear. It is clear while there is not one distinguishing feature of the martial arts that Helia practises, his technique seems to be high level martial arts

but suddenly the rhythmic patterns of the spear dance suddenly turned slow and fast baiting the young man to enter his sphere of attack.

And Helia enters that sphere of attack unhesitatingly which shock Liao Bao

'Wai-' Liao Bao yelled as the spear arrived in front of Helia with a terrifying speed but the young man smacks his hand together releasing a fairly powerful internal energy and clamp the spear with his bare hand.

'Great' the crowd cheered below and hooting

'Phew' He sigh in relief and was about to give a thumbs up to Helia when Helia shouted at him

'Pay attention' Helia yelled at him when suddenly in front of Liao Bao face the halberd is about to hack away his head.

Liao Bao unconsciously move his feet and employed the Treading on the Wind.

He sidestepped the hacking motion, duck when the hacking motion was turned into a slashing motion and flew himself under the halberd swings and attack his feet and the old man tumble down.

Then quickly Liao Bao flew to the other ledge

'Your turn' he said to the young man.

The young man grinned

'Fine' he said.

The scarred man tries to release his spear from Helia grip but his spear will not budge. Then Helia released his grip and ask him again.

'Return my pouch and I'll forget this happen.'

'Oh very kind.' Liao Bao thought to himself

Considering Helia level, he should make this scarred man a punch bag. Liao Bao guess Helia is one of those righteous kinds.

The scarred man looks around and glance around him and seeing his accomplice in the ground writhing in pain he faltered. He throws the pouch to Helia.

Then as he was about to celebrate Liao Bao recognize someone very dignified among the crowd.

Fuck, did the town people call the authority. The one leading them is very young man wearing an armour encrusted rubies with dragon design, blaringly emblazoned on his chest.

He just looked at the young man attack and smile.

He has long white hair as his hair is being caressed by the wind.

Even from this far, Liao Boa could sense the presence of powerful internal energy from that young man with the white hair

The guards also just stand behind him unmoving. Every time he walked the crowd give way, all bowing at him respectfully.

There is a mix of emotions in the faces of the crowd. Awe, respect, love and fear.

Who is he? Liao Bao thought to himself

Then suddenly a quake startled me

The Scarred Man has one more trick under his sleeve.

'Mr Zhang, jump!' Helia cried.

It seems when the Scarred Man throw the pouch he exerts his internal energy onto the rooftop and with one stomp of his feet, he pushed his internal energy to the tiles of the roof. He then immediately flies away as the beam that supported the inn broke.

Liao Bao alleviating technique is very unique and rare so he can escape without harm but seeing the young man Liao Bao doubt he can land without injury.

This is when the dignified young man in the crowd jumped.

His long white hair flowed gracefully as he took the young man by his waist looking at the man with affectionate feeling.


That is weird of course. If the young man is a woman, he can understand but a man? This is not Asteros where such thing is prevalent

'Arial!' the man cried out and the young man smile and blushed? Helia seems shocked and pleased.

The white hair man gracefully landed but what strikes Liao Bao as odd is his alleviating technique. It is different from his but Liao Bao could see from his stance that it also the same in a way.

'Helia!' The white hair man says and he shakes his head. The guards behind him did not even move. So, it seems that this white hair man is quite influential.

Better side with him. Liao Bao quickly approached them and introduced himself

'Hello kind sir. My name is Zhang Liao Bao. I apologize for the ruckus. But- '

But the young man did not even pay attention to him as he strides forward and as he passed Liao Bao he feels heat coming off from that man body.

An intense internal energy. Liao Bao unconsciously tremble.

This level of concentrated internal energy, it is almost the same as Northern Badger, his teacher.

Liao Bao couldn't believe it. Someone this young having the same internal energy as his teacher? There must be a mistake.

His teacher is one of the Four Immortals.

The Scarred man and the Old man is sprawled on the street and as the white hair man walked the crowd give way to him, some bowed and some kneeled.

Whoever he is, he is known around here. Maybe a lord or a lord son

'WHO. ARE. YOU!' he said to the thief and his voice is like thunder splitting the sky apart. The scarred man trembled.

Even the old man trembled and that makes Liao Bao even feel sorry for him. They quickly get up.

'Young man' the old man said

'You seem to be from some martial arts sect so I will introduce myself. My name is Song Zhitai and this is my brother Song Zhiwu. Let us go and we will let you go' and the white hair man laughed.

'You! Letting me go! It is me that won't be letting you go. You almost hurt my fiancé and you want to run away? Think again!'

Fiancé? Liao Bao look at Helia and he could see he is blushing. Wait! He is marrying a man. That would be such a scandal here in the Human Continent.

Then Liao Bao looked again.

Truly looked. He suddenly sighed and slapped himself in his forehead.

He was blind. How could he make such mistake! Anyone could see she is a girl in a man clothing. Her cheeks are red and his neckline is smooth.

Then Liao Bao look at the white hair man as the scarred man try to make a run for it.

The young man smiles as he twisted his hand and wind swoosh by, making suddenly the scarred man flew towards the young man.

'Incredible internal energy!' Liao Bao unconsciously blurted out

'Go Arial' the girl cheered from the back. Arial huh? Not that Arial right? Suddenly Liao Bao thinks again and his face become a little bit pale.


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