Age of Heroes

Chapter 176: Like once upon a time


The sound of the waves soothed her. Like it always does. Mother always brings her here during the summer.

Of course seeing that their castles are near the sea she could see it every day from the windows but going together with her mother, it felt different. It felt good and pleasant and fills her hear with this warm fuzzy feeling

Her mother died when she was little but Helia still remember bits and pieces of memories about her.

She could sometimes remember that her mother would brought her resting under that large tree in the garden.

She removed her footwear and felt the sand on her feet, and hear the lapping of the waves against the shorelines, the blue water so clear and pristine and feel the vastness of the sea.

Walking along the beach is something that could calm her mind and her heart. She always felt that.

'The evening sun will set not long from now' she muttered as she looks at the sun in the distance

She lets her feet feel the texture of the white sand of beach. She like this beach. And this beach strangely reminds her of her first true kiss with Arial on the setting sun in Seren.

she still remembers that kiss. That one kiss that makes her sure that she had make the right choice. That one kiss that makes her sure he is the one.

At that time, she felt everything slowed down when she kisses him.

The kiss was so soft that it was like a memory of a kiss, so careful on her lips, so prudent, almost like he fears he will hurt her. He held her like he is holding something so fragile, that he may broke her.

At that time, she could see that there is fear in his eyes.  Fear for what she feels for him and fearful of what he felt for her.

And she just doesn't understand why Arial fears it so much.

She still remembers it. Her mouth parted and stilled, it was quiet, a whisper. Then his coarse hand, tempered by all his training over the years, touched her neck, thumb pressed into the skin next to her jaw.

It was a touch that said "I want this" and she leaned into him. He slowly opens his eyes and she could see his eyes. And it says everything.

He might not say it enough, but he meant it when he said he loves her. And that is all that matters.

And that night they went to the beach together, as the moonlight paved their way as they talk and talk until they kiss and a kiss on a beach when there is a full moon is the closest thing to Heaven. And with him, everything felt better.

There is no one else. And she knows it has been a while.

Even now she wonders where he is and how is he? she wonders if he thinks of her. Because he is always on her mind.

The more she looked around, the more she is confident that he is the one she is looking for. And sometimes she worries about him.

'Helia?' The voice greeted her from behind. She didn't even need to turn to know who called her.

'Father. You want to see me?'

'Yes.' He said

'Are you alright to get off bed father?' she asked. While their relationship is not that good, it has been better these couple of years.

'It is fine. I'm getting better. Come here Helia'

'Yes father' She approached him

'So?' she thought he was going to tell her something. Her father looks at him and he sighed.

'Walk with me'


'Yes, walk.' It was weird of her father to walk with her. But she I listen to him and walk together. He didn't say anything as he walked and looked at the receding water.

'Father?' Helia could no longer stand this silence.


'Is there something you want to talk to me about?'

'A little bit later.'

'Is it important?'

He laughed.

'Helia, I just want to spend some time with you. That is why I called.'

And that stumped her, hearing her father answer. 

Her cold hearted father just wants to spend some time with her? He was always occupied after mother death, almost like he is punishing himself with work.

'I have been thinking, Helia.' He said as he looked at the distance. Maybe he is looking at the horizon or maybe he is just looking at the sun that is about to set.


'I have wasted too much time. I waste time with you and the people that love me and care for me'

He sighed and he closes his eyes. There are a few seconds of silence and then he opens his eyes back.

He took a long hard look at her and then he asks

'Do you know why I brought you here?'

'No.' He smiles mysteriously and then said

'Your mother always likes the setting sun when she walks with me on the beach. Every time we take you and your brother to the beach she will always wait for the setting sun and watch it as it disappeared. She was the most extraordinary woman I have ever met'

He said and then there is a smile on his face. It was like he was reminiscing something joyful

He then continued

'I went against my father laws to marry her. She was of common birth but I felt she was more graceful than any nobles. She embraces life. The good and the bad. And that what attracts me to her. The vibrant life she has in her. The way she looks at you Helia, if you could only see. Oh, if you could only see'

And he sighed again. Then he looks at Helia and he smiles

'I look at you with a feeling of guilt Helia but she looked at you with love. If you could only see. Losing her' and Helia could see his father is choking up but he continued

'…...makes me feel live is not worth living. Grief is forever. I know this now. It will not be lessened just because you occupied yourself with other matter. It is forever, for love is forever. That grief, that pain, has become a part of me, step for step, breath by breath. But I know I can also love her at the same time as I grieve for her…. I know that now.'

Then he turned to her and his eyes are full with tears as he mustered his courage and said to me.

'I will try Helia. To do what she does so effortlessly. To live with daring spirit and joy. To be a better father to you.' And he looked at her and stared hard at her.

'I promise this.'

she nodded as she cast her glance downward and her tears started to fall. And she felt as he hugged her and then they watched the setting sun.

'Tomorrow, go to Acro. Meet your betrothed. I know you want to meet him.'

'I'm not that crazy about him, you know?' she said, blushing slightly.

He smiles.

'Do not lie. You ARE that crazy about him. In that you take after me' and he grins at her. She couldn't help but laugh.

And with that she smiles as her father kissed her on the forehead, like when she was a child and she once again felt that little warm fuzzy feeling she thought she could never feel

And for a long time, there is sound of laughter from the beach behind the castles of the Althea



'So everything packed my lady?' the nurse asked her. Helia look at her bed and she nodded.

'Yes, I'm ready. '

'Why the man clothing?' Suddenly her father asked. He is leaning on the door looking at her. He seems to be healthier and colours could be seen on his face now which is better than his pale sick face.

She approached her father and hold his hand. Then she said with a smile on her face.

'I want to surprise Arial. I will disguise myself as a man and surprise him'

'Pranking, my lady? That is hardly appropriate beha-' The nurse frowned and give her an advice, but Lisa quickly cut her off

'It's fine. Lisa always does this. Kyle too'

'Kyle? That young Knight?'

'Yes, that one.' The nurse just shakes her head.

'It's alright then.' After that her father kissed her farewell and she journey to Acro in horseback


I think this is an appropriate chapter for today don't you think. I think Valentie Day is the day corporate lie to you so that you could buy all kind of useless things. But this day si good for guys who want to have a reaosn to show their love. So muster your courage and enjoy the companionship of your loved ones....Hmm...When will I get such person in my life?

I want to say DIE RIAJU...yet I know that is just my jealousy talking. Let us wish each other that we will meet the love of our life isntead of cursing each other.

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