Age of Heroes

Chapter 172: So many things



'Let's Go Again. Let's Go Again. Bring Me Wine. Bring Me Wine!' the princess yelled as he brought her to her room.

Her cheeks are red and her eyes are unfocused

'No princess that is enough for tonight' Liao Bao said almost chuckling looking at her attitude having a change after being drunk.

Who would have thought that demure girl would become so aggressive after getting drunk?

'No, No. Again, again. Hic, hic. Senior Brother! Where is Senior Brother? Bring me wine' she hiccupped.

Liao Bao have already entrusted Zhao Lu to the inn boy and ask them to bring him to his room but the Princess is not. She is drunk.

Too drunk.  Liao Bao fear the other inn boy might take advantage of her and truthfully the employee is even afraid to come near her.

Finally, they arrived in front of her room. The moonlight shines his way as the cold wind greeted him. Looking at the princess, he worries that she would catch a cold in the morning

Liao Bao use one of his coats and give it to the Princess. It was then that she looked at him. Her eyes beaming, and her cheeks still red.

'Thank you' she muttered blushing, under the pale moonlight. And she looks beautiful. Her flawless face and the red on her cheeks only enhance her beauty

'You're welcome' Liao Bao reply back

He opens the door of her room and put her down at her bed. Now he should go back to his room. He began turning his heel away when she got up and grabbed his clothes sleeve.

'Don't go, Liao Bao.' Liao Bao shuddered listening to her voice. That is because her voice is desperate and there is a hint of longing.

'Princess...' And Liao Bao look into her eyes and his eyes leered to her shoulder.

Unconsciously he gulped. Her shoulder is exposed and Liao Bao mind was already filled with indecent thought.

He takes a deep breath and then shake his head.

'I should go. This is late and people will talk.'

'Call my name, Liao Bao.' She said and he blushed a little. He moved again and then he felt it.

She grabbed him strongly and he fall into her bed. It is not like Liao Bao don't have the energy to release himself from her grab.

He just doesn't want to.

She is beautiful and Liao Bao knows that he is a lustful person. Or to be more accurate, he loves beauty.

And as he looks at her, he knows she is a beauty. Liao Bao could hear her breath. It is uneven and he know she could see his hungry look that betrayed his words.

He is a driven man. And nothing drives him more than a woman.

'We shouldn't do this' and Liao Bao got up from the bed. The Princes looked at him disappointed. Liao Bao begin walking to the door.

If Zhao Lu ever found out he fuck his little Princess surely it would create discord between them. Not to mention she is the Princess.

'Stay with me tonight' she pleaded with a lustrous voice.

The voice comes from Liao Bao back and he could hear something is being open. The sound of silk glistening around her body. And then Liao Bao heard something fell to the ground.

Liao Bao

Did not have to turn back to know she just dropped her dress. He turned back.

She is removing her clothing. One by one like she is seducing me, her eyes which was unfocused earlier now burns with determination. And her eyes have the same glint of hunger that Liao Bao have.


'Zhengping. Call me Zhengping' she said

'Zhengping' Liao Bao said, slightly alarmed 'what are you doing?'

'I'm hot so I'm removing my clothing' she answered, a naughty smile traces around her lips. Liao Bao thought she is demure kind of girl

Innocent. Who taught her this?

Liao Bao pick up her clothes and she takes this opportunity to grab him and he could feel that she is about to pin him down but this time he went with it and he uses his footwork to reverse their position.

Now he is on top and she is on the bottom.

She stares at his eyes and he stares at her. Those beautiful green eyes. And he looks at her naked body and he gulped.

She chuckled. She playfully tried to release himself from Liao Bao grip but he tightened it.

'Manly' she said.

'And you're feisty for someone innocent like you. That surprise me.' She giggled.

'I'm full of charms' she said giggling as she caressed Liao Bao cheeks. She is awake. So she is not drunk. You little fox. She was just pretending.

Liao Bao smiled "That is true"

Then she kissed him in the cheek. A sweet, cute little kiss. And he looked at her as she smiles one of the most beautiful smiles Liao Bao have seen. She likes him. Maybe even more than that.

Liao Bao face turned red.

It is not the first time he was kissed. Neither it was the first time he is with someone in a bed. But never, he felt like this.

This connection. But it is so sudden and Liao Bao was taken by surprise. She giggled again.

'Once more' and this time she kissed him on the left cheek. This time he laughed a little. She is cute.

'How is it? Is it good?' she asked, a little worried.

'I never kissed anybody before. Mother said kissing somebody will make me pregnant.'

Liao Bao almost laughed. She knows how to seduce him but it seems she doesn't know much about fucking.

A sheltered princess. Liao Bao couldn't blame her. But where did she learn to do this trick of 'Pretending to Be Drunk to Capture a Man?' Liao Bao giggled himself, appreciating the irony.

'Hmmm. I don't know how it tastes. I didn't have enough time to taste it. How about kissing me here?'

And Liao Bao pointed to my lips.

'Naughty' she said. 'Only my parents do that.'

He hugged her, and she gasped as he closed the space between them.

"This," he said. And then he kissed her.  

This kiss is nothing like he experienced before. It is not desperate. It is just...good, sweet as they enjoy it slowly.

It steals his breath in the greatest way and gives it back. She glances at him and her eyes shows she trust me.

Liao Bao smile a triumphant smile.

'How is it?' he asked.

She is dazed.

'It…. felt good. Better... than good' and she blushed.

'Can we do it again?' she asks innocently. Her eye is staring at his lips.

And Liao Bao blood boils.

'Of course we can' And he smiles a grin. Her hand traced his clothes and slowly she removes his clothing as her hand traces around his body, slowly, like she is taking her time, feeling every nook and cranny.

And they kissed that night and he fucked her that night. It was good. Better than good. She is innocent in that area so Liao Bao lead most of the time but she is a fast learner.

They were 'wrestling' all night at least that is how Chu Zhengping called it when she said to Liao Bao, that when she heard noises from her parents' bedroom, her parents always said they were wrestling.

Liao Bao couldn't help but laugh when she said that during their session of making love as she so innocently termed.

Liao Bao also learned that she learned pretending to be drunk, learning from her Martial Sister who tells her stories how to seduce a man.

She said with an innocent expression

'Why laugh?'

Liao Bao couldn't answer her. It takes no time until she moans and begging and he was happy to oblige. It felt different.

Not the same. But a good kind of different. Liao Bao hope Zhao Lu doesn't find out. But who could blame him?

He already tries to decline but she keeps seducing me. Though, it is true, he did not really hate being seduced like that

A man as lustful as him can endure for so long before he finally falls to the temptation. By the time they are done, she was drenched in sweat, and she is breathless.

He sleeps beside her, with a smug expression. Liao Bao don't only learn performing in the pleasure house. He learns a lot of other things from the pleasure ladies.

And usually he would bail the next morning, but tonight, Liao Bao have no intention to run away from this.

It felt good. Not only physically. It is the connection he felt with her when they are doing it. It might not be love in his part but it is love on her part.

And he doesn't hate it.

And Liao Bao might not love her like she loves him, but he does like her and her innocence. And who is to say that couldn't be something more.

Liao Bao looked at the ceiling and smile. Who would have thought he would bed a Princess? This is the life and he couldn't help but forget his other problems.

He looks at her and kissed her forehead. She glances upward and she kiss him back.

'Sleep, Ping Mei.' She blushed.

'You do not call me Princess anymore?'

'How could I?'

Now that he has feel her sincerity towards him he could talk more casually with her. She gave him one of her most captivating smiles.

The bright and cold night shines the moon streamed in from the nearby window and he could see how sweet her face look and he couldn't have enough.

It is beautiful, captivating like her smile. Without realizing, Liao Bao embraced her and hug her and she too did the same.

'Will you stay?' She asked her eyes expecting.

'Hmm' Liao Bao nodded.

And, tired after their session he closed his eyes and went to sleep with her naked hugging him as they sleep in the same bed.

And Liao Bao felt happy for the first time in a long time, all of his trouble washed away in those moments of embrace.


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