Age of Heroes

Chapter 154: The day of the final battle




The men were moving around with glint of fire in their eyes. The sound of their breath can be heard if you concentrate enough.

The cavalry was galloping back and forth but not a single voice can be heard.

All of them have grim expression, a sign of a highly disciplined army under one command. Under one banner.  His banner. The banner of the dragon

Integrating them with his personal armies is easy because when he was unconscious Ser West has already train these troops to try to synchronize their fighting style with his army.

It will not be perfect but it will do the deed. There is no escaping the military might of his army. Arial Vermont private army.

People have known the heavy weight of his military machine could descend on them with an exemplary force.

In this continent Arial daresay, at least in this continent his army is probably the greatest armed force with high quality equipment and strict training regiments and high morale.

But what sets them apart from the others is their discipline.

Even West is shocked when he was introduced to the way the House of Vermont trained their troops. Arial believe that his army is generally undefeated.

Individuals commander of his armies and Knights lords can be outmaneuvered, outwitted but no other army in this kingdom can, in long term resist his troops military might.

Arial know this because he formulates all their training.

His armies are relentless, unflinching and genuinely invincible. The flexibility and tenacity serves his army greatly in creating this reputation.

Panic is a word seldom found in his armies. Even the other lords are impressed with his way of recruiting.

He did not recruit soldiers from peasants or common folk or some other lord's knights and their armies but opened the army to the poorest of the citizens and train them.

He recruits them with his family wealth and the city wealth.

Not to mention that the effects of banking in helping his family retain power in economical level are helpful in recruiting army.

After the war is over Arial have many more ideas to implement in the building of his armies. He is on horseback as he examines his soldiers, riding through their lines.

He is now at the front of the battle lines, ready once again to fight. Then he looks again behind him and he could not help but feel proud.

His soldier is neatly arranged on the other side while Lord Alderam has already come out of his castle with his large host in this large field overlooking each other.

Arial could see Alderam face as he saw him in the front leading his men, and Arial almost laughed. Alderam squinted his eyes to look at him.

And then his expression changed. There is shock and disbelief. That is what Arial can see from his face.

Surely Alderam did not think he would wake up so early.

Alderam might have even pray that he would die and his troops has to return back to the east or maybe retreated back before preparing another incursion.

The sunlight shone on row of spears and blade, making the large filed soldiers gleamed with silvery ray.

Today this war ends. Today he will pay Alderam back. Today he will avenge those who have lost their loved ones.

Looking at Alderam, Arial yelled

'YOU WANT WAR ALDERAM!' He yelled and the whole battlefield can hear it. He did not wait for an answer as he shouted the answer/


The soldiers cheered



'HAH HAH' they shouted, their cheer. The battle cry has begun.

The cavalrymen shout their hearts out and their horses neigh loudly almost like they are responding to their master. The noises were deafening.

Arial look at the great field that will become their battlefield and he could not help but imagine about the kind of fights that will happen here.

He looks at the large army on the opposite side.

'I am not yet at the level of a grandmaster'

At least that is what he thought.

Arial had learned Dragon Regret, Fairy Steps, Lion Bite and many other techniques in the Imperial Library of Vern and in the Secret Library of Levitia.

In his current condition he could kill from one hundred soldiers to one thousand soldiers by his lonesome. But it is still beyond him to attack and escape a hundred thousand of people using martial arts.

And he grins a bit.

'At least not yet' He thought to himself. Arial is also thinking about the report he heard a few hours ago

One of his spies reported that Alderam has raided the Dented Shield castle and found Shadowslasher, the Enochian steel that belongs to his ancestor.

It would be quite a boost of his personal prowess if he is using an Enochian steel. He then looks at the soldiers positioning.

He can try to attack the front line alone with his prowess, but doing so would be unwise. If he somehow falls in battle, then surely their side momentum will be broken.

He looks up and see the blue sky and the clear weather.

This, today seems like an inappropriate spill blood. The weather is clear with white clouds hovering in above, the blue sky stretched out for thousands of miles.

The hundred thousand of his troops were arranged in row after row on the field, all in high spirits. Their discipline is strict. But before they march Arial need to say something to them.

An encouragement. He ignored the unease of the battle as he turned his horse to face his troops.

West and Kyle quickly go in front of him to prevent any sneak attack.

'MY TROOPS!' Arial yelled and they all gripped their weapons tighter. They all knew what this is. This is the last words before they go to battle.

Arial then shouted again

'You have honored your Kingdom and my family and the crown! LOOK! LOOK in front of you!'

Arial gestured them to see the large army in front of them, all ready to fight them, a last sign of attack, after the castle seems almost to be breach they finally showed themselves and met them in an open battle.

'This is the vast army that Alderam has amassed! What foolishness! They could have been our brother and we would have accepted them with open arms! But they are stubborn! Treacherous! Look again! Who is this lord that orchestrates murder at a feast! Who is this lord that tries to kill his own brother and usurp his position as Duke of Arouen? Who is this lord but a lord of greed? Greed for land, greed for power! All their arms, numbers and fine horses will not deter us from this undertaking.'

They cheered and some of them hit their shield creating a sonorous clanging sound

'Some of you will die here. Some of you, perhaps myself, will not live to see the sun set over this field at the end of the day, for I will be in the thick of battle with you, fighting with you side by side, against this enemy that have sworn to fight us with their last breath. But they will fail! Why? Because they will find no fear in our eyes! And this is the advice I will give to you before we enter this great battlefield. Conquer your fear! And you will conquer death! FOR THE GLORY OF OUR NEW NATION!'

And Arial held up his sword high and the troops followed Arial gesture as they raised their weapons high

'HARRRR!' The troops cheered.

The battle formation has been formed and the drums are beaten. The bugle is blown signifying the battle that is about to begin.

The troops started to move with him, West and Kyle in front leading these troops.

Alderam also began moving his troops. Slowly they march but the closer they came to each other, the more they are impatient. All of them are impatient to start the battle.

'DIVIDE YOURSELF' Arial yell out his order.

Ten thousand troops that belong to him understand what he taught them. One split off moves forward, the other moved towards the other side, now they are resembling a snake, two divisions charged.

The other lord looking at this also follows his troops.

But they seem to be confused. Arial quickly order his Knight to advise the other lords not to follow his formation and instead fight with their own way.

He, on the other hand rides in the center.


'DEFEND!' Alderam shouted on the opposite side.


The last battle that would decide the winner of this Sucession war has begun. Hope you enjoy the little speech in the middle and if you do like it leave some comments and please vote for the story

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