Age of Heroes

Chapter 140: A step forward (3)

She has always been fighting, testing her martial arts with other martial artist; and while it is hard for her to admit this loudly, she enjoys fighting, the dance, the beautiful movement and the tension.

And yet she cannot pretend that her fight with Arial is the same as any fight she has ever encountered.

She forgets herself in that battle, in fluid of disbelief and fear and excitement all blended into one.

She fights some martial artist in the way home, after her defeat, yet it is not the same.

And she felt a yearning to meet the boy again, defying all of her reason, she found herself wanting.

'Princess' the captain recognized her and quickly he knees.

The other seeing the captain kneeled also kneeled to the ground. The troops stopped their training and quickly kneeled.

'Princess, why did you come here?'

'Can't I?' Rhyssa asked smiling

'No, of course not. Of course you can' She look around her and saw the area. The weapon was used regularly judging by the scratch marks alone.

She is nodding with a stratified expression.

'How is the training?' she asks the other soldiers.

'It is going good.'

'Continue your training.' And the troops nodded and continue their training

'Captain, come here.'

Then she asks him to tell her the progress of the troops.

He tells her of their training regiments and progress telling her all that she is supposed to know. Their diets, how they are trained, when they sleep, when they wake up.

Rhyssa nodded and in some she advises him to do some modification in the regiment, focusing more in external martial arts.

Because not everybody can cultivate strong internal energy it is better to train in the more effective training. Then in the evening she finally begins to move to return to the palace.

'Finally that is done' Isabelle said, massaging her neck

'Yes, well…it is'

'Where is Pedro and Arturo. Did both of them join the battle?'

Rhyssa nodded. She still remembers how she argue with Pedro about war. And her memory return to that day a few days ago.

The argument happened a few days before she went outside the palace with Arturo and before she met Arial Vermont

'War is not the only way Princes.' He said

'War is hell.' he said

'War is also mystery and adventure, display of great courage, and discovery' Rhyssa countered

'War makes people pitiful, Princess.'

'It can also make people holy. Look at Levitia! In some places, there is a cult worshipping him and the other heroes.'

'Well, war brought despair.'

'It also bring longing and great love story. The story of Zhu Ar Zur for example. How his wife waited for him to return, all the while trying to spur all the suitors that came to her house, when they thought Zhu Ar Zur is dead. Such noble fidelity! Such loyalty!'

'War is nasty!' Pedro said almost half yelling

'War is fun!' She yelled back

'War is drudgery.'

'War is thrilling, one of the most thrilling thing.' she said

'And last but not least, war makes you a man and a hero! Are you not a man Pedro? Do you not desire to be a hero?'

Pedro smiles and shakes his head

'War also makes you dead. Man, woman, what does any of that matter? Hero's? Tell me a story where a hero lives to see his deed accomplished? War brings great destruction. You speak of war like it is a romantic notion, Princess. You make a romance out of war, little Princess. I know why. Because the alternative is hard. Peace is hard. War is easier. It is easier to lead men to combat and battles, stirring up their passions, to scream to them to kill for their country than to restrain them and direct them toward the patient labors of peace.'

'You are one to talk, Pedro! You have been in battle and more war more than anyone in this Palace' she said.

He smiled a bitter smile. Then he said

'I have never, ever advocated war except as a means of peace. How many young men, all full of promise and vitality, before the war turns them to lifeless husk after the war? A war is not a game. It is not fun. It is not thrilling. It is not a great adventure. War is not a great mystery. I know what war is Princess. Do you want me to tell you?'

She looked at the solemn face of Pedro and unconsciously she answer


Pedro nodded and there is a bitter smile on his face and a tired look in his eyes

'War is hell on Earth, Princess. Hell on Earth, created by man, for other men, in a field filled with pain and blood. I never like spilling blood, but I do so because sometimes I believe war is necessary in protecting our citizens but never, I believe that war should be waged unless it is the last resort, that every measure of restrain and peace has been tried and employed. Heed me, Princess. A wise ruler does not seek war. They seek peace. War is hell. A day of battle is a day of harvest for the Dark Devil.'

'Princess' Isabelle remarks returns her to the present

'Ah yes.'

She smiled as she looked at the sun set in the distance.

She smiles and she knowns that she will remember what Pedro advice to her. A wise Queen, unparalleled in battle and wisdom.

I wish.


She will become that. And as the sun set, her figure cast a long shadow behind her.


We will not be going to Arial next chapter because I have one more perosn to introduce that will all gathered and coming to Alan.

If you could see now, there are many of the side characters slowkly moving towards Arial. Of course, they all came to Alan with different intention. Some of them are even only chance encounter like that of Arial and Rhyssa but it had changed her life in a meaningful way. 

And there will be mass release today until it reach Arial part of the story since you keep pestering me. I know you love Arial and we have  a lot fo time for him to be honest. I love him too. But this world of his is large and sometimes we have to see the world from the other characters whether that be a king or a peasant.

Anyway, hope you like the story and please keep loving it. If you enjoy the story, dont forget to vote, leave some comments and reviews and please vote for it too. See you all tomorrow.

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