Age of Heroes

Chapter 131: Mortal or divine?


After the discussion, Adrian invited them to the garden to accompany him on an evening tea.

The Duchess and Silas consented and they went to the garden as their tea were served.

'How's the tea, my lady?' Silas asked Lady Julia

'It is very nice' she said, taking a sip and enjoying the taste before putting back down the cup.

Silas after inquiring about his father in Acro went up and had to go somewhere for a moment to deal with some reports leaving only him and the Duchess.

'I hope your stay here has been good my lady' Adrian said

'Ah, it has. So do not worry that much'

'I believe your castle is finer than this my lady' Adrian said. The Duchess smiles and then said

'It is, your highness but it doesn't have that many titillating companion to talk with' She is honest and that made the King smiles

'Hahaha…you flatter me my lady'

'Does it show?' she said grinning

'Like the morning dawn' Adrian reply

And this time she smiles. She knows how to play this game and she plays it skillfully. Silas returned back to his seat as he takes a sip of the tea.

Adrian however have something to say to the Duchess. He looks at the Duchess and then he said

'My lady, I must say that I have your son to thank for my throne.'

'Is that so?' she said, her eyebrows raised. Adrian nodded

'Why?' The Duchess ask. Adrian had a suspicion that she wanted to know his opinion of her son.

Adrian smiles bitterly and then he said

'Yes, the sad truth is these. I could not have and as bitterly I have to admit to it, my strength has never been at fighting battles or waging war but your son, whatever his fault, is a godly commander. He has the look of another world with him and that has always intrigued me, and his melancholic look, only serves to pique my interest. What is your son being so sorrowful about? What did he see with those blue eyes of him? What reason does he fight? And what is he? Who is he? Is he a King, my lady? For I see a King when he rides his blazing fiery horse. Or is he a God of War, disguised in mortal form, for I see a god when he battles. No arrows ever struck him, no spear ever reach him, heads fly and limbs skewered as he passed by them. What is he? Which is he?' he asked dramatically. He is heaping a lot of compliments for her son. But it is also what many soldiers think of Arial.

An invincible godly commander, never losing a single battle. He himself had once seen the young lord in action.

Her smile faltered. She did not look pleased with the compliments. Then her smile returned but it is clear that it is a feigned smile.

'You have many questions Your Highness and terrible curiosity and quite the penchant for excessive compliment regarding my son.'

Adrian kept his gaze at the lady.

'My lady, that is because my questions, one rarely answers them, while my curiosity excites me for truths, it is said by one wise man to me,' and his eyes leered at Silas while Silas feigned ignorance 'a path of becoming stronger is facing the truth and all truths started with inquiries of great curiosity, and my compliment is true, for that is what I felt.'

She sighed.

'Fine, your highness. I am your loyal subject and I will answer you. After all he is my son. If I don't brag about him who will?'

Adrian only chuckles. Silas went silence and only look at his tea cup like there was something interesting in it.

'When he was a child, he would act in the most peculiar way, different from other child, his eyes see thing, different things, and as such his view are different, mature, I daresay, wise beyond his years, and he would contemplate it alone while looking at the stars, whispering in hushed tone talking to himself. I, had even half a mind, to believe he is George the Wise reincarnated.'

'Truly?' Adrian asked

'Yes, for I have no explanation of the peculiar thing he does and the way he solves his problem with an intellect that overshadows even me or my husbands or anyone that I have seen. Though he is not a master in every trade but he knows a little bit of everything and that fears me more than him not knowing anything. I see greatness lay in front of him, for he was the most inquisitive children in the village and his words rang with truths, his wit amaze me, but greatness is not what I wished for him my liege. I wished him, to live happy, to love and be loved, I wished him an ordinary life, and to have an ordinary death. Yet, years passed and my son, it seems, have destiny of greatness burdened upon him. My husband was happy and still is, to look at his son with pride at all he achieved and continued to strive'

'And you're not?' Adrian asked as he take a sip of his tea and put it back down.

She shakes her head

'I have pride in my son, that is a certainty but I…. fear for him. For never in history, or in fairy tales, that heroes ever achieved good ending. My son dreams of glory against.... something. He thought I could not see it. But I do not know who he is so determined to protect, who he so hold a great vengeance that he will train himself and doing all this, and all the while my husband encourages him with great vitality'

She took a pause, take a sip of her tea and then she put down her tea cup. The wind of spring blows her hair and then she continues.

'But there is no glory without suffering, this I know. You said he is a King. A King is not born, my lord. He is made. By steel and suffering, by blood and sacrifice, he is made from that pain. A King must sometimes hurt those he loves for the love he has for the Kingdom. It is a lonely path. Ask Alexander. Ask Levitia. Ask any of the great man who has suffered through the century, a testament of the lonely road a King must trod. Fate is cruel and she has no concerns for us. No man or woman can be too powerful or too beautiful without disaster befalling them. Fate will laugh and snicker, giggling while holding her stomach when you rise too high and then they will crush everything you built and protect in a whim. What glory fate gives, she could also take it away. Do I wish such destiny on my dear boy? No your Highness. I pray he never be King. Such roads are lonely.'

And her words strike Adrian like swords, cuts him at every sentence, wound him like never before for her words are like Silas words, terrifying words, true words.

Harsh and unforgiving but true and there is nothing that Adrian fear more and so much desired and wanting than the truth.

Silas on the side only smiles bitterly listening to the Duchess.

Then she spoke again, a bitter smile is on her face

'My husband always tells my dear son that he is divine. While I whisper to his ears, telling him that he is mortal. Which one do you think he is? Mortal? Or Divine?


This will be last chapter of the month. See you next month on the sixth if nothing delays the schedule. I am swamped right now writing three stories at the same time. Huhuhu. Annyway, will be taking a break for two days before writing again. And an advance happy new year to all of you. Le't hope next year will be better for all of us.

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