Age of Heroes

Chapter 125: The day that no one will forget (1)



A New Year has come for the Human Continent.

While the people of Zettel is celebrating on the streets, the Renasian dancing in the Temple of the Sun Emperor and the Water Maiden, while the fireworks are exploded about on the skies of Vern, in the Kingdom of Alan, the mood is somber and the populace are all in anxiousness.

For the month of beginning of the year the forces of Alderam and Vermont's finally clashed




The battle started the moment Alderam went out of his castle with his infantrymen

Alderam cavalry was decimated in a previous attack but that does not mean he has no horses at all.

But to compare the numbers of his cavalry against the Vermont's would be unwise.

This fact has render him incapable to lead a powerful cavalry corps, not only because he has lost many cavalries in their previous engagement but also because he doesn't need to

If the Vermont is known for their cavalry charge that could pierce through the enemy formation, then Alderam is best known for his expertise in infantry battles.

The morning is bright and warm; the sunlight shines upon them as Arial and his forces begin the battle to change this Kingdom fate

This is it. This will be a momentous battle, a decisive battle that will forever change this Kingdom fate.

Nothing changes the world as quickly and inexorably as war.

The future course of an entire civilization, regions and continents can be determined with one battle.

Through history there are few men who turned the tide of historical events, triggering changes that have given us the world as we know it.

Levitia and his Subjugation for example. First Generation Wrath. Though these events were different in that they were truth mixed with myths.

But they battle all the same. And that made all the difference

In these battles, if it were not for the particular outcome that transpired, history might have turned out quite differently.

Arial survey his people on horseback. He could see them marching and they could feel their emotions.

The troops are wearied and they all want to win this war fast. They all wanted to go home

After all they have marched a long way, some of them are from the eastern part of the kingdom, while some of them from the west and some even further from the south.

Arial hold the reins of his horse, Firebringer. Then with one signal of his hand, he relays his order in hand signal.

The captain behind him waved the flag and the captain in the front line saw it.

The captain looks at his cavalry unit and then looking at the people in front of him, he yelled


Arial smiles.

And now the cavalry rides to battle.

The wooden sticks behind the army pounded the leather skin of the drums in unison as the sound of hoarse song of battle echoes through the shaking of the earth

Thousands of hearts beat with a quicker pulse, the intent to battel fill them as they all gripped their weapons tighter. The battle has started.

All their efforts will accumulate here, and win or lose, something will change here.

Thousands of men on their feet, alert and vigilant began marching in uniform pace to meet the army of Alderam who have no uniform position.

They never learn to, or have the opportunity and the chance, knowledge of something otherworldly like him

While they have the normal formation how could it stand against the ingenuity of his formation and how maneuverable his cavalry is compared to the slow walking infantry of Alderam forces

The discipline and methodical training he employs help to enforce and strengthen Arial army

And today, he will show it to the world.

As the cavalry chares, the battle started on all fronts.

The one with the short sword, the javelins, the throwing spear and the swords and blades all divided and planned in position to help and support the other division if somehow they fall.

All have their role and importance.

All the while, the siege division throws burning stone at the castle as it shakes the wall of the castle.

smokes can be seen in the top wall growing larger and larger as an ember of sparks turns into a large flame

The stone boulder flies over the heads while they march to battle. This is it.

Arial then hold the reins and then look behind him and then he looks back in front of him. All he could see is people killing each other and his eyes turns cold.

He unsheathes his sword and pointed to the midst of the battle and he yelled

'MEN! Follow me into battle!'

Then he kicks his horse as they charge into battle

He was in the lead with his fearsome cavalry behind him. They ride their hoses like they were the Riders of the Anjou Horde

The land beneath the hooves of their horses shakes like a warning signs of an earthquake, and the ground trembles

Looking at this powerful charge the enemies' hearts wavered, their eyes shows signs of fear.

'RAISE SHIELD!' One of their captain shouted.

Arial only smiles

They were close and then they clashed


The Shield formation was instantly broken as his iron cavalry broke through the formation like a scissors cutting paper.

Arial sheathed his long sword and as he passes through the formation he hacks the head of his enemies like they were weeds.

The head of the captain of this unit was decapitated with one slash of his sword.

Their center soldier rushed forward while the battlefield becomes like a swarming hive.

On the other side of the battlefield the sound of twangs from the bows came in regular throbbing, the strong, unrelenting, full pulse of the fever of battle.

Arial banner man holds the dragon banner up as his cavalry cheered amidst killing the enemies. It was like they were really the Anjou Horde relishing on the destruction and killing.

Arial however did not stop advancing as his men follow behind him, killing the people around them with spears and swords.

Arial slashed the enemies without mercy, and the banners behind him flapped excitedly, as the men shaking out the dragon in the banner, with a sort of fierce delight, almost like it would come out of the stitches of the banner and help them destroy their enemies, and burn them into ashes.

The clash of the cavalry and the shield wall of people opened with great fury as scream decorate the battlefield like a painting might decorate that of a wall of a great palace.

Arial and his cavalry advanced to the attack


The next aprt fo teh chapter will come tomorrow

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