Age of Heroes

Chapter 120: The secret


A week have passed. The rebellion is a remarkable success. The South nobles have joined their cause and yesterday the Execution in Crown Hills happened.

The noble lords that swear fealty to the crown was executed in the Crown Hills in the manner of beheading and quartering.

Their body scattered among the hills as an insult.

Many of the Crown forces was too late in responding, after all they are divided and withdrawn to the invasion force from Tuca and Bardent, both belong to King Joseph.

Not to mention, the reluctance of the general population to martyr themselves for Terris, allowed King Joseph to occupy Cumberland quite easily.

And then he marched to Gowrie and meets his forces from Tuca, unite and occupy Gowrie virtually unopposed.

To whip popular support, he sent a letter to the Grand Papnoticon in Vern to assert his claim as the rightful King of Dostov.

Lord Colt tries to take him on, in an attack to reclaim Cumberland, a surprise attack but thankfully because of the extensive spy network from Bardent they were the one being surprised by the Josephite attack at dawn and torn apart in the span of not more than one hour.

The Josephite army now possessed Cumberland, Lannover, and Gowrie.

There is nothing else stopping Joseph to march to Queens and take back the castle that once belongs to his ancestor.

Harald grandfather begs the King to wait for reinforcement and this is only after his insistence. On the other hand, many other lords think that Joseph should march straight to Queens

Harald see the dangers posed by their suggestion. Is this a wise decision? Not if it is based on unfounded rumors.

Lord Eddard assured the King that Bardent forces would join him, and that massive Tuca military aid would be forthcoming.

Promises are words. And words are wind.  His grandfather tries to delay the march and, thankfully the King listens. So now they wait.



He took his last look at the city. He nodded and smile. He has left the Imperial city. Though it is certainly not by choice that is for sure.

He should be panicked but he is not. Why would he panic? Because the palace guards and their troops are all looking for him.

All of them were ordered to capture him if they found him. They are doing a full sweep of the city searching for him

Thankfully, Prince Articon Alfred hides him for a while during their first search. Liao Bao is indebted to him for his hospitality

Prince Articon Alfred is one of the great people in the Church of Vern, and because he once helps him with one formula of magic that seems to be about some runic writing, he felt that he is indebted to me.

Liao Bao know of his talent in magic in a world where magic is rare and the bloodline diminished every decade.

Though the Prince Articon thinks that he was the one who solve the problem but the truth is it was Alexander journal that help him.

There are many theories in there, about many of most, Levitia theory which Alexander studies. Some he has found the solution to, some are just scribbles.

Liao Bao, on the other hand did not even understand it very much

He just takes the credit. And thank the ancestors, he did. If not Liao Bao doubt the Prince Articon will help him, hiding him, even though he might be implicated.

But even his protection will wear thin.

So right now, Liao Bao is disguising himself to get out of the Imperial city. It would not be an easy task.

After all, it is guarded and patrolled by thousands of troops belonging to the Emperor.

'It is all my bad luck. How unfortunate I was' He complained in his heart

His plan was to rack up some achievement in the Imperial city and then return to his home and village, with splendor and wealth.

What a pity! A pity!

But thinking about it again he did not regret it.

All for the sake of beauty. And he remembered her face again and her pleas, and he know he might die doing what she asks of him, but he will die a content man.

'I, Zhang Liao Bao do not have many redeeming qualities but save for one. I could not let a beautiful woman cry and leave them alone.' He said to himself.

right now he is in an inn just outside the Forbidden City.

When he went out for a walk to buy some supplies he even sees his own poster plastered on the city wall so he uses some disguise technique he learned during his years in the pleasure house.

He only had one complaint on his poster that is plastered all over the city.

They paint his face to be very ugly. He wanted to complain about that

It is an injustice to his reputation.

'This handsome face of mine, this perfect beauty…and they dare disrespect me such!' he thought

Still, he might die if he fights them, and truthfully he hates it to be such a mess.

Usually, someone with his rank would not be hunted this much.

But he knows one secret, a secret that might spell doom for the Empire.

And it all is coming back to him as he closes his eyes, the wind from the outside window of his inn blows inside.



'Who is that playing such music?'

He asked himself

He is hearing a very sorrowful music being played on the string, the melody is sad and melancholic, the voice that sings the song are tantalizing

Today his journey through the secret passage and the tunnel network has led him to a hidden lake in the palace.

At first he thought no one is here, because he used to stop by here and played around the Lake

the water is clear and refreshing and not to mention, it is beautiful and it has been a very long time since he visited here.

So, he did not expect to hear music when he come here today

The sound of the Qing can be heard; its melody is filling the area. The tempo is slow and invites sorrow in one hearts.

The lake was blooming with lotus flower and he can see behind a plateau there is someone who is playing it.

The lake is still beautiful and mesmerizing just like the last time he saw it. And now for it to be filled with such a sorrowful music.

How beautiful the scenery becomes, how the dullest and still place turns to…an everlasting moment of beauty.

The veil hides the face. The song, this song is usually played in pleasure house but it is not a happy song.

Yes, Liao Bao recognizes the song.

This song is Leliana Sorrow.

This is her song when she has married Alexander the Diligent, song that many palace maids heard a year before she disappeared.

One of the palace maids, Claire Moor then sing it and it was spread out of the palace.

from her the title of the song was called Leliana Sorrow. The theme seems to be about Levitia, her lover, who she sang to come back to her.

Don't you miss me?

Here I am waiting for you

My hands are cold waiting for your return

My heart is suffocated with longing

Just looking at the distance by myself.

The beautiful sunset

The sorrowful moonlight

None hold the same beauty

Even if in the end my hands are trembling in the cold

But it is only you that I think about

The person that I long so hard that I'm going insane

The words that I want to hear

The words that I want you to say

I love

I love you

Where are you?

The person who have engraved memory here in my heart

The person that I long so hard that I'm going insane

The words that I want to hear

The words that I want you to say

I love

I love you

Where are you

The person who have engraved memory here in my heart

Unconsciously, Liao Bao walked to the source of that melody, like he was being enchanted by the melody.

And then he stepped on a twig.

'Who's there?' she said her voice alarmed but her hands still play the Qing.

'How did she hear me?' Liao Bao thought to himself

He already got out from the passage and walk away from the lake and now he is even hiding behind the bush but he never thought she would realize him all the same

Then she spoke, her voice is gentle, but there is a trace of defiance in her voice

'To what do I owe the pleasure, what wise counsel you have to come such late at night? If it's you George, your offer does not appeal to Me.' she said not once looking back at me.

It was clear, that this woman has misunderstood him to be another person. He approached

'I wouldn't dare to give wise counsels.'

And she stopped playing. She seems to realizes the voice that is answering her is different

'You're not him.'

Still she didn't turn back. Liao Bao push the veil away and he could see her back. And this time she turned to look at me

And he was speechless the moment he saw her, his heart beats faster, his hands are sweating of nervousness and his eyes couldn't help but to look at her like he was compelled to by some unknown force.

She had the most beautiful pair of eyes, that blue like the lake of Deities in the Mountains along the North, her skin was white like the first snow that falls, and her hair is black in the most beautiful way.

'Who are you?' she asked.

'I…I…I…I'm Zhang Liao Bao, my lady' He said stuttering

Then he tries to regain his composure and he recite back the components of the poems.

'Even if in the end my hands are trembling in the cold

But it is only you that I think about

The person that I long so hard that I'm going insane

The words that I want to hear

The words that I want you to say'

'Leliana Sorrow. So sorrowful, so beautiful' He said complimenting on her song. She smiles and it was like the plateau brightened like the sun rises in the morning to illuminate the world.

'Lord Zhang is young and knowledgeable, there is not that many who knows this song'

She said and gestured him to sit down. Liao Bao take his seat but his eyes couldn't help but to stare at her face.

She blushed, her cheek reddening to be stared so intensely by another person

Looking at her face he could guessed who she is

'Could it be…. you are Lady Arianna Devonhurst?'

She nodded and she said, a complicated expression on her face, as her eyebrows creased.

'This woman, Arianna has a favor to ask'

The moment she said she has a favor he was kneeling to give her what she wants. And at this moment he remembered what Prince Articon told him.

"You hate power because it makes you enemies, you like money but not to the point of insanity, but women. That is your fatal flaw, Sir Zhang."

He once warned me that the only weakness he has is beautiful woman. At the time he snorted but it seems that git really knows his stuff.

'Tell me of your predicament, O lady. If I can't help you, I give my life to you as a wager'

She kneeled too and shakes her head

'Lord Zhang is chivalrous. How can I repay such kindness?'

'How could I decline? He said.

'You are angels from heaven, fairy from the fabled lands, Goddess of Beauty reincarnated, I should be the one grateful that I could meet such beauty'

He was saying this without even a hint of pretense because she is truly, of all the girls and woman he has ever met working in the pleasure house and even the Princess in the Palace, they hold no candle to the beauty that is in front of him right now.

How lucky, how fortunate the man who will make her, his wife. How happy and in joy will be their life, even just watching her makes him calm and happier.

'Lord Zhang, I do not deserve this praise from you' she said exasperated seeing him like this.

But this is natural for him. Is it not a virtue to kneel before beauty? And he could saw that tears are formed in her eyes.

'Don't…don't cry' he said trying to console her. He got up

'See, I stopped kneeling'

She looked at him and she said

'I'm grateful for your assistance. Lord Zhang is an observant person. To know and recognize me.'

'O my lady. If I could not recognize you, then that surely means I have gone blind. How could I not have recognized the beauty in front of me, the number one beauty of the world, Arianna of House Devonhurst'

'My lord flatters me' she said humbly.

OH how divine, the way she talks, the way she acts. If you are not the number one beauty, who could be her!

If you claim to be number two, who would dare claim to be number one! He thought to himself.

Then she said

'Lord Zhang if you could help me to speak to my betrothed in the Land Beyond the Sea?'

'Lord Azrael, the Demon King?'

'Yes. Tell him that I am imprisoned here, in Vern by this licentious Emperor, that force me to love her, who came here every day, asking me to love him, refusing to let me go home to my beloved. Do this kind deed for me, and I will offer you anything you want, kind sir'

Liao Bao then said sternly

'Do not insult me so, beautiful lady. I desire none but your gratitude and the hopes that you remember me.'

She chuckled. He too smiles.

'Why did he imprison you here, my lady?' he asks, curious

She sighed.

'I never did any evil, never lead the Emperor to believe that I'm I love with him, neither did I seduce him, or spoke promises of love. Woman shouldn't mind the country affairs, yet man can't help but be full of tenderness. I came here to help ease my would-be husband burdens, but the Emperor mistakes that I am his gift. Oh, how arrogant the Emperor. Beautiful woman is the source of trouble like the story of Igrayne, only now I can relate. My father warns me of my beauty yet I dismiss it, but now here I am, imprisoned here in a land I know nothing about with no allies, seeking help from anyone that would listen.'

'That is wrong, my lady' he said as he couldn't bear to see she's blaming herself

'If not for the greediness of men and people who couldn't appreciate beauty, beauties will not cause harm only enhance the beauty in the world. Beauties are not easily held, for they induce inferiority in the hearts of inferior men'

She looked at him and she smiles a bit

'Thank you for your wise counsel, Lord Zhang' Then she handed Liao Bao a letter.

'This is a letter detailing my injustice I have received in Vern. Can you do it for me?'

Liao Bao nodded. Then suddenly someone yells, the voice fills the lake.

'Intruders, intruders!' Liao Bao heart tightened

She looked at him nervously and then grip his arm and she said

'Run' she said


So quickly he ran back to the passage.

The passage is hidden by one thick bush and quickly he presses one of the bricks in the path and the passage opened but his face has already been recognized by one of the guards when they try to capture me.

Thankfully his lightness skill is magnificent and he escaped their grasp.

So now here he is, running from the Imperial troops and begins his journey to the dark lands.

If he promises with any other men only to search for some treasures or some hidden gold or secret weapons he will not risk my life.

But a beautiful woman asks him of this.

The most beautiful woman of the world! How could he decline?

So he begins his journey as he walked out from the Imperial City with a letter that could change the world.


We have a bit of Leliana lore and we now see what Liao Bao role in the scheme of things. Mikael the brother of Ariana is alos in the Human Continent. And like you all could guess, this is the precursor to the invasion of the Human Continent

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