Ye Hei:"!!!"

The strongest man's deputy:"Stupid.jpg"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"@wallface人. Mr. Luo Ji, your brain is better, can you explain?"

Miaomushan Immortal:"Yes, yes!"

There were originally many The ancient people who were all Buddhists... realized that the door was not completely closed, and suddenly became excited again.

Wall-facer:"Read God's words again! If you think about it more, you will understand. I can only say that everyone who understands understands! If you don't understand, don't ask. (dog head.jpg)"

I want to be Zhao Gao:"??"

Ange:"Riddle... The Riddler?"

Liu Peiqiang:"Stop talking! Just kill this fight and sacrifice it to heaven. (No Mercy.jpg)"

Rick:"Okay, no more joking! It's actually quite understandable. In...the words of God, in addition to talking about also talks about quality."

Immortal Evil King:"!! Is this so...I understand, I understand."

Shi Zhixuan's eyes were filled with confusion. The residence flickered. In terms of should be about overall strength, right?

Indeed, a small population is indeed a disadvantage compared to the modern world... However, there is one situation where a small population is an advantage! That is, resources... Yes, when the total amount of resources is fixed, the smaller the population, the more resources an individual can spread.

Even God likes to plant sacred trees in sparsely populated worlds for transformation... As for worlds with large populations? It cannot be said that God has never done this...but the proportion is obviously not as good as in the ancient world.

"etc!"Shi Zhixuan took a breath and spoke quickly.

The Immortal Evil King said:"It turns early as when God first transformed the world of people like Zulong and Worshiping Moon... God had already predicted today. ?"

The Immortal Evil King:"No, it's more like seeing it than predicting it... As expected of a god. Nothing in the endless world can be hidden from him... In other words, whether he knows or not just depends on whether he wants to know or not."

Because Shi Zhixuan's words jumped too much, many people were confused. However, most of them were not fools, and they quickly understood the meaning.

Gudazi:"That's it... Sure enough, God still pays attention to fairness..

Chen Xiaoyu:"To a certain extent... Although, fairness has never existed.""

Wall Facer:"You can't stop pursuing fairness just because it doesn't exist. These are two completely different concepts! Luo

Ji looked very serious.

Wall-Facing Man:"Precisely because it never existed, our pursuit... our efforts!" It has value and meaning."

Oriental Huaizhu:"……"

I want to be Zhao Gao:"It's very philosophical."

After seeing Shi Zhixuan's words, Su Han showed a noncommittal look. Although he activates the time path and the destiny path, he can peek into the future... This is not without limitations. At the very least, Su Han couldn't see the future of those who were at the same level as him, or even higher levels... It was very difficult to even see the future of the gods in the world of gods.

Of course, it's not that Su Han is not qualified... but that a long time ago, there was a peerless strong man who added a special mystery to the long river of time. It is to prevent, keep peeking, and constantly changing, so that the cause and effect will continue to accumulate, and finally bring great disaster to the world of gods.

On the other hand, Su Han also has no way of peeking into the future exchanges in the chat group... Yes, even if Su Han has become so powerful, the group is still mysterious and unpredictable.

A long time ago, Su Han sensed that he could spend a lot of power of faith to change some of the group's settings... But now, Su Han could only do this step. At most, he just changed more settings...

As for the fundamentals of the group, he still couldn't understand it! However, Su Han was very open to this, and even a little happy... After all, Qun was one of his two golden fingers. The higher the limit of the group, the greater the help to him.

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Stop talking, I'm going to work hard now and make the believers in my world become... Uh! That's not right, rubbish, my world only carries future technology." Huang Rong realized something, and her whole person turned to stone..

Chen Xiaoyu:"……Hahahaha, I'm sorry, I just couldn't help it.

Dongfang Huaizhu:" What are you doing?"……"

Ange:"So, God is fair to a large extent! Absolute fairness and so on... God can't do it, right?"

Great Qin Zulong:"Actually, I think that if you sacrifice for the second time... maybe God has already given you the possibility to transform your world into an extraordinary world."

Ye Hei:"That's reasonable!"

The Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"……"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"Stop talking, I feel that Miss Huang Rong is already crying."

Yao Lao:"Who can withstand this? You have obviously seen an opportunity... but you are still watching the opportunity, slipping through your fingers. Sneak away."

Chen Xiaoyu:"My efforts so far! They are all useless."

Immortal Evil King:"I won't say anymore, for the sake of my daughter! Even if I use a whip, I will let the average level of the practitioners in our world, Level up!"


The Pope of Wuhun Palace:"……"

Ying Quliang:"This cultivation level... can be improved in this way?"

Luo Feng:"Maybe he thinks that pushing it to the extreme... can break the limit? After all, human beings have infinite possibilities."

You Suowei:" Silently shedding tears for the people of the Evil King's World... This is the realization of an old father."

Wall-Facing Man:"@桃花岛小主. In fact, there is no need to be so desperate! You may have overlooked one thing... That is, there is still some distance before the end of the year. Moreover, God has not announced a specific list! You can take a closer look……"

The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"No more talking, let's start the sacrifice now. Farewell!"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"……"

Liu Peiqiang:"Then I have to work hard!"

Prince Zhu:"I also want to hold a ceremony...forget it! Let's just be honest. Don't look at Miss Huang Rong looking so hard. In fact, I doubt that she will be able to offer sacrifices even after the New Year!"

Da Qin Zulong:"It's most likely so... After all, a sacrifice of this size like Taishan Fengchan... it simply cannot be completed overnight."

Ying Zheng looked a little confused. Profound. He remembered that he had tried his best and spent more than a month to finish it...

Liu Peiqiang:"Even if she finished the sacrifice... God transformed the world according to her ideas. It is also useless! She spent such a short time , can she still rise to the top of the world on her own? Others have accumulated so much more time than her.……"

Wallfacer:"Let's stop here! Although I also feel that she has little hope...but no matter what, don't ridicule those who work hard."

Shaking his head, Su Han returned his eyes to reality. Then, he sensed something, and looked into the distance with a subtle expression...

Well, Yan Ruyu, now with a bunch of goddesses who cover the world with one hand... went to find the empress.

Taking a look at the darkening sky, Su Han seemed to understand what she was going to do...

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