The Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"?!"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"Isn't it too much to directly target Ye Heitao? (I hesitate to speak.jpg)"

Liu Peiqiang:"I feel that she is showing off, and I have evidence."

The Crown Prince of the Zhu family:"Speaking of which, Bi Pope's plan to break up Tang Xiaosan and Xiao Wu was too cruel. It took advantage of the distrust that may exist between soul beasts and humans! Coupled with the previous cases of A Yin and Tang Hao……"

Chen Xiaoyu:"A fatal blow!"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Let me put it in, I feel like I can no longer trust humans... The Pope is a fucking bad guy."

Pope of Wuhun Palace:"Let me explain in advance! That's us The strategies devised by the wise men within Wuhun Palace... have nothing to do with me."

Wall-facer:"Do you think this can shirk the label of a villain from you? Give up."

I want to be Zhao Gao:" What's wrong with the villain? Just like me, I'm proud to be a villain! If you want to be favored by destiny, you must be like Yi Xiaochuan, who doesn't distinguish between right and wrong, and repays kindness with hatred, then I would rather be the enemy of this so-called destiny!"

Guda Zi:"After becoming a believer in God, I have full confidence. What kind of destiny is rubbish. (Crying and laughing.jpg)"

Chen Xiaoyu:"I am thinking... In the future, the world of sun and moon will collide with the world of martial arts! Which one Boss, can you explain... such a huge plate shift in ten thousand years?"

Wall-facer:"It can be said to be quite unreasonable! Also, even if this kind of thing really happened... I I doubt that the earthquake alone would kill 50% of the people in the two worlds at the first moment of impact."

Gudazi:"?! Such an exaggeration?"

Liu Peiqiang:"Even if it doesn't... it's not much different.. Never underestimate the destructive power of natural disasters! Don't mention anything else... You don't think that after the impact, it was just an earthquake, right? There are also floods and tsunamis... and changing weather... Anyway, it is very troublesome! Such a collision , in fact, they are bringing a whole disaster gift package and they are smashing down one after another, and they are not sure when they will stop."

Yao Lao:"It's so terrifying!"

The young master of Taohua Island:"I think... this Western The invasion of the soul guide civilization is a bit similar to the modern history in the Yanhuang history books. Of course, the martial soul world, because it controls extremely powerful power, is not like the decline of modern times in the East! So it was much better in the end...and with the opportunity to take a breather, actively absorb the cultural nutrition from the other side, and after catching up, it will be completely stable."

Liu Peiqiang:"That is, Tang Xiaosan will go to heaven after becoming a god in the future, otherwise, The Sun and Moon Continent came here just to deliver food."

Prince Zhu Family:"I think that although you become a lot stronger after becoming a god...but it's just like that, right? You want to fight against another civilized world! It's simply impossible."

Chen Xiaoyu:"Yes, I feel that if there is a saint over there with Dou Qi... No, the Venerable can sweep across the sky and the earth! He can even level the entire God Realm."

Wall-Facing Man:"Pull him down, how much you look down on the Venerable Zongzong can use space-time energy, space distortion, space blockade and space strangulation. Can the divine power of Wuhun block these tricks?"

Thor:"Yes! This is the most embarrassing thing I have ever seen. God."

Yuan Dagu:"Isn't the most embarrassing god Loki? He was repeatedly ravaged by Hulk."

Gudazi:"Six six six six six."

The Pope of Wuhun Palace:" can despise him. The power system of our world! But can you not be so blatantly contemptuous in front of me?"

Angers:"This is actually nothing, right? The power system of our world is also very weak! The so-called hybrids... no, even the so-called Dragon King , it doesn’t count in the major worlds of chat groups."

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"……It is quite deadly in our world. So, there is such a thing as a power system! There is no minimum, only lower."

Liu Peiqiang:"As for your comparison, we don't have any extraordinary power here."

Chen Xiaoyu:"But I can't stand up to your strong technology! In a real fight, if the strong ones who haven't left the planet face you, they'll just give you food. Yao

Lao:"Am I the only one who envies the Pope?" Alas, there is one more future world to spread faith in!"

Yue Worshiping Cult Leader:"There is also Yuan Dagu, there are seven worlds directly over him. @元大古. Speaking of which, where have you come to the seven worlds? Yuan

Dagu:"Let's get in touch with the human body in another world... Take your time, there's no rush anyway.""

I want to be Zhao Gao:"I can already imagine... Ultraman's human body in the parallel world sees people who are exactly like me! How panicked will it feel.

Angers:"If it were me, I would suspect that they were transformed into monsters!" Then he immediately transformed into Tiga. Yuan Dagu:"

Yes, your guesses are all correct." Then I also transformed into Tiga! He gave the opponent a hard beating... and hammered him back into the human body. Then the other person was able to communicate with me honestly!"

Wall-Facing Man:"!!!"


Chen Xiaoyu:"The people in the Diga world...didn't they see the two Diga beating each other?"

Liu Peiqiang:"After the victory team took action, I don't know who to help this time? ( Dumbfounded.jpg)"

Yuan Dagu:"You underestimate me, don't you? It only took me one minute to get rid of Diga... There was no need to wait for the winning team to take action. I digested God's grace. , I not only fully possess the power of Tiga, I am Tiga! More importantly, I have also gone one step further than the Tiga before.……"

Yuan Dagu:"Maybe you don't quite understand this... Well, let me explain in detail. If I think about it now, in addition to the three forms, I can also freely enter the Shining Diga mode or the Dark Diga mode with my will. Jia model."

Dongfang Huaizhu:"?"

The heir of the Ax Gang:"Holy shit!"

The Wall-facer:"You're just fucking going too far. I doubt that Dagu's first reaction was not that you are a human from a parallel world.! But I suspect that you are Tiga Bundi from 30 million years ago."

Chen Xiaoyu:"Then Dagu suddenly realized, no wonder he was able to absorb Tiga's power! It turns out that the real Tiga is exactly like him. (Manual funny.jpg)"

Ye Hei:"Then, where is the progress on your side?"

Yuan Dagu:"Accept another Diga as a believer of God! Then I let him complete the same transformation as me... As for the issue of spreading faith, I am still discussing this with him in detail."

Wall-Facing Man:"Hiss! I suddenly came back to my senses... You two are exactly the same, and you control the same power. Maybe after receiving the grace of God, you will become equally strong... Don't you really feel awkward doing this?

Chen Xiaoyu:"I think it's a headache!" Fortunately, the Pope's side is 10,000 years in the future... and he himself has died. So there is no need to go through the troubles of Yuan Dagu. Yuan

Dagu:"It's not bad. Standing on the street, others will only think that we are brothers!" What else? But I can completely use his identity document in this world... Ahem, one more thing, I am actually much stronger than him!"

Yuan Dagu:"After all, I received the baptism of light from God through sacrifice... Only then can I transform into sparkle and darkness at will... It cannot be changed by just reciting the words of sacrifice. After reading it, I just digested Tiga's power perfectly! In the future, there is no need to worry about one day losing the power of light and being unable to transform into Ultraman."

The strongest man's deputy:"This is also very good. Ye Hei:"

Let's get back to the topic!" In the world ten thousand years after the Pope's future, apart from the population... isn't the most valuable thing the more Sons of Destiny and Daughters of Destiny? The Pope can definitely offer sacrifices once in the future time and space.

Ye Hei:"And by offering sacrifices in another world, you can completely overcome the limitation that one sacrifice is stronger than the other."

Liu Peiqiang:"Damn it, it seems like this is true?"!"

Miaomushan Immortal:"Stop talking...the more I talk about it, the more I feel envious! People in different worlds are completely different."

The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"The one who takes advantage the most is Ye Hei! Every emperor is a being who carries destiny. Who knows how many sons and daughters of destiny there are on his side. (Envy makes me distorted.jpg)"

Before Huang Rong could make any more complaints, two crisp notification tones suddenly sounded.

"Ding! Yousuowei has successfully joined the Wanjie chat group"

"Ding! Luo Feng has successfully joined the Wanjie chat group."

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