Leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"Yes, believe in yourself! For example, I believe that I can become the Emperor of Heaven tomorrow."

Yao Lao:"……"

The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"The leader's words are a bit too poisonous."

Miaomushan Immortal:"Actually, I don't think... the future Thor can easily develop a perfect figure! In the final analysis, a person thinks It is difficult to work hard, but it is very simple for a person to become decadent."

Chen Xiaoyu:"That's reasonable!"

Liu Peiqiang:"I'm thinking about Thor's preparation to sacrifice the infinite gems! It seems that in Thor's world...The Infinity Stones are interconnected, right? If one of them is missing, it will have a huge impact on the world. The only way is for all the Infinity Stones to disappear together?"

Prince Zhu:"It will have a huge impact, It's when Thanos destroys a single Infinity Stone... But if it's sacrificed to God, it just disappears from the current world! It's not destruction, so even if it has an impact, I'm afraid it will have a limited impact."

Xiaoyu:"What's more important! I believe that even if God notices the impact... he will probably help you make up for it."

Leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"This is very real! The world of Gudazi next door is destroyed. God saved him by the way……"

Liu Peiqiang:"No, no, what do you mean by being able to rescue? What you say is a bit of a moral kidnapping! Maybe if you do this, God will be displeased and not rescue?"

Chen Xiaoyu:"This... It seems a bit convoluted!"

Gudazi:"Actually... according to what I said, don't have too many distracting thoughts in your heart... Just believe in God honestly and devoutly. As long as you don't deliberately think about God! Greed... So with the gentleness of God, I will help you more or less if you have any problems."

Undead Evil King:"Yes."

Angers:"I'm thinking, what happened to Master Ancient One and Odin! Who is strong and who is weak?"

Yuan Dagu:"When Master Ancient One was alive, Thanos did not dare to set foot on the earth... And when Odin was in Asgard, Thanos also did not come. So I personally think, The strength of Ancient One and Odin should be above Thanos!"

Yuan Dagu:"As for their own strength... this may be between brothers!"

I want to be Zhao Gao:"I think, Odin Ding Qiang! After all, he is the king of the gods, and he has lived for thousands of years... After all, Ancient One only lived for five hundred years!"

Wall-facer:"If lifespan can determine the strength of strength... then in your world, you will live for Now Yi Xiaochuan should be able to push you to the ground and blast you."

Dongfang Huaizhu:"Pfft……"

I want to be Zhao Gao:"……"

Angers:"Only using himself as a reason will make him feel unable to refute."

Ye Hei:"It doesn't matter so much, anyway, Odin looks confident! That's enough."

Ye Hei:"Wait a minute, I thought of a very serious question. Thanos has undoubtedly been paying attention to the infinite stones on the earth! It's just that he may be afraid that Ancient One and Odin are still alive, so he didn't come over... In other words In other words, if we wait until God appears again, Thanos may never come to Earth again." The Young

Master of Peach Blossom Island:"???Isn't this a good thing?"

Huang Rong looked confused.

Ye Hei:"But if this happens, Thor will have no way to avenge his blood."

Miaomushan Immortal:"……"

The prince of the Zhu family:"Ah, this……"

Chen Xiaoyu:"It sounds reasonable! But the problem is not big... When Thor is strong enough in the future, it will be enough to chase him all over the universe. Since that guy claims to be the overlord of the universe, he must have something. Small territory, right?"

Ye Hei:"But I have a better proposal. (Funny.jpg)"

Thor:"Please tell me!"

Thor became interested for a moment.

Ye Hei:"I will send you an invitation card! Then you use the invitation card to invite me to your world... Then, you ask Odin and Ancient One to leave the earth... In the end, you only need to reveal that you are planning to deal with With the news that the gems are causing trouble, Thanos will definitely come! Then I will help you hammer him to death, wouldn’t it be wonderful!"


Yuan Dagu:"Hey... are you serious?!"

The heir of the Ax Gang:"Wait a minute, Mr. Ye is strong enough to defeat Thanos now? He is so strong! (Shocked.jpg)"

Wutian Buddha:" After all, he is an invincible existence under the Great Sage! And the Great Sage of that world seems to be able to twist and smash the galaxy at will... A mere Thanos is vulnerable. I even feel that he has brought a full set of Infinity gems... well, this might be able to kill Ye Hei in a desperate situation."

Gudazi:"But a single gem will definitely not work! It seems that a single power gem... Thanos can only perform at the planet-destroying level. The power? Shameful!"

Miaomushan Sage:"It sounds like... you can also destroy the planet?"

Gudazi:"It depends on what kind of destruction... If you want to blow up the earth with just one blow! That would be very It’s difficult. But if I use the root characteristics to continuously accumulate magical energy, it will take about a day... By then, I will be able to penetrate the earth’s crust! Destroy the earth’s core... and thereby disintegrate the earth."

Liu Peiqiang:"Even a mountain can be destroyed. Ordinary people who can't explode are trembling."

Ye Hei:"You can't even explode mountains! You can just summon the sun and the moon to hit people at will. (Rolls eyes.jpg)"

Xiaozhi:"Seeing this After a long time...I finally found out! It turns out that I am the only ordinary person in this group. (Crying.jpg)"

Su Han's eyelids twitched. As a super newbie... you are just an ordinary person!


Thor:"@叶黑. My heart is moved! And I have also watched your video... I know how incredibly powerful you are. I believe you can defeat Thanos! However, I have a doubt." Ye

Hei :"Tell me."

Thor:"Why are you helping me? I also know how rare points are. One hundred is definitely not a small number! I'm afraid you have accumulated it for several days or even weeks... and you I can't give you any compensation for coming to my world. It's like asking you to bring your own dry food to this world and help me...this."

After Thor obtained the memory of another self, his IQ and EQ have significantly improved a lot. He knows very well that there is no love without reason in this world.

Ye Hei:"emmm...forget it, it doesn't seem to be a problem to tell the truth. First of all, it is the issue of points. Although points are difficult to accumulate...but it is not unimaginably difficult for me to obtain...Look at what I have now The symbol of the Dragon King! I have been the Dragon King for three consecutive days. This has already given me three hundred points! One hundred? That’s cool."

Great Qin Zulong:"……"

Liu Peiqiang:"Hey! I'm so angry."

Ye Hei:"And why should I help you... Actually, I'm not helping you! I just have a lot of ideas to travel across the world, and you just need help, so I went! Then verify my idea there... More importantly, after your sacrifice is successful, you must be focusing on spreading faith in the West, right?" Ye

Hei:"I plan to go to your east to spread faith! I'm also very curious... What does God think of spreading faith in other people's world? Is it gratification, or is it indifference, or is it not allowed? Also, if the faith is successfully spread there, will he take it seriously? The credit for spreading the faith should be on your head...or on mine."

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