Age of Gods: Choose Ultraman For the Start

Chapter 83: San Giles, Killyman

San Giles and his nine companions were sent into a remote area in the Fire Country of Naruto World, where overgrown with weeds and barren land, it is completely unsuitable for humans to survive here.

San Giles looked at the surrounding scenery and immediately took out a can of small nano-robots from his backpack. The nano-robots were released like a mosquito and cleared out a clean area. The remaining nine people also quickly took out. Nano robots, a huge number of nano robots are rapidly transforming this place.

"Under the crown of the gods, let us spread our faith here, but we also have to have a place where we can spread our faith. Let's first transform this place into a suitable living environment to attract the congregation."

San Giles’ proposal was immediately supported by nine companions. They took out a large amount of machinery and equipment from their backpacks and used high-efficiency solar charging panels to charge the machinery and equipment.


Large tracts of trees were chopped down, weeds were chopped to pieces, everyone was doing what they should do, but Clarks, as a companion, was a little absent. He wanted to explore the world rather than weeding the world. Build a house.

St. Giles had read books, and naturally knew Clarks' current thoughts. She walked to Clarks' side and handed him a communication device.

"After you have done what you should do, you can go and explore, but remember, everything must be kept secret, and don't cause trouble to other people."

"I know."

Clarks took the communication device and nodded. He became more diligent in his work. After knocking out dozens of trees, cutting down, cutting branches, and forming a pile, Clarks disappeared from the eyes of others, and his black companion resisted ten. A few shots walked to San Giles.

"That's how you let Clarks leave?"

"Folgan, Clarks is suitable for exploration, and the emperor gave me to teach him in accordance with his aptitude.",

"Perhaps I should read more books, but now that Clarks is gone, you have to do San Giles for his work."

"Of course."

San Giles picked up the tools Clarks had handed out on the ground in one hand and cut the tree into the required shape.

A three-meter wooden house was quickly built, and a companion also produced a vehicle that can carry wood on a large scale, and made a lot of effort to build this wooden house.

San Giles looked at the car and patted his partner on the shoulder.

"Unexpectedly, you brought the folding bike over. You did a good job and sweat."

"Speed ​​and strength are what I have always pursued. I want to transform this car faster and better."

"Come on and do it."

As soon as San Giles turned his head, he saw Clarks walking out of the woods with a pair of armor.

"You came back so fast."

"There is a small mountain village about two kilometers to our side. Some guys who look like medieval are attacking the small mountain village. This is their clothes, which were taken off by a dead soldier of us."

San Giles took over the armor and broke it gently, and the armor shattered in an instant. San Giles frowned slightly. Their own medieval armor was much harder than these.

"And the weapons they used."

Clarks threw a two-meter long spear to the ground.

"Weapons are not tough, and, more importantly, they don't have thermal weapons."

"This is good news. You can go to the small mountain village to find out the situation."

"If there is a way, let them end the battle as soon as possible, Khan, Vulgan, prepare a few mimicry generators and arrange them 100 meters around the house."


Fulgan and Khan Liu Angren took out a few Youtai generators from their backpacks. After setting up the mimicry program, they placed the mimicry generators in the designated position. In just a few seconds, this place was outside. It seems that people have changed from a forest to a large lake.

After cleaning up the surroundings, what appeared in front of San Giles and the others was a small villa with a three-story wooden building and a front yard.

"Let’s take a break, everyone. We will have our first meeting here when Clarks comes back."

After ten minutes, Clarks returned to this place, and ten outsiders sat on a long wooden table and began to discuss future actions.

"Through what the villagers of the small mountain village said, I can already be sure that we came to the border of the two countries. The king walked on the left is the country of fire, and walked on the right is the country of Yuno. The border between the two countries has erupted for a long time. It gave us a great advantage in our actions."

While talking, Clarks drew the approximate area of ​​the battle on both sides with paper and pencil.

"I also inquired that in a few days, a warrior called a ninja would enter the battlefield to help both sides participate in the battle."

"Ninja? What is that?"

"I haven't heard too much about the specifics, I can only find out that they can use quite powerful ninjutsu."

"Ninjutsu? Warrior? I think it's necessary to take a look, what do you think?"

"The mimicry system can last for a month. We can join the two parties, learn their combat mode, and finally learn the ninja fighting style to enrich ourselves and complete the tasks assigned to us by the Emperor."

"The idea is very good, and the feasibility is quite high. Does anyone else have any other ideas?"


"I want to join the team that rushes up below."

"I want to guard the gate."

"The others are okay, but how do we join them is a question. Should we become refugees?"

"If there are no similar weapons, they won't accept them even if they are refugees..."

"So now I have to make some decent weapons? Vulcan, these should be simple for you."

"Don't worry, just leave it to me. Everyone will help me collect some wood, me and iron. I may fuse the two things together."

With the help of Fulgan, ten spears quickly appeared in front of everyone. San Giles picked up one and shook it up and down twice, which was stronger than the spear of Clarks before.

"Okay, everyone pretends, we act according to plan."


Just when San Giles and others joined the armies on both sides to take a tour, Giliman and his nine partners landed on an island in Pirate World.

"This island is completely surrounded by sea water. It is completely impossible to go out."

Gilliman looked at the surrounding sea with a binoculars and said affirmatively. He turned his head and looked at the people who had set up makeshift tents.

"If we want to spread our faith, we have to prepare a boat."

"But we don't have a ship now, Magnus."

"That means we have to build a boat out."

"Yes, that's right. I think we need to build a destroyer on the blueprint first, sail on the sea, patrol the islands that are inhabited, and spread the faith. We must complete the task given to us by God the Father. "

While talking, Magnus took out several design drawings, and he clicked on a design drawing of a destroyer.

"We can just follow the instructions above. We have all the other equipment except for the lack of a large amount of iron. I also brought a 3D printer that can quickly print weapons, medicines and the like."

"The idea is good, but we can't conclude that this island has iron now."

I saw that Magnus took out a folded item from his backpack, flicked it slightly, and a simple scanning device appeared in Magnus's hand.

"I'll go around and check for iron ore and other mineral veins, and by the way, check if there are other creatures."

After speaking, Magnus ran to the depths of the island, and a boy with white hair looked at Gilliman.

"Kiliman, do you care about him?"

"Lemanus, our **** emperor said that everyone has something he is good at. Since he is good at it, let him do it."

"Huh? I don't remember the words in the divine emperor's notebook."

Limanus looked at Gilliman with contempt, I read a lot of books, don't want to fool me.

"This is what the emperor said to me and San Giles himself. You can't hear it. The temporary tent can let us live for a while."

"You can catch fish, there is no shortage of food for the time being."

Gilliman looked at his companion who was fishing with a fishing rod and waved his hand.

"Xu Sen, catch more fish, let's grill the fish tonight!"


Giliman looked at Limanus and pointed at Yu Sen who was fishing on the beach.

"This is what Yu Sen is good at, and we will have a good night."

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