Age of Gods: Choose Ultraman For the Start

Chapter 13: Herau comes to the world

"I, even the **** you call it! The **** of creation! The mere Kilielords dare to use my name as a taboo?! There is no forgiveness of sin!"

A big hand suddenly stretched out of the void, grabbed Itabashi Mitsuo's neck, and lifted him up, but Intermae was not restrained by mental power and fell to the ground.

"What?! What?! Impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible."

Lin Lin kept holding Banqiao Guangxiong's neck with that big hand, making it hard for him to breathe.

"I know, I know! You must be Tiga! Absolutely!"

Lin Lin looked at Banqiao Guangxiong with an expression of seeing things through, and smiled contemptuously.

"Tiga? Hehe, he is just one of my believers."


Da Gu pushed open the door at this time and raised the Hypa gun in his hand.

"Captain! Are you okay?! Huh?! Kileylord!"

Dagu looked at the Killy Elord who was bound by the big hand, still a little confused.

"Da Gu."

Lin Lin spoke softly, and instantly calmed Ji Jian Hui and Da Gu, and Da Gu immediately bowed.

"Master of Creation."

"Master of Creation?! Do you know something Dagu?!"

Interma Hui looked at Da Gu, cold sweat secreted on Da Gu's forehead.

"Don't be too nervous, Captain Intermae, he is my believer."

"Believers?! When are you Dagu?!"

"Sorry Captain!"


Itabashi Mitsuo was squeezed by Lin Lin with one hand, and at the same time, he used the power of faith to transform into a figure, controlling this figure and walking to Intermae.

"You have two choices now. One is to become my believer. I will give you Ting Yang the power to become Ultraman while you are. The other is to make you forget all that you have seen. It has never happened before, now it's your turn to choose, Captain of the winning team, Iimae."

Interma Hui stood up slowly, and she looked at the figure that Lin Lin had transformed into.

"Who on earth are you?"

"I have already said that I am the **** of creation, the master of creator! Believe in me! I will give you the power to save the world."

Interma Hui's eyes flashed, and she suddenly thought of something, and looked at Da Gu, who had been addressing the captain and Lin Lin, who were afraid to **** her.

"If I take the entire base and believe in you together, can you give them the same strength?"


Lin Linmeng unfolded his supernatural power, and Ji Jianhui instantly knelt to the ground.

"Do you think that God's gift is a frivolous thing? I only give him the great ancient power! And you, also the person I value, give you five breaths, and finally decide!"

When Intermediate Hui saw that Lin Lin was upset, she immediately raised her head.

"I am willing to believe in you! Please give me the power to save the world."


Lin Lin raised his hand and instilled Ultraman Herau's light and sacrificial method into Ji Ma Hui's body.

"Da Gu."

"Master of Creation."

Da Gu bowed, not daring to lift his head.

"She is your captain and the new Altman Herau. You two are my believers in this world. She may not be able to cope with the battle behind you. Take her with you."

"Yes, Lord God of Creation."

Lin Lin looked at Da Gu, who was sensible, and felt a little smug. Oops, Da Gu has done too honestly as a kid, and he feels so happy. Don’t want it.

"Another Killy Elder is coming out, you two, get rid of him together."

After finishing speaking, Lin Lin's consciousness returned to his kingdom of God, and the phantom that he had used the power of faith to phantom also slowly disappeared.

When the phantom under Lin Lin's control disappeared, Da Gu immediately ran to Ju Jianhui, who knelt down on the ground.

"Captain, are you okay?!"

Interma Megumi shook her head. She only felt her brain awake for a while. She looked at Dagu who was running over, and slowly stood up from the ground.

"Captain, how do you feel?"

Ogu Yu gently supported Intermae's left arm with his hand.

"I feel unclear, what is this? And...this..."

Intermediate took out a light blue gem from his arms. The gem was in an oval shape and exuded the light of the exhibition. Dagu froze for a moment, and subconsciously said that sentence.

"Thank the God of Creation, Captain, this should be the prop that the God of Creation gave you to transform."

"Da Gu?! Da Gu?! Have you found the captain?! Hurry up and reply!"

Just when Kai Mae wanted to take a closer look at this gem, the ground suddenly trembled, and a huge figure appeared on the street.

"I found the captain, and the refuge has been released!"

"Hurry up! The Kilierrods have appeared! The battle has begun!"

There was a hint of anxiety in the conductor's voice, and he didn't know who he was anxious about.

"Captain, let's escape quickly and defeat the enemy before we come to study how you want to transform."

"No, I already know how to transform, let's get rid of blasphemous people together."

After speaking, Iimae put the gem on his forehead. As the gem bloomed with a dazzling light, Iimae turned into a light and flew out from the window of this house. Dagu shrugged his shoulders and took it out. God light stick.

"Hahahaha! Surrender to the feet of the Kilierods!"

On the streets, huge Kilierrods were madly destroying the city, countless tall buildings collapsed, and flames rose in the city.

"Be obediently surrender to me!"

Just when the Kilierrods wanted to fire the flames again, his arms were suddenly restrained by a powerful force.

"What? What?!"


In a powerful hug, the Kilierod was thrown into a head dizzy.


"who is it?!"

The Kilielrod jumped up from the ground with a carp, and a silver-red giant stood in front of him, with a light blue oval gemstone on top of the giant's head.

"Not Tiga?! Who are you?!"

The Kilielrod looked at the giant figure in front of him vigilantly. The giant in front of it opened his arms and touched his fists heavily. The sound barrier instantly cracked the glass of the surrounding building, and the giant's eyes exuded a terrible look. Cold light.

"God gave me a name! Herao! Blasphemer! Kneeling to give the first!"

Herau raised his right hand, turned his fist into a palm, and slashed heavily. The strong wind pressure forced the Kilielrods to retreat. As a result, he was kicked back two steps after he was kicked back and turned his head. , Is Tiga who has turned into a powerful red type!

"Two! Two giants?!"

Lina and Xincheng Dujing, who were sitting in the fighter jet, exclaimed at the same time.

"That looks familiar? Isn't he one of the disappearing stone statues?!"

Lina shouted loudly, the joystick in her hand trembled fiercely, and Feiyan One quickly flew to the side.

"Even if there are two people, I am not afraid! The God of Kylielod is blessing me! I will not lose!"

"You can give it a try! Tiga! Solve him together!"

Tiga nodded, and rushed towards the Kilielod with Herao.

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