The azure blue universe is vast and mysterious.

The universe is huge, and there are countless planes and worlds.

On a silver plane sea composed of countless plane worlds, a girl in a black dress was floating barefoot.

Just now, Lan Yin had finished his mission from that abnormality and deformity, from the modern to the apocalyptic world.

The heroine Su Anran continued to improve with her training and encouragement all the way, and finally became a existence that could rival the hero Mu Ye with a powerful supernatural power.

This is also one of the reasons why Su Anran succeeded in catching up with Mu Ye.

Under the influence of Lan Yin's ‘cousin’, Su Anran encouraged to be a woman who was qualified to stand beside Mu Ye and worthy of Mu Ye.

Later, she did achieve her goal plan.

And the final result of that world, Su Anran used her powerful purification ability to purify the zombie virus in the entire world.

And because of this, she lost her purification ability—

Fortunately, the world returned to normal, and she didn't need the ability to'purify' anymore.

As for Lan Yin, after the male and female masters became famous and guarded the world, she would leave wherever she came from.

As she left that world, all memories related to her disappeared.

No one remembers that Su Anran has a cousin, and no one remembers that Su Anran's "Campus Survival Team" has an excellent leader.

Lan Yin has become accustomed to this situation of erasing all traces of herself.

Withdrawing her thoughts about the previous world, Lan Yin sighed, and then called his system in his heart.

In the next second, the phantom of her family Mr. Gu appeared in the void of the universe and appeared in front of her—

Lan Yin: "Check the reward for this mission."

"Okay, host." Mr. System's deep magnetic voice sounded.

Later, in the form of a light curtain in front of Lan Yin, the reward she had obtained for this mission was aired out.

Plane World Transformer: Lan Yin (Junior Transformer)

Mission completion: 100%

Rating: Perfect

Reward points for the transformation of the plane: 100+ (50 extra points)

Portable system: Intermediate system No. 1101

Accumulated points for plane transformation tasks: 995+150

Lan Yin was in a good mood when she saw this data.

With the addition of this mission, her plane transformation points have reached another thousand~

So she did not hesitate to instruct her system manager, "Deduct one thousand points to upgrade the system level."

System 1101 has been unable to complain about this decision of its own host.

The host of other systems, as a primary reformer, where can I have an intermediate system?

Even if they have points, they will spend almost all of them on themselves, and they will definitely not be like his host, who can strengthen the system and improve the system level.

Any elementary reformer who has been tasked for hundreds of years can earn thousands of points.

But his host is better, and every time he reaches a thousand points, he will bless him.

The result is that the host managed to pass a thousand points, and now there are more than one hundred left...

System 1101 clearly knew that his host would not listen to persuasion because of his own persuasion, so he had to deduct one thousand points.

Upgrading of Intermediate System No. 1101...

No. 1101 Intermediate system upgrade progress is increased by 0.01% from the advanced system

The intermediate system No. 1101 is currently upgraded at 8.76%

It takes a lot of effort to upgrade to an advanced system!

Just a few lines of data are all of Lan Yin's hundreds of years.

It’s still a long time since her home, Mr. Gu, came back, but there is already hope, and she will continue—

Lan Yin's obsession can't even understand her portable system.

Outside of its duties, System 1101 couldn't help but ask its host a question.

"Host, you keep raising my level, but you don't care about your own situation. Why is this?"

The system asked, and before Lan Yin answered, she blocked her excuses.

"Don't tell me, the more mission assistance functions you can use after upgrading the system, the host, you have never used points to experience any function of the intermediate system."

Lan Yin:...

Mr. System of her family really got to the bottom~!

Change to another system, and the host spends all the points to bless the system. Isn't that system crazy?

Only if Mr. System of her family became a system, he still couldn't help but care about his own situation...

Lan Yin looked at the phantom in front of her, and smiled slightly, "Of course I want you to quickly solidify and not be in a semi-virtual state, so that I can do this to you~do that~"

This kind of obvious molesting and joking tone is what Lan Yin often said to her family system.

In the past, she was always warned by the system, but today, for the first time, she didn't even hear her family's system husband telling her ‘refuse to molest the system’.

Or simply disappear and stop talking to yourself.

I saw the phantom in front of her quietly looking at her, after a long silence, he suddenly spoke.

"Do you really think so?" Mr. System, who should have been ruthless, had a slight emotional fluctuation in his voice at this moment.

That kind of emotions mixed with gratitude, entanglement, shyness, and uncertainty is the first time that Lan Yin has seen this kind of obvious emotional expression from her family system husband.

"Of course~" Lan Yin replied.

Although her answer still contained some playful feelings, Lan Yin also answered seriously.

As the phantom of the system, after getting his host's reply, he took a deep look at the host.

Then, he suddenly seemed to be sure of what he thought, and said to his host, "I know, I will grow up well, live up to your expectations, and become a high-level system as soon as possible, with materialization."

Lan Yin:?

This time, it was Lan Yin's turn that she couldn't understand the meaning of Mr. System.

He actually acquiesced to his attempt to him, indicating that he had complied with himself.

Or... wait for his success one day, to get rid of his hostile host?

If one day, her family system upgrades to a high-level system, then she can’t let him escape from her side—

Lan Yin looked at Mr. Void System in front of him, and became serious.

"Looking forward to that day~"

Can the man she wants run away?

No matter where he runs, the breath on his body can let himself find him—

Mr. System listened to his host seriously discussing with him in this way and that way in the future~

There are already some ‘thin-skinned’ systems, even if I warn myself to be calm, I can’t keep calm anymore!

"Host, are you still a woman? After experiencing so many mission worlds, don't you know that men chasing women is the most correct way to open it?"

He just felt that after he became an advanced system and possessed an entity, he was qualified to start pursuing his host.

But now...

"Host, you are too shameless!"

[End of the book]

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