Tian Min didn't know his daughter's thoughts, he just felt that at a critical moment, he could see that her daughter was really filial.

I have been hospitalized these days, and my daughter has come to work.

This situation of myself, as well as the patients in the ward, are very envious.

In the ward, Tian Xiaodie sat on the bedside and pared an apple for his father. While listening to the patient in the next hospital bed, he sighed enviously, ‘It’s great to raise a daughter. It’s not like a son. I have a wife and forget my parents. ’

As he was talking, the nurse taking care of the patient next door couldn't help but interject, "You two really don't plan to try the cancer treatment machine? I heard the doctor say that the machine is really useful!"

Tian Xiaodie, who was waiting for Miss Lan Xinning in the hospital, frowned when she heard it.

He glanced at the nurse with a bored expression on his face.

Then he said to the patient in the next hospital bed.

"Don't believe what the people in their hospital say! They are all trying to make money. The machine is said to cost three thousand for half an hour at a time. There is money to burn!"

"And it's hard to say whether it will be life-threatening when used. If it is used, it will die in the machine, who is it?"

Tian Xiaodie’s voice is harsh. These days there is a machine that can treat many difficult, serious, and even terminal illnesses in the hospital. It is because Tian Xiaodie chews the roots of his tongue everywhere that he can let the critically ill patients in the inpatient department. The patients dare not use the new machine.

Listening to her at this moment, the patient in the next bed was still a little eager to try, and suddenly he completely dismissed the idea.

Although the patient in the bed next door also had cancer, fortunately, he was early and not serious.

According to normal medical methods, it can be cured. Although it is impossible to be completely cured, it will not last long.

So instead of using the new machine that was suddenly introduced by the hospital, he would rather treat slowly.

Tian Xiaodie didn't know that her thoughts deeply affected her father Tian Min, so that Tian Min, like her, stubbornly refused the machine the doctor said.

The father and daughter waited until noon, and the person they were waiting for finally came—

Lan Xinning took advantage of the noon to leave school.

This time she came, in addition to the injection, she also sent some cancer-inhibiting drugs to their school teachers.

In addition, she is powerless to cure cancer completely.

What she can do is to make this teacher Tian Min live two more years.

After Lan Xinning gave the injection, before leaving the hospital, she heard Tian Xiaodie mention something about the hospital's cancer-treating machine.

Lan Xinning grew up as a primary school doctor. Her first reaction was to absolutely not believe that there would be machines that could do that kind of thing!

So for the machine Tian Xiaodie said, she smiled non-committal, "There are some things, don't blindly listen to others."

What she meant was the kind of machine the hospital doctors were talking about.

After hearing what Lan Xinning said, Tian Xiaodie was even more sure that what he said to the outside world was correct.

Doctors are swindling patients' money in every way!

That's why they don't use the machines recommended by doctors to treat illnesses!

With Miss Lan Xinning here, my father's illness will heal sooner or later——

Lan Xinning didn't know, because of her words, Tian Xiaodie was determined to pester her and let her treat her father...

Ningcheng No. 1 Middle School, the bell rang after school in the afternoon.

As soon as Lan Yin walked out of the classroom, he saw Gu Zichen hurriedly running downstairs from the third grade class.

Seeing Gu Zichen's expression of excitement because of seeing herself, Lan Yin couldn't stop doubting in her heart.

——The two men who agreed to talk about the heroine, why didn’t she see that Gu Zichen liked Lan Xinning a little bit?

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