But now because of economic constraints and insufficient capital, big money-making projects can only be temporarily shelved.

The only way to do the rest is to rely solely on technology and engage in a ‘one-size-fits-all’ business!

After fiddling with the first-generation smartphones more than 100 years ago, and getting familiar with the usage of various software on the phone, Lan Yin took a taxi to the nearest internet cafe.

Ten yuan and two hours of temporary card, Lan Yin found a corner of the seat to sit down.

Turn on the computer, enter a URL on the web page, and press Enter to enter——

In the next second, a very cool looking website appeared in front of her.

This is a hacker alliance website that lasted more than a hundred years later.

Used by hackers around the world to discuss, exchange, discuss, and learn.

Lan Yin glanced around the various sections of the website, and then returned to the technical communication section. It took five minutes to write a few pieces of code and make a small program.

Then she used her not too mature junior hacking skills to put her small program on the website, waiting for everyone to challenge.

That's right, everyone!

Although her hacking skills are probably the weakest item in the knowledge she has learned.

But the technology more than one hundred years later, put more than one hundred years ago, is enough to "sling" the entire world hacker alliance.

So after she put this ‘small program’ on the website.

All of a sudden, hackers who just logged into the website in all countries and places in the world found a small window popped up on their computers at the same time? !

On the whole black window, a line of words in different regions that have been translated into various languages ​​popped up.

——Want to play a game?

Hackers all over the world:? ? ?

What is this?

My computer was hacked! ?

Before they could react from the shocked emotions, immediately afterwards, before they refused, the countdown to the game had already begun——

This is a game of deciphering programs, which tests the solid program compilation skills of hackers.

Judging from the progress bar at the bottom of the window, it is divided into ten levels, and each level is divided into ten small nodes, and each node has a time limit of one minute.

When the countdown is over, when the first line of code flashes through the window, it is a provocation for every hacker!

The same is also a challenge!

If you want to know who hacked their computer, you can get the answer by deciphering this ‘mini game’.

All of a sudden, online hackers all over the world began to concentrate on deciphering the questions that the opponent who invaded their computers gave them!

The first level, the first node.

Ninety percent of the world's hackers successfully breached.

There were smug smiles on their faces.

Oh~ but that's it.

Immediately after the second node starts.

One minute later, fifty percent of the world's hackers broke through.

The expressions on their faces became more serious.

The other party is pretty good...

After the third node is over.

Only 20% of hackers in the world can break through.

When they finished the third node, their nervous palms were sweating, and there was only one thought in their hearts——

The opponent is a master!

And the remaining 80% of hackers, starting from the point where they failed, a prompt option popped up on the "game window" on their computer.

——Does Krypton Gold watch the deciphering process of other people's next node?

! ! !

It turns out that not only your own computer was hacked, but other people’s computers were also hacked together?

And this option makes those hackers who haven't completed the deciphering laugh!

Others break into your own computer, provoke yourself, and if you fail, let yourself be krypton gold?

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