On international authoritative medical forums, countless medical experts all over the world reported the ‘untrue’ information published by Gu Ming.

So it didn’t take long for Gu Ming’s real-name registration ID on that medical authoritative forum to be blocked...

From then on, he, a Chinese medical expert, will be removed from the list of international medical experts!

In addition, Gu Ming's mobile phone also received news from colleagues of foreign medical experts he met when he went abroad for academic exchanges.

A few of them sent messages euphemistically, hoping that Gu Ming could look at his brain...

Because medical experts from all over the world resisted too much ‘voice’, some domestic medical experts who believed in Gu Ming, who helped Gu Ming to speak on authoritative forums, were also dealt with by banning and banning.

The repeated ‘sao operations’ in the international medical community made Gu Ming almost laughed with anger!

good very good!

From then on, Gu Ming decided not to promote the effects of the'surgical machine', but silently let the'surgical machine' develop within China.

Gu Ming believes that when the true effect of the "surgical machine" spreads out in the future, those medical experts who now boycott him will definitely beg him to send the "surgical machine" abroad in the future——

When the ‘surgical machine’ was gradually being rolled out in various provinces and cities in China, the manufacture of the ‘phototherapy machine’ in another production workshop of Gu’s medical equipment also had gratifying results!

Different from the cost of the ‘surgical machine’, it can be said to be ‘cheap’. A surgical machine can be manufactured at a cost of hundreds of thousands.

But the ‘phototherapy machine’ is different.

Making a ‘phototherapy machine’ is simply burning money!

After all kinds of rare metals are used, a ‘phototherapy machine’ can be manufactured at least seven or eight million!

For machines like this, mass production is impossible.

The Gu family first invested 100 million yuan in the manufacture of'phototherapy machines', but only twelve'phototherapy machines' were manufactured...

This is because the Gu Group spent a lot of money to recruit technical talents from various sources, and it was able to manufacture more than a dozen phototherapy machines in less than a month!

Ningcheng, Ningcheng First People's Hospital, in the intensive care unit.

Teacher Tian Min, who was diagnosed with cancer more than 20 days ago, is getting worse and worse now.

Yesterday, Principal Chen and Director Zhang of Ningcheng No. 1 Middle School visited Teacher Tian Min again.

Because Tian Min was in the intensive care unit, they couldn't even see anyone.

Principal Chen and Director Zhang stood for a while, said a few words of relief to Teacher Tian Min's family, and then left.

However, before leaving, Principal Chen did not forget to give a small bottle of medicine to Teacher Tian Min's family.

He got it from the little benefactor.

According to the little benefactor, although those medicines cannot cure cancer, they can extend life, strengthen the patient's energy, and make the patient live longer.

Lan Yin is not a doctor and does not understand symptomatic treatment. The most she can do is to develop some potentiating agents.

Lan Yin entrusted Principal Chen with the medicine to the Chinese teacher, but only wanted to let the Chinese teacher hold on for a few more days.

Only in this way can we wait for the ‘phototherapy machine’ to come out and then have the opportunity to treat cancer.

Lan Yin had already paid attention to the production progress of the "phototherapy machine" two days ago.

Now, in the Gujia medical equipment manufacturing room, twelve ‘phototherapy machines’ have been completed.

In addition to the one she mailed in the past, the 13 machines will be officially launched the day after tomorrow after they have been tested, and then they will be effective——

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