After the Strange Talk Prevails

Chapter 162: Lan Xinyun's obsession

In the command room, Song Chunying forced her balance and finally dragged a chair to sit down.

She took a deep breath, and said in a low voice: "The left hand was chopped, indicating that he must have fought with the Ripper. His spells can only be activated with the left hand. Xinyun he... Xinyun he is very strong, open the mouth. The hand definitely has a dangerous level of super A grade, even above it!"

" hurts."

Suddenly, a hoarse voice sounded in the command room, Zhang Wei and Ou Yang were all horrified, their arms were covered with goose bumps, Song Chunying's sorrowful expression also directly solidified, she raised her head in surprise and listened with her ears pricked up.

There was the sound of Zhou Ming and Chen’s retreating footsteps, as well as Chen’s "fuck", followed by Zhou Ming’s accelerated report: "Lan Xinyun is moving, I want to unpack the seal!"

"Are you really sure that he is dead?" Song Chunying stood up.

"I think it should be dead. He should not be alive because of such a heavy bleeding. What's more, why he has been lying down before, and the phone vibrates without answering. Now we are here and suddenly start to move! Don't you think it is outrageous?" Zhou Ming A series of machine gun-like questioning directly overwhelmed Song Chunying.

Zhou Ming had already aimed at Lan Xinyun with a Super A Grade long knife. Lan Xinyun in front of him propped on the ground with his knees, supported the ground with his right hand, supported his body and straightened his waist. Zhou Ming could hear him. When I got up, the fragments of my kneecap rubbed in the flesh.

The forehead on the side of Lan Xinyun's head was sunken in, and his eyes slightly protruded out of his orbit. The mandible was also completely dislocated and shattered, and his appearance was extremely terrifying.

He couldn't speak well anymore. The sound just came from his throat, and there was a straight incision in his stomach. Half of the things he didn't know were leaking out. It could be the intestines or the stomach.

"The Ripper? I'm going to kill you."

Lan Xinyun noticed the existence of Zhou Ming and Chen, and turned her head to them. The strange face directly frightened Chen. Although Chen had solved many weirdness, she still saw a living thing for the first time. The companion becomes like this.

Lan Xinyun's eyes were not agile at all, they were the eyes of a dead man, and it was hard to believe that he had sight with those eyes that almost protruded out of their sockets.

Observed from the outside, Zhou Ming could conclude that he did not have any eyesight, but after observing through the whole field of vision, he saw Lan Xinyun’s field of vision. Everything there was blurred, except for the figure of a man in a white shirt and black trousers. Extraordinarily clear.

Through the identification of background and location, Zhou Ming concluded that the person was himself, and Lan Xinyun regarded him as a ripper!

And Chen next to him is just a blurry mosaic that blends into the background.

Zhou Ming swallowed, thinking that Full Horizon can only detect the vision of creatures, should Lan Xinyun still be alive now? should?

To be honest, Zhou Ming didn't believe it very much.

"Lan Xinyun, I am a Musketeer!" Zhou Ming said coldly in a low voice. He then thought about it, guessing that the other party might not know his code name, so he said, "Song Chunying! Your contact person, your boss, you Remember! We are our own!"

Lan Xinyun was unheard of, there was no sound in his world, everything was silent, he only "saw" the Ripper.

He stretched his left arm without his forearm to the grenade at his waist, and found it empty.

"Huh? Where's the left hand?"

Lan Xinyun looked at his empty left hand blankly, and when he lowered his head, Zhou Ming felt that both of his eyes were about to fall out.

Chen next to him was holding two unencapsulated daggers, stiffened in place in a fighting posture, his mind was completely down.

Zhou Ming also felt mentally stressed. He saw something leaking from the wound on Lan Xinyun's abdomen. The blood was so bad that it looked like a pile of internal organ fragments.

No matter how good the resilience is, he can't survive. This guy is completely half weird!

Can't help it... he can't help but want to get the knife!

And at this moment, Lan Xinyun's sister's gentle voice suddenly sounded: "Xinyun, you are wrong, they are companions and your friends."

Lan Xinyun watched the movement of his arm, twisted his neck stiffly, raised his head and looked at Zhou Ming and Chen's eye, making a rough sound from his throat.

"Huh? Damn... it's you, idiot, you, why are you here."

His voice was broken, Zhou Ming could only barely hear it clearly, but he heard the hostility of the other party disappeared, and he seemed to recognize them.

"Report his condition! What is he doing now, is he alive?" Song Chunying asked gritted her teeth in the headset.

"It seems that there is no danger for the time being." Zhou Ming said softly.

Zhou Ming once again observed Lan Xinyun's vision and found that his image in Lan Xinyun's eyes had changed drastically.

He saw that in Lan Xinyun's eyes, he had become another clear image of a man, with a beard and a sloppy appearance.

And Chen next to him has also become a cute girl image, but neither of these two images is what they really look like. This is probably the appearance of the two acquaintances left in Lan Xinyun's mind.

"Xinyun, where is your hand, go pick it up quickly, your battle is not over yet." Lan Xinyun's sister continued to encourage him, of course, this voice could not be heard by anyone except Lan Xinyun.

So in reality, Lan Xinyun began to awkwardly move his broken knee, knelt on the ground, wiggling forward, his knees dragged a narrow path of blood on the ground, he knelt and said: "Captain, bean sprouts, go away... The Ripper is nearby, it's dangerous... I'll take care of him."

"Do...What does bean sprouts mean?" Chen, with his brain down, asked a stupid question.

In the command room, Song Chunying's stoic expression instantly collapsed upon hearing those two names.

She tried hard to endure, but the dam of tears still opened a hole, and the crying couldn't be restrained after all.

Only Song Chunying knew that nickname.

So many years have She hasn't heard him mention those nicknames for a long time, but she always knows that he still remembers them, they can't forget, absolutely impossible!

The bean sprouts in Lan Xinyun's mouth were once a member of her team.

Bean sprouts is a very cute girl in Song Chunying's memory. She especially likes to eat bean sprouts. She is a bit naive. Although she has no spells, she has good skills and a very brave personality. Song Chunying looks like Look at my sister.

The captain at the time was Li Xiong. Although he was only a Class B hermit, he had rich mission experience. He was a classmate of Xinyun's sister. He was bold and often enlightened the team members. He treated Xinyun like a brother, Song Chunying remembers He also pursued himself. He and Xinyun's sister were the first to choose her as a contact person.

They are the most cherished people in Song Chunying's life.

But in a mission, they were crushed... in a physical sense.

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