After the Strange Talk Prevails

Chapter 103: New episode

Zhou Ming and Wang Siyan followed the location the woman said, and came to the corridor on the third floor at the back of the villa. They found the conjurer at the end of the corridor. The other side squatted on the ground, carefully peering at the end. A few dangling mercenaries.

Those mercenaries seemed to be possessed by a demon, swaying slightly in place with a very strange posture.

As if hearing their footsteps, the female conjurer turned her head to look at Zhou Ming and Wang Siyan, raised her fingers and made a silent gesture, and then beckoned them to pass.

Wang Siyan catted to his waist and planned to walk towards the wall, but Zhou Ming grabbed him.

"Wait! Don't go there." Zhou Ming said in a low voice.

Zhou Ming peeked at the woman's field of vision with his full vision, but the other person's field of vision was completely dark.

The woman obviously couldn't see anything, but she pretended to see them, and beckoned at them there, like a manipulated inanimate doll...that was a decoy.

"This guy is not normal."

Zhou Ming created a sharp icy edge in her hand and threw it out. The icy edge flew in a straight line and plunged straight into the woman's chest. Dark red blood flowed out of her chest, while she still kept beckoning at them. As if he was not attacked at all.

After a few seconds, the corpse collapsed to the ground with a plop, and there was no movement.

And the dangling mercenaries behind her also fell to the ground one after another, as if dead.

"What's the matter?" Wang Siyan opened his eyes wide and looked at this scene incredulously.

"It's possible that she was attacked after contacting us. Something took over her body and manipulated her to lure us. Of course, there is another possibility, that is, she contacted us after death." Zhou Ming said coldly.

He raised the walkie-talkie, intending to inform everyone of the situation on his side, but as soon as he lifted it up, he heard a person on the walkie-talkie say-"Two more people come to the U-shaped corridor on the right side of the second floor. Bian encountered a situation and needs support."

The moment Zhou Ming heard this sound, Zhou Ming's hair stood up, as if a layer of razor was gently swept against his scalp, and it was numb.

That voice was his, exactly the same as him, and he heard another himself ordering calmly.

Wang Siyan was also stunned. Zhou Ming's voice echoed in the quiet corridor. According to the real Zhou Ming, he squatted beside her, his mouth tightly closed.

She felt a horror, it was a strangeness that couldn't be described in words.

"Listen, everyone! It was not me who ordered just now! Someone is imitating my voice to speak!" Zhou Ming reacted and immediately shot back.

"What's the matter? Who are you?" Another fake immediately responded, "I desperately need support here! Send someone over immediately, someone is imitating my voice!"

"Didn't you just go to the corridor on the third floor near the viewing platform? Why are you on the second floor now?" a conjurer questioned.

Zhou Ming breathed a sigh of relief, saying that there are still smart people.

But as soon as the voice fell, the fake Zhou Ming explained to himself: "When I heard a strange movement when I went upstairs, I came here first."

As soon as the voice fell, another female voice followed up: "I saw the green mask on the third floor, and he killed the person asking for help! The green mask on the third floor shouldn't be the real green mask...something weird got into us In it."

"Damn! The situation has changed. From now on, my command will be lifted! Everyone should act accordingly, remember not to trust anyone! There are things that can imitate our voices and even our form!" the fake Zhou Ming shouted road.

Inexplicably, Zhou Ming's command in chief was removed in a few words.

But now this is not the point, the point is that something terrible has really gotten into them.

Zhou Ming took a deep breath and said in a calm tone: "I am the green mask on the third floor. There are indeed people who can imitate our voices. You have heard this with your own ears, but the other party may not be able to pretend to be us. The other three The female conjurer in Lou died before I arrived, but she can still act like a normal person after death... I remind everyone that the active person is not necessarily a living person, unless that person can cast the spell."

"Understood." Someone replied.

"Don't believe him, he is fake." Fake Zhou Ming said.

Another Wang Siyan's voice followed: "I am on the second floor with him now, our side is real."

Wang Siyan immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and replied: "I also said I was on the third floor!"

Although this kind of defense is not effective, it can prevent one from being deceived by the fake Zhou Ming and the fake Wang Siyan.

Immediately afterwards, the intercom began to talk continuously, and various chaotic voices came out one after another, and the false identities suddenly increased. Not only Wang Siyan and Zhou Ming, but also two completely different opinions appeared by others, even Wu Xingxing. He also intervened and asked anxiously. As a result, a second Wu star appeared. The communication channel became messy and the information was extremely confusing.

At this point, the walkie-talkie has completely lost its credibility. Although Zhou Ming tried his best to restore it, the inhuman things lurking in the dark have achieved its purpose. The team trust he has built up has been completely dismantled, and the command right in hand is natural. Also lost.

This is probably the result the other party wants.

Zhou Ming and Wang Siyan both turned off the walkie-talkies, and this thing has no effect.

"Don't move!" The sound of rifle loading came from behind, and the movements of Zhou Ming and Wang Siyan to stand up were stiff in the air.

Then they heard the person behind them say: "Raise your hand, then slowly turn around."

Zhou Ming and Wang Siyan looked at each other, raised their hands very cooperatively, and then slowly turned around at an extremely slow speed.

Standing in front of them was a conjurer wearing a horse face mask. This conjurer Zhou Ming had the impression that he was the first person who proposed to patrol the villa in groups during the meeting.

"Are you genuine?" Ma Lian Nan asked coldly.

"Of course, I am true. I can prove it to you. Didn't my previous spell use ice? Look." Zhou Ming answered cautiously, keeping his hands high, between the index finger and the middle finger. Condensed into a beautiful ice flower.

The horse-faced man breathed a sigh of relief and put down the rifle: "It seems to be real, I am also a genuine person."

He waved his hand gently in the air, and there was a burst of explosions in the air, and a string of blue-violet arcs ran across the air along the trajectory of the horse-faced male's fingertips. He is an electric conjurer.

Zhou Ming breathed a sigh of relief, patted Wang Siyan's **** beside him, and said, "I have found my own person."

Wang Siyan felt Zhou Ming's fingers drew a circle on his butt, and then drew a straight line under the circle.

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