After the Strange Talk Prevails

Chapter 110: Weird appearance


"I'm a little nervous tonight, I want to relax." Wu Mingxing smiled.

Lou Wenzhi looked at the smile on Wu Xingxing's face in a mixed mood.

Most of the time, Lou Wenzhi could understand his boss from the perspective of a businessman, but this time he couldn't.

This time, the boss's son was kidnapped and his fingers and toes were chopped off. In order to solve the kidnapper, he went to war and spent manpower and attention here.

No matter how you look at it, he has made a big loss this time, so Lou Wenzhi doesn't understand why he can still laugh.

But Lou Wenzhi wouldn't ask, he still has some understanding of Wu Mingxing after so many years of getting along.

It has been several times. He saw Wu Mingxing in the study, smiling at Sanyang Village at night. It was a heartfelt joy.

Wu Mingxing took a sip of red wine and looked down.

From his point of view, one can have a glimpse of the scenery of Sanyang Village.

In Sanyang Village in the dark, large areas are dark. The wooden houses and stone houses in the moonlight have only vague outlines. Most of the people living in these houses have the habit of going to bed early, and they dare not even waste candles.

But the black market, as well as the direction of the mines, are quite bright, and the lights there will be constant throughout the night.

Although I don’t know how many kilometers away, Wu Xingxing can almost smell the scent of money floating in the black market. In his mind, money flows from the mines and circulates in the black market. All the women and slaves worshipped in front of it. .

Money is the owner of everyone, and he is the owner of money, because Sanyang Village is his possession, he is the real emperor here, and the rest of the things are so insignificant compared to the power in his hands.


Zhou Ming and his conjurer partner walked back and forth in the corridor with a rifle on their backs. There was a guarded mercenary every few meters around. The meticulous arrangement gave Zhou Ming no chance to attack his partner.

But fortunately, Wu Xingxing also issued an order to search for the room. His previous letter scared the other party. Now Wu Xingxing has assumed that the kidnapper has the ability to appear in any room in the villa at any time, and this also gave Zhou Ming action. chance.

Originally, Zhou Ming was still thinking about how he would deal with the people around him, and then he would fight for five minutes to change his outfit.

But now this thing is easy to do. When searching the room, there are only two people, which is the best time to do it.

"Come in here and have a look." Zhou Mingchong tilted his head in the room next to him.

The conjurer beside him nodded obediently, and followed Zhou Ming into the smoking room of the prom.

As soon as he entered the room, Zhou Ming backhanded an ice blade into the opponent's neck. The sharpness of the ice cut directly cut off the opponent's throat bone and spine, and a conjurer was killed.

Very smoothly, the sneak attack is indeed invincible!

Zhou Ming immediately began to summon the Grey Gate, while silently listening to the movement outside. The mercenaries outside were now fully focused on the large lawn, and they should be able to survive in five minutes.

While summoning Grey Gate, he took out the walkie-talkie and coughed: "There is nothing unusual here, over."

"There is no abnormality, no need to say." I don't know who said.

Zhou Ming ignored him. The cough just now was just a signal to Wang Siyan, suggesting that the other party is almost ready to start preparing.

At this moment, the light overhead suddenly went out.

There was also a slight disturbance outside, and it seemed that it was not just the room he was in, but the entire villa that turned off the lights.


With a screaming scream from nowhere, Zhou Ming's walkie-talkie simultaneously uttered the voices of other conjurers: "Weirdness has appeared! Weirdness has appeared! First floor, first floor!"

what's the situation? The weirdness just appeared! ?

Zhou Ming's brain buzzed, and his original plan was disrupted.

Originally, he planned to continue investigating Weird after killing Wu Xingxing, but now Weird comes to the door and he has no choice.

Zhou Ming raised the walkie-talkie and said, "Let's get down right away!"

He ran to the corridor, and there was a mess outside. The seemingly well-trained mercenaries were not paying attention to the lawn, stealing each other's desires, and discussing the topic of escape.

They are all people who take money to do things. They have no loyalty to Wu Mansion. Let them deal with flesh and blood humans, but let them deal with weird things. After all, weird things like this, no amount of firepower is useless.

Zhou Ming ignored them and ran straight downstairs. The screams from below became more and more violent, followed by fire lights and various explosions, as well as the sound of gunfire.

Zhou Ming and Wang Siyan met head-on at the corner of the stairs. They looked at each other and found that there was no one beside each other.


"Just solved, the corpse is tucked under the bed and hasn't been processed yet."

"Forget it! Go ahead and see what the weirdness really is."

In the lobby on the first floor, a servant was wrapped in a dark fleshy scream, but soon the surrounding flames and bullets killed him, and the weird fleshy squirted on the ground. The servant's lower body image was thrown into the meat grinder, wrapped in the mud and spinning, and there was a rubbing sound of broken tendons.

Although the victim has died, the screams have not stopped, and strangely shaped vocal organs continue to form on the surface of the meat mud, hoarsely playing fixed lines——

"It hurts... it hurts."

"Who are you? Who are you?"

"Is it you? Are you there?"

"Save me...Save me!"

There are male and female voices, old and young, not only the sound of people, but also the sound of a shovel hitting a rock, the sound of wind, the sound of rain and the conversation of other people.

The words in front of the deceased and the movement of the surrounding environment were perfectly copied, and they were repeated in this strange mass of flesh.

It wriggled very slowly, silently withstands the attacks of other conjurers around it. The flame burned on its surface, but it could not be ignited. Some people compressed to release a strong impact on the mud, the mud A huge spherical depression appeared on the surface, but it completely recovered in a blink of an eye.

"What the **** is this!"

"Why can't you burn to death?"

"What should I do?"

A conjurer slowly picked up a knife, cautiously stepped forward and approached the mass of black meat, and said in his mouth:

"Since impact and flame are useless, I have to try cutting. Like a slime, it may be immune to blunt weapon attacks, but cutting can cause damage to it."

He had just approached a distance of one meter, a sharp thorn suddenly appeared from the mud, which slammed into his body!

Even Zhou Ming didn't see the spur speed of that fleshy thorn, he could only say that it was very fast!

The conjurer relied on his instinct to react and was lucky enough to dodge the first one. However, the second flesh thorn followed closely and pierced into the opponent's abdomen at an extremely fast speed. The tip slammed into the blocking blade, making a crisp sound like a metal crash.

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