The first floor fell silent for a moment.

Everyone looked in the direction of the stairs and watched the man go downstairs step by step.

The man was dressed in black with a cold expression on his face. He glanced around on the first floor, and frowned when he saw the fragments of the vase on the ground.

No one in the hall made a sound, and no one dared to touch the mold.

The man looked at the debris on the ground, and the air pressure around his body was getting lower and lower.

Qin Zhou stood beside the vase, bowed his head slightly, and held a fragment of the vase in his hand, which became tighter and tighter unconsciously.

The director on the side smiled and said cautiously, "Mr. He, I'm sorry..."

"He's cheap, he accidentally broke the vase..." The director cautiously looked at the little star beside him, and hurriedly cursed, "Apologize soon!"

The man ignored the director, just looked at Qin Zhou and asked again: "What's the matter?"

Qin Zhou raised his head and replied, "The vase is broken."

"This is my favorite vase." The man frowned slightly, "You broke it."

The man's voice sounded a little displeased, as if he was dissatisfied with the broken vase.

"I don't know." Qin Zhou looked at the shelf next to him and said lightly, "I didn't do it."

There were more people on the side of the stairs just now, maybe someone accidentally hit the shelf and broke the vase.

It's just that, unfortunately, the vase just fell next to him, so some explanations are unclear.

Qin Zhou: "It should be that someone accidentally touched the shelf, and the vase fell down."

But when the director heard it, he immediately scolded: "Why don't you admit that you broke it! I think you are a cheap hand!"

In addition to the director, someone in the crowd whispered, "Qin Zhou was standing over there just now, and he touched it..."

"I also saw Qin Zhou stretch out his hand, and the vase fell down..."

The director looked at the man again, and said with a low attitude: "Mr. He, don't be angry, this newcomer is ignorant, we will definitely—"

It's just that the director was interrupted by a man before he could finish speaking.

He Yang: "The filming is canceled."

"Ah?" The director was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Mr. He, but this time it was President Yuan who asked us to come..."

"I'll tell him about Yuan Lie." He Yang's tone cooled down, "This filming has been canceled."

The director wanted to say something else, but was pulled away by the assistant director.

"Let's go." The assistant director sighed, and the commanding staff began to pack up.

The scenes and equipment that were arranged on the first floor had to be dismantled again.

Qin Zhou also turned around and planned to leave with the filming team.

It's just that Qin Zhou just started to walk when he heard a man's voice—

"I didn't say you could go." He Yang looked at the young man and said calmly, "The vase is broken, I will pay."

Qin Zhou could only stop, holding the fragment of the vase in his hand and waiting aside.

In the hall, the staff moved everything back.

Scenes are slow to set up, but quick to take apart.

It didn't take long for the shooting team to pack up and prepare to leave.

The staff and the artist returned to the car, and someone in the car complained: "I'm so annoying, I came here early in the morning, and now I can't make it..."

"It's not Qin Zhou, the people in the countryside have never seen the world, and they have to touch the vase, which makes it impossible to take pictures now..."

"Mr. He just said it, it's his favorite vase, it should be quite expensive..."

"This time Qin Zhou is miserable. He has offended President He. It is estimated that he will be banned..."

Several people in the car immediately gloated, all waiting to see Qin Zhou's joke.

Outside the car, people from the logistics team were still carrying things into the car.

A logistics girl put away the equipment, and inadvertently looked back at the villa, and saw the manor man and the little star standing together.

Immediately afterwards, the cold-faced man slowly leaned over and took Xiao Xing's hand.

The logistics girl was stunned for a moment, thinking that she had read it wrong, and just planned to take a closer look, but the servant had already closed the door and couldn't see anything.

In the villa, He Yang took the young man's right hand and took out the fragments from the young man's hand.

The edges of the shards are a bit sharp, and the young man has just been holding the shards, his palm has been cut by the shards, and there are several small cut marks.

He Yang frowned when he saw the traces in the young man's palm.

And Qin Zhou also pulled out his hand, looked at the blood stains on the vase fragments, and said in a low voice, "Sorry, I stained your vase."

The servant had already brought the medicine box, He Yang took the box and took out the cotton swab, as if he wanted to help the young man treat the wound.

However, Qin Zhou remained distant and polite, and said respectfully, "Thank you, Mr. He, I'll do it myself."

Qin Zhou took a cotton swab and cleaned the wound little by little.

He Yang watched the young man's movements, and only after the young man wrapped the gauze did he say, "The vase will be compensated."

Qin Zhou was quiet for a while, and finally followed the man's words and asked, "How much?"

Anyway, the vase is only a few dozen yuan, even if you lose ten, it is not expensive.

But He Yang said, "Fifty million."

Qin Zhou was stunned for a moment, then looked down at the debris on the ground, and confirmed that he was not mistaken. This vase was the one he bought for dozens of dollars.

Qin Zhou raised his head and said patiently, "Mr. He, are you sure this vase is fifty million?"


Qin Zhou laughed angrily, "Mr. He, I'm curious which master's work is this?"

The roadside vase he bought for dozens of dollars became an antique of 50 million in a blink of an eye.

"Can such an ugly vase be worth fifty million? Mr. He, don't be deceived." Qin Zhou smiled.

He Yang: "Not ugly."

This vase is very precious to him.

is a priceless treasure.

"That may be because Mr. He has a unique aesthetic." Qin Zhou said.


"Sorry Mr. He, I don't have 50 million."

"Then pay one."

After saying that, He Yang came to the side and took a light-colored vase from the decorative shelf.

He Yang handed over the vase, "Draw another one on it."

Qin Zhou didn't take it, he just looked at the vase.

If he remembered correctly, this vase is a real antique, and it was bought by He Yang at the auction after spending tens of millions.

Qin Zhou: "Mr. He, I can't draw."

"Draw whatever you want."

"You have tens of millions of antiques here, I don't dare to paint." Qin Zhou's tone was very respectful, "If it accidentally breaks again, I can't afford it."

He Yang looked at the vase in his hand and put the antique vase back in its place.

However, He Yang took a vase from the shelf again, "It's not an antique, it can be painted."

Qin Zhou cautiously did not take it, but first observed the vase.

He had never seen this vase before, it should have been bought by He Yang later. It looked like a modern handicraft, so it shouldn't be too expensive.

Qin Zhou asked, "Mr. He, I'm ugly at painting, are you sure you want me to paint?"

"Yeah." He Yang responded and said slowly, "Either pay fifty million, or repaint."

Qin Zhou had no choice but to take the vase and go to the study with He Yang, ready to draw one.

There is no paint in the study, but there are brushes.

The servant grinded and put the tools on the table, and then left.

Qin Zhou stood in front of the desk, holding a brush, and casually drawing on the vase.

The vase originally had a layer of shallow patterns, but now Qin Zhou has repainted it to cover up the original patterns.

Qin Zhou painted the bottle randomly, and noticed that there was a line of sight on him, so he turned his head and met the man's gaze.

Qin Zhou asked, "Mr. He, is there something on my face?"

He Yang looked at the young man in front of him and whispered, "No."

It's just that I haven't seen it like this in a long time, and I want to see more.

"But you kept looking at me."

"Sorry." He Yang looked away.

Qin Zhou didn't pay any more attention, and continued to draw patterns with his head down.

But when Qin Zhou lowered his head, He Yang turned his head again and looked at the young man's profile.

The young man was still wearing makeup, and the mole under his right eye was slightly covered, so it wasn't very obvious.

The curtains in the study were open, and the sun fell on the young man. From He Yang's point of view, the young man was still glowing with a golden halo.

The young man in front of him was still the same as he remembered.

As long as he stepped forward, he could hold the other party in his arms.

He Yang raised his hand slightly and stretched it out towards the young man.

But just as he was about to touch the young man's back, He Yang's movements stopped, and he slowly retracted his hand without disturbing him.

He Yang leaned against the desk and continued to watch the young man.

And Qin Zhou has also finished painting the pattern, and put the vase on the table: "Okay."

He Yang then looked over and glanced at the vase.

The vase is full of messy ink marks, I don't know what it was painted on.

He Yang picked up the vase, looked at it carefully, and then said, "There's still one poem left."

Qin Zhou had to pick up the brush again and wrote a poem on the vase.

However, when writing, Qin Zhou changed to a scribbled style of handwriting.

After writing, Qin Zhou put down the brush and asked, "Mr. He, can I go now?"

The room was quiet, no one made a sound.

After a while, He Yang said, "Can we start over?"

He Yang looked at the young man, "Get to know each other again."

Qin Zhou lowered his head, looked at the vase on the table, and said softly, "Mr. He, we are not from the same world, why do we have to know each other?"

Qin Zhou: "Just let it go."

After that, Qin Zhou walked past the man and was about to leave.

But Qin Zhou just walked to the door of the study when the man suddenly spoke.

"It's very late." He Yang came over and asked in a low voice, "Can we stay and have dinner together?"

The man's tone was still a little cautious, but after Qin Zhou heard it, he still refused: "Don't disturb Mr. He, I'd better go back first."

Qin Zhou grabbed the door handle and wanted to go out.

Seeing Qin Zhou's movements, He Yang subconsciously reached out to hold the young man's wrist, not wanting to let the other party leave.

Qin Zhou looked over, "Mr. He?"

He Yang lowered his eyes and wanted to say something to keep the youth.

But in the end, not a single word of those retained words could be uttered.

He Yang let go of his hand and just said, "Take care of yourself." Today, I turned the backstage and saw a cute reader whose ID is [He Yang died for me]

This friend, you managed to get my attention! dog head.jpg

The recent update is still relatively random, the codeword efficiency is relatively low, maybe only a few hundred words orz can be written in one or two hours

Not sure about the update time, don't wait, but it can be guaranteed that it will be updated every day, and there will be updates every day.

Can I ask for a recommendation ticket in a whisper? A referral ticket can receive a vase fragment

The vase painted by Yanyan himself is worth 50 million! don't be polite

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