Soon, Baihui Kurai and Mai Kuroki finished eating.

There is still a lot left of Yang Chen's share.

Kurai Baihui asked suspiciously: "Mr. Yang, don't you like sushi?"

Yang Chen shook his head and said, "No, it's just that I'm not hungry right now. I just had a meal with other friends, and I came to meet the two without stopping."

"It turned out to be so. Forget it, don't eat it. It's not good for your body to eat. Let's go." Kurai Baihui said with a smile.

Yang Chen nodded, quickly bought the bill, and took the two of them out.

Seeing her daughter unhappy, Kurai Baihui wanted to comfort her.

But Cangjing Baihui knew in his heart that he had to take medicine for his heart disease.

At this time, it is useless for anyone to comfort Heimu Mai, only Yang Chen comforts.

Therefore, Baihui Cangjing quickly invited: "Thank you Mr. Yang for the lunch. We were very happy and satisfied. To express my gratitude, I now invite Mr. Yang to come to us for a cup of tea and digest and digest food. I also hope that Mr. Yang must show his face."

Yang Chen felt that Kurokida and Yamaguchi Sawaen should invite experts to appraise the fragments of the meeting.

At this time, you can also take the opportunity to watch the excitement when you go to Hemu's house.

Therefore, he nodded and replied: "Then I'm not welcome. Thank you Mrs. Kuroki for the invitation."

Hearing Yang Chen accepted his mother's invitation, Heimu Mai immediately laughed happily.

Kurai Baihui immediately replied with a smile: "No thanks, no thanks...Then let's go now."

Yang Chen nodded and followed the mother and daughter to Hemu's house.

In the car, Momoe Kurai held her daughter's hand and said earnestly: "Mai, don't blame your mother for speaking directly. I think you two are not suitable and it is impossible to get together. You heard them just now, but he didn't plan to Come back again. If he treats you as a friend in his heart, he wouldn't say such things. Are you right?"

Kuromu Mai was silent for a while, then nodded and turned back: "Mom, I know you are right. But the second time I like a boy when I grow up, don't I just give up like that?"

Mai Kuroki liked boys for the first time when she was 15 years old.

But the boy she liked died in a traffic accident.

8 years later, she only likes a man again, this man is Yang Chen.

As a person who came over, Kurai Baihui said: "Mom understands your feelings. But...oh...I won't say something. Mom, as long as you promise one thing, don't let yourself be hurt. Okay?"

Kuroki Mai nodded, pouting and pouting into her mother's arms.

Soon, Yang Chen followed the mother and daughter to Hemu's house.

As he expected, Kurokida and Yamaguchi Sawaen just returned with a team of archaeological experts.

Seeing Yang Chen coming back with his wife and daughter, Hei Mutian immediately stared at Yang Chen angrily.

Kurai Baihui hurriedly stepped forward and explained: "He will be returning to China soon, and he will say goodbye to Mai before leaving. I don't worry that they will meet alone and will go along together. Nothing, don't get me wrong."

Heikida snorted coldly and said to Yang Chen, "Then why are you coming back with you? Haven't you said goodbye?"

Yang Chen smiled and replied: "Mrs. Kuromu said she wanted to be courteous. I invited them to dinner, and she invited me back for a cup of tea. Mrs. Kuromu, is that right?"

Kurai Baihui hurriedly smiled and nodded, and said, "Yes, that's right...husband, don't do this, he is about to return to China, this may be the last time..."

What she meant was that Yang Chen was about to return to China soon, and might not come again in the future, there was no need to be so stern.

Kurokida looked at his daughter, and then compromised and said, "All right, you can go and drink tea. Don't run around, send him away after drinking tea."

Kurai Baihui nodded, and assured Kurokida: "Husband, don't worry. We just drink tea, and I will send him away after drinking."

Heikida nodded, then glared at Yang Chen, before hurriedly leading the experts to look at the fragments.

Yamaguchi Sawayuan didn't open his eyes to look at Yang Chen during the whole process, but just peeked at him from the corner of his eyes.

Now is not the time to expose the relationship between the two of them, the acting still has to act.

However, Yang Chen didn't want to just go drinking tea like this, he was here to watch the excitement.

Therefore, he immediately shouted: "Mr. Kuroki, Mr. Yamaguchi, you two are rare to be together, and you have brought so many people from the archaeological institute. Are you two researching antiques? I prefer to collect them. Some antique cultural relics, I have some understanding of these things. I don’t know if I can follow along and have a look? Huoxue, I can give you some professional advice."

Kurokida knew that Yang Chen came to the island country only because of the fragments of the preface of the Lanting Pavilion.

Yamaguchi Sawaen's exhibition "Orchid Pavilion Collection Preface" is also to deliberately shame Yang Chen.

Therefore, he naturally thought that Yang Chen must have some knowledge of the identification of some antique cultural relics.

Therefore, Kurokida asked in a low voice: "President Zeyuan, what do you think? Do you think it is necessary to let him in and take a look?"

Yamaguchi Sawaen pretended to be contemplative, and a few seconds later, he also replied quietly: "I think he can follow in and take a look. He dares to look for the fragments, he must have an exclusive method of identification, otherwise how dare he come over? Looking for broken scrolls? Is he not afraid of being deceived?"

Kurokida was fooled, and he felt that Yamaguchi Sawaen was right.

Yang Chen rushed to look for the fragments, and he must have a certain technical means on how to identify the authenticity.

Let him go in and have a look, maybe there will be some unexpected surprises.

"All follow us in." Kurokida said loudly.

Yang Chen smiled and nodded, and said, "Then I would like to thank Mr. Blackwood first."

Yang Chen has gone, Heimu Mai will definitely go with him.

Mai Kuroki went, and Baihui Yamaguchi went with him.

A group of people came to the living room.

Kurokida ordered his men to follow him and take out the fragments together.

When he came back surrounded by his men, everyone stared at him.

In his hand, there is a fragment of "The Preface of the Lanting Pavilion" that has been lost, and it is not too valuable to say that it is invaluable.

Kurokida carefully opened the password box, carefully took out the drawing tube inside, and then drew out the remaining scroll and placed it on the table.

"Experts, the thing is here, trouble you all. You must be careful, and the identification must be accurate. If there is an error, Chairman Zeyuan and I will hold you accountable! Have you heard about it?" Hei Kida said seriously.

The experts shivered with fright, and quickly nodded in response.

The director of the Institute of Archaeology said: "I heard that, although the two presidents can rest assured, we will definitely make a serious identification, and there will be no mistakes."

Kurokida nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Well, let's start."

Yamaguchi Sawaen also said, "Let's start."

The experts immediately got busy.

The result of this appraisal can be related to the safety of all of them, and the appraisal must be accurate by giving full play to their abilities.

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