113 – My name is Ian. He’s rich.

After receiving the check.

I headed straight to the bank with Sylvia.

[ Charles Bancorp Liechten Branch ]

“Customer Ian! Welcome!”

The employee rushed out and greeted me warmly.

It was a female employee who greeted me every time I came.

“Come and sit down here. Oh my, is the person next to you your girlfriend? She’s so pretty. Here, have a cup of tea.”

Her guidance from the entrance to the guest reception table was completely friendly, the exact opposite of that of the stock exchange staff.

Sylvia was also smiling and seemed quite satisfied.

“Are you having no trouble paying back the interest?”

The look in her eyes as she asked that question seemed to show her greed for performance and her will to follow her to hell if she couldn’t pay him back.

‘…Still, where is kindness?’

Ian decided to think positively.

The employee looked back and forth between Ian and Sylvia and smiled for a moment before carefully whispering to Ian.

“But Ian… I’m sorry, but I think it will be difficult to take out additional loans.”


“Although there was a guarantee from the princess, the interest charged to Ian alone is already more than the average amount she could earn as a cadet. I’m sorry, oh…”

It seems that the employee mistook her for coming to get more loans.

Come to think of it, she increased the loan every time she came, right?

As the monthly interest bill is starting to exceed the salary of most middle-class people, the bank seems to think that this cannot be done.

… Anyway, why are you whispering?

“I’m afraid my girlfriend will be in trouble if she hears…”

An employee with an expression full of regret.

Actually, to quote what the employee said, ‘I don’t have any money to lend you anymore. Prove that you have the ability to repay.’ It is no different from the saying.

But I must say that speaking so carefully makes the listener feel better. He is a person with excellent response skills.

‘I’ll have to use it often in the future.’

Ian laughed lightly and spoke to the troubled employee.

“No, I didn’t come here to borrow money today.”


“I’m here to repay the loan.”

“Buy, repay?”

The employee’s eyes widen.

“Uh, how much?”

“The full amount.”

“Um, everything?!”

– Boom!

An employee who jumps out of his seat and makes loud noises.

Afterwards, he quickly bows his head and apologizes to those around him.

She still asks questions with eyes full of surprise.

“Um, all those loans? Uh, how?”

I am no longer in the mood to believe what I say.

Ian handed out the check without saying a word.

A blank check containing the amount for which Ecomana was sold.

“… Huh? Really?”

The employee’s eyes tremble when he sees the check.

“Please repay the loan and exchange the remainder into cash.”

“I’m staying?…Ehh?!”

After checking her amount, she stiffened with her horse.

On the contrary, the employee’s reaction was so embarrassing that even Ian was embarrassed.


Is this really that surprising?

Of course, it’s not a small amount, but banks usually handle larger amounts than that, right?

— Grumbling

A single tear fell from the employee’s eye.

No! Why are you like that!

Her mouth slowly opened.

“It was Ian who was paying interest with a lot of money…”


“I was really cheering on the inside. I couldn’t ask, but I thought there must be a story behind it.”

Ah. It was something like that.

It seems like he felt quite sorry for me.


Ian shut her mouth.

Pongpong is in no mood to say that he started borrowing money to make a fuss.

Ugh. Ugh.

An employee who wiped his tears with his sleeve asked.

“I’m really sorry. It’s not that I doubt Ian… What is your source of funds? Drugs, gambling, fraud, illegal human trafficking… It’s not like that, is it?”

Ian silently pointed to the person issuing the check.

“Oh, that’s right, the issuer… Was the Securities Association.”

After that.

Principal and interest repayment, document processing, etc.

The work proceeded smoothly.

“The remaining money is 55 gold coins and 17 silver coins.”

The employee held out a heavy bag and smiled.

“Congratulations, Ian!”

“Thank you.”

“Well, but…”

Gun gun.

The employee who ran forward looked up.

“Da, will you take out a loan next time?”

Beyond her flowing brown hair, a nametag caught her eye.

[ Beryl ]

“Of course, Beryl.”

Kindness is always welcome.

I returned to Sylvia’s office.

Unlike when I first left, my pockets of gold coins became thicker.

“…55 Gold coins.”

Silvia muttered that and was looking at the bag of coins placed on the table with her half-blurred face.

“Are you okay, Sylvia?”

Sylvia does not respond to her questions.


She just stared blankly at the bag of gold coins with a wry expression.

“Oh, Sylvia!”


Silvia, startled, finally turns around.

“What, what is it!”

“Just come to your senses.”

“Was I strange?”

“Yes. I was just staring blankly at the gold coin bag.”

Blink, blink.

Sylvia blinked her eyes in surprise and threw up her hand.

“I’ve never wanted to steal Ian’s gold coins or anything like that!”

As she said that, the corners of Sylvia’s mouth were glistening with drool.

She waved her hand even more stubbornly as Ian looked at her thin, squinty eyes.

“Well, if I only had that money, I could somehow survive this month. I never thought like that! Is there no way I could think such a shameless thought?! Of course. I’m desperate, but I can say I’m confident. “It exists. Yes!”

Sylvia raised her voice as if giving a speech.

This is a new side of the woman who always seemed like a noble noblewoman. Was she inspired by that side of herself?

– Excited!

Sylvia stood up clenching her fists.

“Hey, Sylvia Laurent from Laurent! I can overcome this liquidity crisis brilliantly!!”


Clap clap clap-

Ian reflexively cheered and clapped.


Silvia, gaining her momentum, pointed to her gold coin bag with her finger.

“So, I have never coveted Mr. Ian’s gold coin!”

“… Wipe the saliva from your mouth first and then speak, Sylvia.”


After swallowing her saliva, Sylvia sat down in her seat with her face turning red.

“I’m embarrassed…”


She taps her forehead on the desk.

She did this for a while, then she looked up.

“What are you going to do with that money, Mr. Ian?”

Sylvia, with a bright red forehead, asks.

Ian smiled.

“Why are you smiling? It was just an innocent question! Hmph!”

She crossed her arms and pursed her lips.

“I want to invest.”

“Another investment?”


The reason why Ian found this money now was simple.

“A better investment location than the original investment site caught my eye.”

It is an investment with considerable value that is not even given the opportunity to buy except in such an urgent event.

“… Where is that?”


“… Yes?”

“Laurent Sangang. I want to invest in the Liechten branch managed by Silvia Laurent.”

Sylvia blinked her eyes slowly a few times.

I feel like I’m going to laugh, I’m going to cry.

Her confused face.

Her pink lips, which had been pursed several times, slowly opened.

“…Mr. Ian.”


“Why are you doing this to me? You helped me from the first time we met, gave me information, gave me elixirs, saved me… What am I to you?”


She told herself…

“Silvia Laurent herself.”


Contrary to her arrogant exterior, she is a girl who knows how to be grateful if you give her something.

From Noble mtl dot com

A girl who strives to repay as much as she receives.

A girl with considerable talent, but also faith and trust.

Silvia Laurent is such a being.

That’s why.

“A person I want to be with a lot. That’s you to me, Sylvia.”

Silvia’s light purple eyes trembled slightly.


Silvia immediately lowered her head and muttered.

“I know.”


“Well, I guess it doesn’t mean what I think it means.”

“What does that mean?”

“… It’s a secret.”

Wow! After clearing her throat, Sylvia raises her head again.

Her face is quite red, probably due to the rush of blood.

But her voice was full of power.

“Can I think of this as a partnership proposal? I want to work with the top company I will create in the future?”


Ian held out his hand to her.

Sylvia held her hand together.

“Please take care of me, Mr. Ian.”

With a smile brighter than ever.

Ian returned to his lodgings and lay down in bed for the first time in a while.

“Ha, I missed it. The bed.”

It is not as cozy as a cost-effective accommodation, but there is a comfort that comes from familiarity.

After she was buried like that for a while, her head naturally started to turn.

“There are two left now.”

After completing the second chapter of the scenario, the remaining two heroines are Aria and Emilia.

“I keep getting tangled up in the scenario.”

No. Let’s be clear.

The main storyline progresses for the heroines.

After all, Panta

Just as the episodes of ‘The Grand Duke of the North’ were designed to assume Sharon Pierce’s activities, there are episodes for Aria and Emilia.

This means that it will inevitably become entangled with religious denominations or top organizations.

“Aria Lumines Bell is, of course, a church.”

Aria is a candidate for a saint from the Deus Church, often just called the ‘Church’.

Deus Church.

It is the official religion of most countries on the continent, including the Empire, and therefore has considerable influence.

Considering Arya’s title as a candidate for sainthood, it can be said that her influence extends not only to the Liechten branch of the Deus Church but also to the Pope.

The Pope of the Deus Church is the head of religion and the leader of Holy Constantine, a nation located in the southern part of the continent.

“It won’t be easy.”

But that does not mean that Emilia Raymond is easy.

Raymond Merchant Marine is one of the largest merchant merchants in the empire.

Their influence, which has taken root not only in the empire but across the entire continent, can never be said to be weaker than that of the religious order.

“Ha. Is it beyond the mountain?”

Since we ended up turning our backs on the heroines, we can’t help but assume that the difficulty of the scenario will become several times more difficult.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that we can’t get through it without them.

Sharon Pierce, who was thought to be a complete loser from the beginning, ended up using her somehow in the end.

First, let’s watch the situation a little more.

In the case of Aria Lumines Belle, it is said that she is not in good condition, and Emilia seems to be actively moving her top.

You need to collect information about them until the next main scenario begins.


Ian shook off unnecessary worries while stretching.

I am afraid that the plate has suddenly grown larger.

However, as the board gets bigger, there are more things to use.

This is also the reason why I left 10 gold aside from the money I gave Sylvia for an emergency blood transfusion right now.

Originally, the essence of this game is a ‘genuine judo type pretty girl gacha game’.

“Skill is important, but money is just as important in this game.”

The more goods you have, the more accessible information, equipment, hidden pieces, etc… The level of opportunities you can have changes.

“Would you like to spend some money properly for the first time in a while?”


The corners of Ian’s mouth rose.

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