The sun gradually disappeared into the clouds, and there was no sunlight.

In front of the observation deck, seeing the weather getting colder, everyone who had eaten and drunk dispersed and went back to their homes.

Because they were on the way, Qin Yao and his wife sent Song Zhang and his family to the door of their small courtyard, and told them to come to them if they needed anything. They watched Song Zhang and his family settle down before returning to their home.

As soon as they entered the house, the couple looked at each other and said in unison: "The Song family is moving away."

Qin Yao raised her eyebrows, "It seems that Song Zhang also told you about his upcoming transfer to Qingzhou Mansion."

Liu Ji nodded. He knew more than she did. From Song Zhang's tone, he should have been promoted two ranks and was about to be appointed as the captain of the Qingzhou Prefecture's garrison, a sixth-grade officer.

"Military position?" Qin Yao was a little surprised.

Liu Ji clicked his tongue twice: "I'm surprised when I hear that, but it's a good thing to be promoted. There's no war now. The most he can do is make a name for himself. Maybe in two or three years, he will be transferred to the capital." .”

It was indeed getting colder, and it was a bit chilly to stand in the courtyard. Qin Yao invited the children to go into the main room to warm themselves by the fire.

The charcoal pot was burning brightly, and the aroma of the food Li prepared for dinner wafted from the kitchen. Qin Yao sat down comfortably and let Liu Ji continue to talk about the news he had learned from Song Zhang.

Liu Ji didn't know much, mainly because Gong Liangliao knew a lot, and it seemed that he had interacted with the elders of the Song family.

The three of them had just finished chatting, and behind Song Zhang's back, the old man told him all the details about the Song family.

"It seems to be something like that. Song Zhang has an uncle who is currently serving in the Ministry of Civil Affairs and was very close to the princess's house."

"I heard from my junior brother that the officials in the capital are now divided into two groups, one is the old-style civil servants led by the Taifu, and the other is the new military attachés who support the princess's palace. The remaining two or three are just living in the cracks."

"If you want to be transferred to the capital by taking the civil service route, it is only possible if Song Zhang has made great political achievements. But if you take the military service route, there is another set of promotion regulations in the army. I heard that it will be much easier."

But after all, there is no war in the court now, and the generals have become an embarrassing existence.

Gong Liangliao was very shy about talking about the overt and secret struggles in the capital and the turmoil over the throne. Liu Ji knew all this from Qi Xianguan.

Prime Minister Qi has high hopes for his great-grandson. There has been a constant exchange of letters between grandfather and grandson. Officials of Qi Xian are not in the capital, but he is well aware of the changes in the capital.

"But I'm just a candidate, so the overt and covert struggles in the capital have nothing to do with me."

Liu Ji said very optimistically: "Now I just want to pass the Jinshi exam again and become a county magistrate like Mr. Song. Then I will have no regrets in this life!"

Qin Yao glanced faintly, "I remember you said earlier that when you gain power in the future, you will cut off the head of a shameless man like Wang Jin and let me play with him as a ball."

Liu Jimeng took a deep breath and said to himself, "Oh no, that's terrible," he said his true feelings.

Of course, what he said before was also true.

It's just that one moment and another, now he knows that the official career is difficult and not easy, so he naturally accepts the reality.

But you can't tell the truth.

Liu Ji rolled his eyes, put on a smile, and defended: "I'm just being humble and humble. I'm telling outsiders. How can a small county magistrate be worthy of my talent!"

"Besides, I haven't cut off Wang Jin's head yet. How can I be satisfied with being a small county magistrate? It's not a gentleman to not avenge a grudge. Madam, just wait. I will make that shameless man regret it!"

After saying that, Qin Yao couldn't see her happiness or anger, so he gave her another cup of fragrant tea, served it to her personally, and asked thoughtfully: "Madam, you have worked hard at the barbecue today, can you give her a squeeze on your shoulders?"

Qin Yao sneered and nodded reluctantly, "Come on, I'm sore too."

Liu Ji: "Okay!"

The hand on the shoulder was just right, and Qin Yao's eyes were so comfortable that she narrowed her eyes.

She actually didn't expect Liu Ji to be promoted step by step in his official career, nor did she expect that he could really chop off Wang Jin's head.

I deliberately reminded him just to see how this easily satisfied guy would react.

Facts have proved that Liu Ji's reaction successfully made her mood better.

Now that Song Zhang is leaving, a new person will take over the vacancy of Kaiyang County Magistrate. Qin Yao can only pray that the next magistrate can maintain Song Zhang's level.

Even if it can't be done, I hope it won't be too far off, otherwise her life will be difficult.

Qin Yao found that after experiencing the convenience brought by connections, she was somewhat resistant to the arrival of the new county magistrate.

Fortunately, after staying in the village for five days, when Song Zhang's family returned to the city, they brought her news about the new county magistrate.

Qin Yao immediately breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that the new county magistrate and Song Zhang were Jinshi in the same class and that the other party had a gentleman's character.

On the contrary, Liu Ji took a breath of cold air.

A gentleman's character. This eliminates the possibility of him seeking bribes!

The teacher said that with his current level of proficiency, he had to practice for two more years before he could pass the examination.

So it's impossible for him to study day and night in the past two years, right?

He is already a grown man, and he should have some entertainment of his own. Not to mention being a county magistrate, it would be nice to be a bookkeeper or something like that.

Even the teacher encouraged him to make more use of his expertise, saying that he had a weak foundation and was from a commoner background. He did not have the elders to help pave the way like his younger brothers. If he did not work hard to accumulate connections, it would be difficult for him to have an official career in the future.

In this regard, Gong Liangliao has something to say.

"I asked you to make more connections, not to become brothers with those messy people from all three religions!"

Liu Ji groaned, "Teacher, what do you mean?"

Gong Liangxiao resisted the urge to give him a shudder, took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and shouted:

"What I mean is for you to consult and learn from those predecessors who are more knowledgeable than you. Do you understand?"

Liu Ji suddenly realized that this was the case.

"Disciple has learned."

He bowed solemnly, humbly admitted his mistake, and ran away.

Sure enough, a boot flew from behind him in the next second.

Liu Ji ducked sideways and patted his chest. Fortunately, I ran fast.

But the old man has no feet, so where can he get shoes?

Curiosity prompted Liu Ji to look back, Gong Liangxiao laughed scornfully, and the other boot successfully came out and hit Liu Ji's chest.

It doesn't hurt at all. Compared to my wife's hammer, the force is as strong as a cat scratching. Liu Ji smiled and caught the boots on his chest and brought them to his eyes to look at.

Oh, it turns out to be the little senior brother’s.

Qi Xianguan, who was kneeling obediently in front of the desk and copying the ancient monuments, looked at his little junior brother's feet covered under the quilt and curled up in embarrassment.

Liu Ji picked up the two boots and put them back next to the senior brother's desk, saying, "Thank you for your hard work."

Then he cupped his fists at the angry Gong Liangxiao and walked away. (End of chapter)

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