Before the first month was over, Ding Xiang and his son entered Beijing.

Qin Yao got the news in advance and drove the carriage to Jinshi Town with Liu Ji, a long way away.

The girl was dressed in a red thick coat riding outfit, riding on a tall horse equipped with a full set of silver saddles, stunning many people.

Before Mr. Ding came back, no lady in Kaiyang County had ever seen such an image.

Originally it was just people from the Ding clan who saw them off, but when the team arrived near Kaiyang County, the roadside was already full of people.

After hearing the news, students from the county academy came here just to see the beautiful face of the Ding family.

On this day, that red riding suit made countless men lose their souls.

Such a high-profile entry into Beijing has once again made the Ding family famous in Kaiyang County.

And the way Ding Xiang was dressed when he left has also become the object of imitation among the boudoir ladies in Kaiyang County.

Mr. Ding came from the capital, and he married a woman with the fifth surname. His daughter's dress must be the most popular makeup in Beijing!

All of a sudden, all the red silk and red cloth sold by the embroidery houses in the city were sold out, and the supply exceeded demand.

Factories had just started operations a year ago, and the first batch of inventory was left over from last year. If you still want red cloth after it is sold out, you have to wait until February.

Under such a situation, any lady who can put on that red riding uniform will earn a lot of face in Kaiyang County.

It was a pity for the ordinary women who got married at the same time. It was difficult to find wedding clothes. When they finally got it, the price was twice as high as usual.

Fortunately, this slightly crazy red-clothed storm was quickly suppressed by the second national free admission competition.

The second day of February is the day when schools in Kaiyang County hold enrollment competitions.

Compared with the first year, the entire admissions process has become much more mature, and a charter has been drawn up. It is no longer as messy as last year.

However, because of this, according to the situation last year, people who arrived early at dusk the day before and queued up at the entrance of the academy all night suffered a lot.

The information gap has always existed in the past and in the future.

If you master the information gap, you will have an advantage over others.

When they came to send Ding Xiang's family to Beijing that day, after seeing them off, Qin Yao and Liu Ji came to Dingjiazhuang together and visited the two wives of Xia San Lang and Si Niang.

I have to say that the title of Disciple of Great Confucianism is really easy to use.

With the help of his teacher, Liu Ji found out from the two teachers the criteria for free admission this year without much effort.

What's more, when the other party learned that the child entering school was actually Liu Ji's niece, he generously said that as long as he said a word, the child would be sent directly to the school without taking part in the competition.

Liu Ji was very moved, but still refused.

It's easy to repay a favor with news, but it's not easy to repay a free admission spot.

What's more, he is different from the past. The more valuable the teacher's status, the more useful it is, and the more difficult it will be for the other party to ask for it.

It's easy not to mention this favor, but once it is mentioned, it will definitely be a big deal.

Besides, Liu Ji was very confident in his golden flower. He didn't need the Ding family to open the back door. The child himself could pass the competition.


Master said this, but there are other children who have come to ask about this? Liu Ji asked tentatively.

Ask around and find out how many places are actually left.

The master waved his hands hurriedly and said that rules are rules. He only gave this exception to the Confucian disciples, and others did not have the dignity he did.

These words made Liu Ji feel happy and said with a smile: It seems that I am the only one.

The Master smiled slightly, Exactly!

The things they wanted to ask had been asked, and Liu Ji and Qin Yao stood up to leave.

The master sent them to the main road. Until the couple got into the carriage and drove away, they could still hear the master's instructions from behind:

Let's go slowly. I'll see you later at the entrance exam.

On the carriage, Liu Jixiang's flattering smile suddenly disappeared and he hummed: These two people may not know how many places Yun has taken out.

Qin Yao chuckled and said: Isn't this something expected? You and I both knew that we would come to visit the Master. Wouldn't others think of it? Even if we are not exempted from the entrance exam, we can still ask about some of the content of the exam. It is good.

However, there are 50 admission places this year. Our Jinhua family is not bad at studying. We already know the contents of the competition. Successful admission is inevitable.

That's true, but Liu Ji, who had gone through the reexamination before, always felt a little uneasy.

It wasn't until the second day of February, the day of the admissions competition, that I heard the steward of the Ding family explain the process of the competition, and then I secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Yao observed carefully that there were several parents with the same expression as Liu Ji.

No one from the family came, only the couple brought golden flowers and drove a carriage to sign up.

Liu Zhong was afraid that he could not speak and would disappoint his children. In addition, the factory was too busy to leave, so neither Mr. Qiu nor Mr. Liu came.

The four Dalang brothers and sisters entered school yesterday and are currently attending classes.

The venue for the entrance examination was set up in the small square outside the Ding family ancestral hall, and a total of 285 people signed up.

Familiar people from all villages stood together, adults and children, crowding the small square.

The written test was canceled this year, probably because there were too many people and the cost of paper and pens had skyrocketed, and the Ding family couldn't bear it.

The assessment process is simplified into one: recite within a quarter of an hour, and those who recite more will be ranked higher. Finally, the top fifty will be selected for admission based on their ranking.

The masters considered that many children were illiterate, so they also prepared the masters to read aloud what needed to be memorized.

If a child has basic skills, he will naturally have an advantage.

But for those children who don't have any foundation, the difficulty of this assessment method is undoubtedly relatively easy.

The assessment was still conducted in batches, with a group of fifty people divided over two days.

Jinhua went up to draw lots and got the number for the next morning. She was relieved and her heart was lifted high again.

Seeing the child's nervousness, Qin Yao touched her pigtails and asked gently: Do you want to stay here and watch other people's assessments or should we go home directly?

Anyway, Liu Ji already knew the content in advance, and Jin Hua had already memorized it by heart.

Jinhua thought for a while and replied: Third Aunt, I want to go home.

The assessment area was surrounded, and you couldn't actually see anything. It was better to go home and read more by yourself.

Qin Yao nodded: Okay, let's go home first.

Qin Yao called back Liu Ji, who was crowded in the crowd to join in the fun, and the couple drove home.

Unexpectedly, not long after they left, someone led officials and went straight to the square of the Ding family ancestral hall, rushed into the assessment venue, and took away the two wives.

The assessment at Ding's school was unfair, and the master secretly sold the assessment contents. He was detained by the county magistrate in the lobby of the Yamen and given a stern warning.

If they hadn't had the reputation of being scholars, and the newly promulgated decree by the imperial court didn't have many rewards and punishments regarding free admission, neither of them would have been able to leave the county government intact.

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