Qin Yao took the tiger head and packed two dishes in the restaurant, intending to take it home to satisfy his craving.

Sanlang and Siniang swallowed in anticipation. After all, since their father left, the family has not had a delicious meal for a long time.

Occasionally, Qin Yao couldn't stand it anymore and bought meat directly. The mother and son shamelessly brought it to the old house to eat.

Thinking of this, Sanlang and Siniang suddenly thought of their father. While walking behind Qin Yao, they asked her:

Auntie, when will daddy come back?

Qin Yao was startled, what father? Whose father?

Looking back at the two children, oh, Liu Ji, is he still alive?

When the food reaches the border, he should be back. Qin Yao thought to herself, should she prepare a shroud mat for him in advance?

Sanlang and Siniang looked at each other and stopped talking, feeling a little depressed.

Qin Yao led the two of them around various shops in the city. They needed to buy more pens, inks, paper and inkstones, and also bought a jar of sauce and vinegar for daily seasoning.

Passing by a counterfeit salt seller, I secretly bought five kilograms of salt at a lower price than the market price and kept it for later use.

I heard that this year in the twelfth lunar month, people in the village plan to pool their money to buy a pig and kill it in a lively way to celebrate the harvest.

Fresh meat is not easy to preserve. Qin Yao thinks it is better to marinate some meat in advance and preserve it so that it can be eaten for a whole year.

However, cured meat is not the strong point of He and Zhang. Qin Yao plans to find Sister-in-law Zhou, whose cured bacon is excellent.

When the time comes, cut it into hot pot and eat it as a side dish, or stir-fry it with other wild vegetables. It will be very fragrant.

Thinking of these good things and the fragrance of the vegetable buns she was carrying, Qin Yao couldn't help but swallow her saliva several times.

After buying everything and putting it on the carriage, mother and son drove the new carriage home happily.

Sanlang and Siniang each took two candied haws in their hands and took a bite from time to time, feeling both expectant and satisfied.

Although he shouted to never pay attention to his two brothers again, he did not forget them when buying snacks.

Passing by Xiahe Village, Qin Yao stopped at the door of the blacksmith's house.

The last time I cut the tiger, the rolled edge of the knife couldn't be used, so I had to take it back and let the blacksmith melt it again and make another one.

After paying five hundred coins, Qin Yao got back a brand new knife, wrapped the blade with a strip of cloth, put it on the shaft of the carriage, and drove the carriage home slowly.

Because it was a carriage, the speed was much slower than before. It took two hours to drive all the way back, which was just a little faster than walking.

The twins slept in the car. Fortunately, Qin Yao had the foresight to bring a thin quilt, otherwise she would have caught a cold.

When the carriage entered the village, it attracted everyone's attention. After all, there was rarely anything new in the village, and the slightest movement from each house would attract everyone's attention.

By the time Qin Yao greeted the villagers who came to see the carriage one by one and returned home, it was already dark.

Dalang and Erlang have come back. They made two trips and picked back four baskets of chestnuts.

Because Dalang is very good at climbing trees, even the children in the village can't compete with the two of them. Although he went late, he still gained a lot.

All the chestnuts they picked were dumped on the floor of the main room. The two of them were roasting them over the fire while using iron tongs to hold the charcoal to peel off the prickly shells of the chestnuts.

Keep the outer shell, which is especially useful when making a fire.

Two young men who were staying at Qin Yao's house were also helping. The four of them brought out a large basin of chestnuts and ate them while peeling the shells.

Raw chestnuts are very sweet and crunchy when you bite them.

Erlang was greedy and buried a few chestnuts in the charcoal stove. Because he forgot to open the mouth of the chestnuts, the chestnuts exploded due to the heat, bang bang bang and exploded a lot of ash, leaving him in a mess.

Afraid of being scolded by Qin Yao, Erlang hurriedly cleaned up before cleaning the hall and himself.

Several people heard the movement of carriages and horses outside the house, and the two brothers got up excitedly and ran out.

Sanlang and Siniang got out of the carriage. When they saw their brothers, Sanlang completely forgot about the grudges in the morning and shouted excitedly: Big brother! Second brother!

Siniang also raised the candied haws in her hand and shook it, Look, grandma bought it for us!

Sanlang suddenly remembered something and said: Brother, Aniang helped you get the tiger head back.

The first man was overjoyed and stepped forward to help pull the reins. The second man quickly jumped onto the carriage, got in, and exclaimed Wow.

Da Lang was prudent. He helped Qin Yao park the carriage and moved the oil, salt, sauce and vinegar into the house. Then he took the time to look at the appearance of the carriage.

The little boy's eyes suddenly became bright. He looked at this and touched that, and he was very happy.

Seeing Erlang, Sanlang and Si Niang rolling around in the carriage, Dalang called out nicely:

Stop jumping around and come down quickly so that Lao Huang can rest.

The three of them jumped off the carriage one by one, holding the candied haws in their hands, and waited for the eldest brother and grandma to finish it before entering together.

The carriage was unloaded and the horses were sent to the stables, where they were fed with water and grass. Thinking of their hard work today, Dalang added an extra scoop of sorghum and poured it into the manger.

Qin Yao dragged the carriage and put it under the wall of the backyard, and found a straw mat to cover it to keep out the rain.

After doing this, the mother and son closed the courtyard door and then entered the house together.

It was warm in the main room, and the two young men who stayed there wisely went back to the room, leaving the space for the family.

Erlang's roasted chestnuts were still on the table. Qin Yao picked them up, peeled one and threw it in her mouth. It was half-cooked and half-cooked, crispy on one side and soft and glutinous on the other. The texture was strange but very sweet, and then she took the second one.

Dalang held the tiger's head in his arms and walked around the hall. He was so troubled that he didn't know where to put it.

Just leave it in the room, it's a bit scary here. Qin Yao reminded.

It would be bad if Old Man Liu suddenly came over and saw this thing and got scared.

Dalang thought about it. The four brothers and sisters went into the room one after another. After a while, they returned to the main room. Maybe they had found the perfect place to place the tiger head.

Qin Yao turned her head and glanced into the children's room. Good thing, it was placed directly on the wooden box beside the bed. She was really not afraid of waking up in the middle of the night and scaring herself.

Maybe Dalang felt it was inappropriate, so after thinking about it, he ran back into the house and found a piece of cloth to cover it.

Qin Yao was thinking that it would be nice if there was a glass cover.

Unfortunately, she can't make glass.

How many chestnuts did you pick? Qin Yao asked curiously, looking at the pot in the basin and the unpried chestnuts on the ground.

Erlang replied, Four bamboo baskets, my eldest brother and I will go back tomorrow to pick them all!

After saying that, I took a bite of the candied haws. It was so hard that I was not afraid of gritting my teeth. Not to mention roasting it over fire before eating.

Sanlang and Si Niang were not in such a hurry. They roasted the candied haws on the charcoal stove. The sugar coating softened a little before they ate it. However, they ate in a mess. The sugar crumbs fell on their clothes and stuck to some when they picked it up.

Qin Yao frowned and suddenly remembered the soap she hung under the beam in the utility room. It should be ready for use, right?

He stood up and went out, carrying the entire basket into the main room, where all four children gathered around him out of curiosity.

After a month of drying, the previously soft soap has become hard.

Siniang stretched out her little finger and poked it, then looked at Qin Yao in surprise, Mom, it has become like a stone.

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