Qin Yao borrowed a fast horse from the county station, and asked the officers and soldiers for two flares - soaring firecrackers, which would fly into the sky when lit, making a red light and loud noise.

Ask the county magistrate to prepare manpower, and in the evening, taking advantage of the last ray of sunset, head to Yuhua Mountain where the horse bandits are now entrenched, and wait for her action signal.

It stands to reason that everyone in the government office would not join in the mischief like this, but before Qin Yao left, she raised the stone lion at the gate of the government office with one hand.

The scene was so shocking that all the officers and soldiers in the yamen were in a state of panic. They just wanted to follow her immediately, throw their heads and blood, and kill the horse bandits without leaving a trace!

Qin Yao rode a fast horse all the way out of the city. Instead of going to Yuhua Mountain, she returned home.

It was a five-hour walk and only took an hour and a half on horseback. Qin Yao was so envious that she secretly decided to buy a fast horse to facilitate travel when she got a hundred taels of silver.

She suddenly came back and rode a horse through the village, attracting the attention of the villagers in Liujia Village.

Jinbao, who was playing by the village well, immediately ran home, Master, grandma! My third aunt is back on a horse!

After the report, he turned around and headed to the third uncle's house. As soon as he ran to the river, he saw Qin Yao running out on horseback with her bow, arrows and sword.

Jinbao only had time to call out Third Aunt, and then a man and a horse flew past him at lightning speed, leaving only billowing dust and smoke behind, which made Jinbao choke and quickly cover his face.

Master, grandma! Third aunt is riding away again!

The villain ran home less than five minutes after leaving and reported to everyone in the Liu family's old house.

Zhang and He were about to go out to take a look. When they heard this, they were all stunned, thinking, what is his third aunt doing?

Qin Yao came in a hurry and left in a hurry. She came home, got her weapons, told the four brothers and sisters of Dalang in the water mill, hit the horse and left.

So much so that the four brothers and sisters of Dalang thought they were hallucinating, imagining their stepmother running past them on horseback and standing there blankly for a while.

It wasn't until Zhang's mother-in-law and Jinbao came to inquire that they suddenly realized that the stepmother was really back.

Why do you, grandma, come and go, but what happened in the city? Ms. Zhang asked with concern.

The old men went to get stones to make millstones, and they were the only women at home.

He also thought that Qin Yao was sending Liu Ji to register in the city academy, and was worried that Liu Ji's admission would not go smoothly, so he hurried over to ask about the situation.

Sanlang and Siniang were still covered, so they just said: My mother-in-law said she would come back two days later because she had something to do, so we should go to the old house to follow our grandparents.

Erlang woke up a little and heard one more sentence: Aniang said she made a lot of money.

What kind of big money? Mr. He was worried. What kind of money can ordinary people make? It's not bad, right?

Mrs. Zhang glared at Mr. He and stopped talking nonsense.

He touched his nose and asked Dalang: Can you tell me what's going on? Where did that horse come from?

Horses are much more expensive than cattle. Ordinary people cannot afford to raise them, either from the government or from wealthy masters.

Dalang shook his head and said he couldn't tell clearly or didn't know.

But he knew one thing clearly, that is, he took the weapon and went out. After thinking about it for a moment, he knew that the matter was not simple.

But Dalang didn't say anything about it, and also winked at his younger siblings, not allowing them to say anything.

However, the stepmother will be home a few days later, and they have to continue to trouble the old house.

Mrs. Zhang also thought about this, sighed, and asked the four brothers and sisters to come home for dinner in the evening after collecting the mill's money box. In the evening, they continued to arrange for their youngest son to go to Qin Yao's house to look after the four children.

The incident happened suddenly, and Qin Yao didn't expect that she would have something big to do today, so she could only wait until she came back later to explain.

He took his weapons and headed straight to Yuhua Mountain.

This place is located in the south of Kaiyang County. It is a mountaintop in a mountain range. There is only one normal entrance, and there are cliffs on the back, making it impossible to climb.

Therefore, every time officers and soldiers want to encircle and suppress, their whereabouts will be exposed in advance.

The horse bandits used the entire mountain range as cover. Once they entered the depths of the mountain range, they would not be found at all.

Moreover, there is no need to worry about food and drinking water in the deep mountains. It is impossible to trap them to death.

On the contrary, because the officers and soldiers were not familiar with the terrain and were not fully prepared, they would be besieged for up to three days before retreating.

This was a relatively good result. However, as luck would have it, the leader of the horse bandits suddenly became interested and led his troops around to harass the officers and soldiers. A bloody battle was inevitable.

Now that Qin Yao is alone, she doesn't have so many worries.

In the evening, Qin Yao had dived to the back of Yuhua Mountain.

According to her plan, she quickly found the bandit leader and then took action at dawn.

In this way, the officers and soldiers can arrive at the mountain stronghold at dawn, unaffected by the night and terrain, and exert their maximum combat effectiveness.

There are horse bandits on the mountain roads and valley entrances to Yuhua Mountain. They occupy a high position and can easily detect intruders.

However, in the evening, when it was time to have dinner, Qin Yao would always slack off a bit, bypassing the horse bandits on lookout, and entered the mountain from the side of Yuhua Mountain.

The location of the cottage is actually easy to judge. There are so many people who always need to eat and drink, and it won't be too far from the water source.

Qin Yao looked for the water source, and after a while, she heard the sound of people.

The horse bandits have been entrenched here for more than three months. The road on the mountain has long been cleared. Following this road, they successfully found the stronghold of the mountain stronghold.

They were really rampant and didn't set any checkpoints along the way.

There is a natural cave here, with dozens of tree nests built around the cave.

Do you think the life of the horse bandits will be easy?

In fact, this is not the case. This stronghold is full of stench and looks like a primitive tribe of savages.

The smell of horse manure, human feces and urine, and the smell of rotten food all mixed together to form a very offensive smell. Qin Yao almost fainted when she stepped in.

On the outside of the stronghold, a two-meter-high fence was built with wooden stakes according to the mountains on both sides.

Outside the fence, there is a tree shed on each side to protect the personnel standing guard from the scorching sun.

When Qin Yao arrived, the guard was lighting a fire in the shed to boil water for cooking. The food they ate were two snatched chickens. The water was boiled and the two plucked hens were directly put in to cook without treating the internal organs at all.

Because water is not very convenient here, if you want to clean your internal organs, you have to walk dozens of meters into the mountains to get water.

They are all desperadoes, how can they be so particular.

I was really bored, so I asked the boss for a handful of money and went down the mountain to find some fun in a brothel.

The several small teams that went down the mountain today have all returned now. The horses are limited and for the sake of efficiency, they cannot go out at full strength, so they come in small teams.

Some people cannot come back after going down the mountain, but most can return with loot.

Among the teams going down the mountain on the same day, the team with the least gain will be punished.

Qin Yao wore a 'skin' covered with branches and leaves, stood on a towering tree on the side of the cave, and watched the entire punishment process with her own eyes.

The suspected target was discovered - the leader of the horse bandits nicknamed King Xiang.

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