Chapter 251 Disdain

Gao Yanbin touched his head in embarrassment and apologized to Xia Zhi.

"I'm sorry, it was my fault just now. I provoked the boy and he exploded immediately."

 “It’s all nonsense from me.”

Xia Zhi glanced at Gao Yanbin.

 This boy just lacks discipline.

"Watch your mouth from now on, you are always so impulsive. The consequences of being quick will be unimaginable."

Gao Yanbin nodded like a child who made a mistake, turned around and left.

 Gu Zixi and Xia Zhi faced each other.

“The second child is too impulsive. I know you don’t care about this, but I still want to apologize to you on his behalf.”

"There is no need to apologize to me. You are you and he is him. There is incompatibility between me and him. I have known this for a long time, and I have not regarded him as a person."

Xia Zhi wanted to drive Gu Zixi away coldly.

Unexpectedly, Gu Zixi spoke again,

“Don’t rush me away now, let’s have a good talk.

 Although you are angry with us, if some things are not explained clearly, it is easy for everyone to misunderstand.

 I always feel that there are some things that I don’t understand here. I asked my parents in detail about what happened in the past few years.

 I always feel that there is something going on here that we don’t know.

  No matter what, even if you hate us and don’t want to associate with us, you still have to make some things clear. "

I have to admit that these words touched Xia Zhi's heart. There are some things that must be made clear. Even if he is really caring about his family and is ruthless to himself, he must say it out.

 Xia Zhi also has many questions in his mind.

 “Then let’s sit down and talk.”

 The two of them sat on a long bench in the back room.

Gu Zixi didn’t know how to speak.

 He rubbed his hands on his pants and finally adjusted his mood.

“You should know what happened back then. When you and Gu Han returned to Xia’s house, your parents gave Gu Han 1,000 yuan before leaving.

 500 yuan is for you, and the other 500 yuan is for Gu Han.

At that time, because you and we always acted cautiously, we didn’t dare to say much.

Every time we talk to you, you are always like a frightened bird, so scared that you can't even raise your head.

 Mom just decided to let Gu Han leave it to you. "

After hearing this, Xia Zhi had a sarcastic sneer on his lips.

 Indeed, during those three days in my previous life, what else could I do besides carefully trying to please my family?

 I don’t understand anything. I feel like an outsider in that high-ranking family.

 Looks like a fool again.

 Don’t dare to touch anything at home. I don’t know how to use the TV or the toilet.

The nanny will be disgusted by even holding a bowl while eating.

Of course I didn’t dare to speak or raise my head.

“Gu Han has never given me 500 yuan, and I didn’t know about it from beginning to end.”

 The summer solstice states the facts very calmly.

Gu Zixi frowned.

“As expected, we think you may not have received the money.

  I didn’t know that your parents had the same arrangements for you and Gu Han.

 From the beginning to the end, my parents never wanted to treat them differently. "

 Xia Zhi raised his hand and made a stopping motion.

  “There is no need to say this explanation.

 Whether there is any difference in treatment, only I have a deep experience.

 You are not me, you cannot replace my feelings.

 Only talk about the misunderstandings that we need to clear up, and let’s not have such in-depth exchanges about other things.

 I don’t want to know what you think. ” ˆ ˆ Gu Zixi looked at Xia Zhi who stated the facts so calmly and suddenly felt that maybe they had been wrong all along.

The Xia Zhi who is cowardly and timid in the eyes of his parents and dare not fight for himself may not need their love at all.

 Just as they are so coldly shutting out everything now, if only they could have thought more about the summer solstice.

If they had treated the Summer Solstice better, wouldn't they be like today?

 Why did you give the money to Gu Han? Don't you just think that Gu Han has lived with them for 20 years?

Gu Han is trustworthy, but Xia Zhi is timid and cowardly, and he can't protect him even if he gets this money.

 But who would have thought that Gu Han, whom they trusted the most, would do something that disappointed them.

“Gu Han wrote a letter saying that you designed to frame her and Ding Jiannan.”

“Haha, I am very powerful, I can actually trick them into sleeping in the same bed while they are awake.

 You are all educated people with high IQs. Please explain to me. I am a girl from a small family.

How much energy does one have to do this alone? "

"Gu Han said that you isolated her in the educated youth center. She found a way to get a place at the duvet and clothing factory, and she also helped you get a job place."

“Gu Hanjin is an ordinary employee in the down quilt factory, and I am a technician in the down quilt factory.

I don’t know how an ordinary worker can help me get this technician job quota? "

 “You deliberately framed her and made her disqualified from the job.”

“In this world, it’s not what Gu Han says.

There are records in the Security Department and there are files in the factory director’s office.

It is clear at a glance who is right and who is wrong. "

“If I really wanted to frame her, she would be in jail now, not just expelled.

 I believe that when I deal with my enemies, I will definitely eradicate them at their roots without leaving any future troubles. "

Gu Zixi fell silent.

With Xia Zhi in front of me, every answer was like a slap in the face.

They believed Gu Han unconditionally based on what he said in his letter.

In everyone's impression, Xia Zhi is a vicious, jealous woman who cannot tolerate others having any jealousy beyond her.

  After doing all the evil things, he was not grateful for the care he received from Gu Han.

Just like Xia Zhi said, the Xia Zhi he knows now is so smart, calm and organized.

If you really want to deal with Gu Han, ten Gu Hans are no match for Xia Zhi, how can they just be expelled?

It’s not that Xia Zhi can’t deal with Gu Han, but it’s that he doesn’t even bother to regard Gu Han as his opponent.

Just like people who don’t even bother to recognize them as family-oriented people now.

 They are nothing, we must let Xia Zhi keep them in our hearts.

“We have completely denied you these matters without investigation.

 I want to say sorry to you here. I know that you don’t want to recognize me as your elder brother at all.

 I didn’t want to recognize anyone from the Gu family. You did nothing wrong.

If I were you and changed your position, I might do better than you. "

“Okay, that’s it, you can go.”

 “Don’t show up again in the future. I don’t want to see you family-minded people.”

 At the summer solstice, I began to clear away the red flag books on the table.

Gu Zixi stood up.

“I will come again, not as a big brother.

 I can help you with the questions you don’t know.

 I just want to do something. It doesn’t matter whether you recognize me or not. Consider it my repayment for your life-saving grace.

 There is no need to feel any psychological burden at all. "

 (End of this chapter)

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