Chapter 215 Why are you at my desk?

Xia Zhi watched buckets of milk being carried out.

Those who are envious don’t want what they don’t want.

 Some workers discovered her.

This aunt in an apron and hat roared angrily when she saw Xia Zhi.

“Why do you think your new guy has so little discernment?

If you don’t quickly change your clothes and go to work, what are you doing standing there? hurry up. "

 Xia Zhi pointed at himself.

 “You mean me?”

Auntie rushed up to Xia Zhi and took her into a nearby room. She threw an apron and a hat to Xia Zhi.

There were milk stains on the apron.

"The newcomers are so ignorant. None of you new educated youths can do any work. Come on, let me help you and milk the cows properly."

I still want to explain the summer solstice.

 “That, I, I’m not...”

“It’s really unlucky every time I bring you newcomers to the stall. I can’t complete the task today, and I can’t get off work on time.

 In order to take you with me these two days, I have to get off work two hours late every day.

Do you know that my man is angry? Let me tell you, if you don’t work overtime for me today and finish this quickly, I’m not done with you. "

“Comrade, what’s your surname? My surname is Xia, and my name is Xia Zhi.”

Xia Zhi still wanted to struggle and try to explain that the other party had misunderstood, but the aunt was obviously angry.

He stared at Xia Zhi with an angry look, which shocked Xia Zhi. No one had ever stared at him with such a vicious look.

 The words that came out of his mouth were swallowed hard.

But Auntie’s actions made her realize that it was thanks to her not talking nonsense just now.

 Otherwise, it would be strange to have your own good fruits to eat.

 The aunt came up and put the apron directly on her head, put the hat on her head, and stuffed the two pigtails into the hat.

“Stop talking nonsense. So your surname is Xia, I told you my surname is Shen.

Hurry up and get to work, don't get close to me here, I tell you, if you don't learn how to milk a cow today, I won't forgive you. "

Hold two iron buckets with one hand and pull the lower wings with the other hand, and went straight to the cowshed at the back.

The cowshed is a simple straw shed with the cows **** against the fence and the milker on the side of the cows.

Aunt Shen came directly to the cow.

 The small bench was placed there with a bang, and a bucket was placed in front of him.

Hand waved at the same time.

“Come here and watch, I told you I’ve taught you one day and I’ll teach you again. You have to do the rest yourself.”

Xia Zhi’s lips curled up, not to mention that he had never done anything in his previous life?

Although there are not many cattle in the Northwest, there are many sheep.

 Goat milk, cow milk, camel milk, she has experienced them all.

We are really familiar with this job. Although it will be uncanny after rebirth, it should be easy to get used to it after getting familiar with it.

Not to mention that the mother named Shen's movements were very standard and very skillful. The cow didn't feel any pain at all. She just stood there and let her do what she did.

  "Are you sure? It's your turn. It's your turn."

Aunt Shen immediately stood up and kicked the small mat on the ground.

Xia Zhi sat on the bench. Before he could move his lower limbs, he heard an exclamation from beside him.

 A young girl fell to the ground. Shen Mingyue walked over angrily, pointed at the female educated youth on the ground and said.

"How long have you been studying? You've been studying for ten days! You can make the cow angry again. I really admire you."

 As for you, you'd better go back to the farm and plant the land quickly. Don't waste your time here, waste our time. "

The female educated youth next to her was obviously frightened and did not resist at all. She was helped out in tears.

Aunt Shen walked back a little angrily, scolding her loudly as she walked.

“Cry, just cry. These female educated youths are incapable of working, but they are capable of crying. It’s like I bullied you.

And you, Xiaoxia, do your job honestly. If you are kicked by a cow today, I tell you, you should go back to the farm. "

Aunt Shen walked to Xia Zhi angrily, and Xia Zhi sat on the stool without moving.

 Aunt Shen thought she was brewing there. After all, what happened just now didn't even last a minute.

As a result, I was stunned when I saw Xia Zhi's movements.

The movements were steady and firm, and the strength was used just right. The cow did not feel any pain, and it was obvious that there was a shallow layer of milk accumulated in the bucket.

Aunt Shen patted Xia Zhi on the shoulder.

 “Oh, hey! You don’t show your real face!

Not only are you not afraid of the cow, but your movements are so smooth, and you can make the cow docile, okay. "

Xia Zhi was shocked when she was slapped. She had to admit that Aunt Shen was really strong. The slap on her back was like being slapped with a shovel.

“Sister Shen, I’m not…”

Before she finished speaking, Aunt Shen had already turned around and left.

“Do a good job. I’m very optimistic about you. You must give me two buckets today. I’ll check it before I get off work.”

 Aunt Shen walked very fast.

While walking to the other cow, she slapped the educated youth who were working. Both men and women were scolded by her, and they were simply disgraced.

Xia Zhi sat on the stool and smiled bitterly, thinking that after get off work at his chicken farm, he had to work part-time at a cattle farm.

But for the sake of my own butter, I decided to endure it.

Maybe this is an opportunity. Once you get close to Aunt Shen, maybe the milk that is about to expire will be in your hands.

If one cent can buy 20 kilograms of milk, that would be so beautiful.

Xia Zhi daydreamed and worked proactively there. At first she managed to survive, but later on she became more comfortable and the cows enjoyed her strength very much.

 One person and one cow, the cooperation is absolutely perfect.

Aunt Shen took a look around and glanced at her watch. She was about to get off work and came back immediately to check her work.

 Looks like I can get off work early today.

 This is good news among the misfortunes.

As a result, I happened to bump into a female educated youth with a sinister look on her face.

 When he saw her, he whispered submissively.

“Team Leader Shen, I didn’t mean it. I just had a stomachache and went to the toilet. I’ll do it right away.”

Team leader Shen followed the female educated youth to Xia Zhi. The female educated youth exclaimed when she saw Xia Zhi.

 “You, why did you take my place? This should be my place of work.”

Xia Zhi turned around and met Team Leader Shen's eyes. An awkward smile appeared on her face. She quickly put her hands away and stood up.

“Sister Shen, what I just wanted to tell you is that I am not an employee of our cattle factory.

 It’s not you and I don’t want to explain it. "

 (End of this chapter)

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