Chapter 166 What’s more

Gu Han came back from eating in the cafeteria happily, and the two of them sat under the wall, eating and talking at the same time.

Ding Jiannan devoured the food.

Gu Han complained there.

"Jiannan, you don't know, that Xia Zhi Tai is nothing. It's him who made me sit in front of the sewing machine all day today. What if I do this every day in the future? Do you think there is any way to deal with this? Summer Solstice?”

Ding Jiannan listened to the whole story, and he couldn't help but laugh.

The Gu Han in front of him was a bit brainless.

 Children from cadre families have received higher education, and the brains produced by this education are not very good.

You can also use such low-level methods. You think that woman Xia Zhi now has absolutely no taboos.

Once a person is shameless, those who are shameless will naturally restrain their hands. He and Gu Han are shameless.

"Why are you so stupid? Why do you just use this method to find a way to get her fired?"

"As long as she is not an employee of the down quilt factory, she will have to go back to farming. Think about it. Is that kind of work comparable to that of an employee in the factory? What use will she have against you?"

As soon as Gu Han heard this, his eyes lit up and he couldn't help but lean on Ding Jiannan's shoulder and said.

“Jiannan! You are still smart, why did I forget this?”

“Yes, just let her be expelled, just think about how to deal with her.

 You have to use your brain. "

“Yes! No matter how I deal with her, it’s better than expelling her once and for all.

 But it seems not easy to get her fired. Xia Zhi has quite a high prestige in this factory and has friendship with everyone.

 It’s really not easy for me to cause trouble for her. "

Ding Jiannan finished the last bite of his meal, wiped his mouth, and handed the dirty lunch box to Gu Han.

 “Why are you so stupid?

Other than looking for trouble, what is the most common thing in our factory?

 It means that the workers’ hands and feet are not clean.

 Find a way to put some things from our factory in her cabinet.

This is self-stealing. The crime of theft is very serious. Instead of letting her go to jail, just expelling her should be the lightest punishment. "

“That’s a good idea, but how do I put the things in her cabinet?”

 Ding Jiannan started to have more bad ideas as soon as he was full and drunk.

“The window at the back of the dormitory where Xia Zhi lives is easy to pry open. When you go to work, I will secretly ask for leave and sneak over to pry open the window.

 Put something in her cupboard or under the bed so she doesn't notice. And then... you should figure out how to do the rest. "

Gu Han said slightly nervously after hearing this.

“Jiannan, is this going to be risky? What if you are caught?”

 After all, the two of them are unmarried, and their relationship between husband and wife is unusual. Gu Han is obviously more worried about Ding Jiannan at this moment.

Ding Jiannan said with a smile after hearing this,

“Daughter-in-law, don’t worry, I’m still planning to marry you.

 You can't let such a thing happen. At worst, I'll just say I have a stomachache and hold on to the window for a rest. Who else can say anything? "

 The two of them discussed it for a long time, and they separated only when they felt that everything was flawless.

 Over the next month, the two of them had time to rehearse and prepare over and over again.

 Xia Zhi felt that Gu Han didn't seem to be watching her so closely recently.

 She was also happy and relaxed.

I no longer have the job of a technician or a team leader. Instead, I suddenly became free and finished my own work. When I returned to the dormitory, I felt a little bored. Xia Zhi began to draw design drawings, although these design drawings are no longer her job.

 But this is my hobby.

 She had already prepared to go see Zhou Zhengan during her break.

 Zhou Zhengan must be very worried too, as she didn't go there last month.

  Next time I will not only draw design drawings, but also start writing manuscripts when I have nothing else to do.

  After all, she had some advantages in this regard in her previous life.

 At any rate, it was the most difficult time in her life. In order to find some extra money to support Ding Jiannan's health, she did a lot of writing and writing to submit articles to newspapers and magazines.

It can be considered that he is familiar with the road. Those royalties made Ding Jiannan's life comfortable in those years.

Even later, this **** actually took over his own pen name. After all, Ding Jiannan had read all the manuscripts submitted under the pen name.

In this life, I am just idle here. I might as well submit articles, earn some royalties, and still run a good business.

Of course it would be better if you could work in a magazine, but obviously now is definitely not a good time.

 But it does not prevent her from making a fortune.

  There is no time for leisure during the summer solstice, and today I hurried back to the dormitory after finishing my busy work.

 After taking a bath in the big bathhouse, I put the things in the washbasin into the cabinet.

 As I was putting things away, I suddenly felt like something was wrong.

Xia Zhi looked around the room and vaguely noticed that the glass window beside their bed seemed to be open.

Xia Zhi walked over and took a look at the latch. She clearly remembered that the latch was plugged in when she left today. She plugged it in herself before leaving.

 It is impossible to get Alzheimer's disease now.

 That is to say, the latch suddenly opened at this moment, and the window was ajar.

 Xia Zhi checked in the house again.

 The drawer is locked and there are no signs of being pried, which means no one has touched the drawer.

 After opening the drawer, I rummaged through the contents and found nothing.

Liu Zhiyan, who was lying on the bed next to her and humming a song, saw her mysterious movement and asked.

 “Xiaoxia, what are you doing?”

“It seems like someone has come into our house. Get up quickly and check to see if anything is missing.”

Xia Zhi went through his closet again. Usually this closet is not locked, and it mainly contains some bits and pieces.

 After rummaging through it for a long time, there was nothing missing from the cabinet.

 Apart from these two main places, they actually had no place to put them. When the summer solstice came, they didn’t even have a suitcase, let alone put anything.

After hearing this, Liu Zhiyan hurriedly jumped up to check, and suddenly found that the box under her bed seemed to have been moved.

“Xiaoxia, my box seems to have been tampered with.”

Xia Zhi hurried over and the two men dragged the box out, feeling that it was heavy inside.

  Looking at each other doubtfully, the two of them were almost stunned when they opened the box.

 The box was neatly filled with down jackets, which were not only neatly folded, but also ironed very smoothly, and there were also plastic bags outside.

 The expressions of the two people immediately became solemn. This was a product that their factory had sent to the warehouse to be shipped out.

 (End of this chapter)

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